To be fair, this might have been the most anticipated and built up development in the entire story. It's been in the works since the earliest chapters, and everyone was waiting for this decision point of "will she return or stay", but the way it's been handled is... poor, to say the least.
The brother is a giant cunt due his ludicrously exaggerated sister complex (and just in general, if his treatment of his supposed fiancee is any indication), the witch is a fence sitter who mostly seems upset with technology existing, Kanji got hospitalized(!) by his brother-in-law for quite literally no reason and seems barely upset by it, and Chris has reacted precious little to any of it, including her husband getting beaten to a pulp by her brother.
Overall, it's a highly anticipated arc that's being used for some very shittily written drama. The characters readers looked forward to meeting up turn out to be assholes and pushovers respectively, the conflict readers looked forward to is barely even addressed to make more room for farming and conflicts that don't matter at all (like, who actually cares about witch vs. technology/witch vs. mystical mana draining at this late stage in the story?), and despite this being the story turn in the making for most of the story's runtime, the payoff so far is pretty fucking weak.