Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Vol. 2 Ch. 17 - Ricardo the adventurer

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
that's the most NPC take I've seen all week. gz on being a smoothbrain shill.

EDIT: わわわわわわわわわ you're an atheist too, holy shit this is perfect ?
Shill? N i c e, do I get +15? What currency?

Meh memes, do you even know what a shill is? If ya are serious about the shill stuff... ->tinfoil
Btw. is being atheist the default position if ye'r just fresh out of the womb. Do you know the 'smoothbrain.tm' but reasonable theories how religion 'happend' aka came to be? Why is the tree growing? Why is the sun rising each morning? Might get dryads and a horse cart as an answer or more primitive stuff, continue with that stuff and you get more elaborate and recent religions. Basic school stuff in 'the west' for most people if they visit a school 'ere, nothing edgy about that. Whatever.

Now to stop being OT: I expect nothing harsh to happen and hope we got bamboozled but we will see.

E: So what is so bad about atheists? Honestly, no offense but I am expecting some meh tier answer and/or already 'debunked' stuff, inb4 I get no answer at all. You are welcome to pm me, feel free to do so. ;)
E2: Forgot to tip my fedora
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
If you believe that a government won't try to get their hands on some new 'magical' technology no matter the cost then you're simply naive.
The possibilities that people in power would have with this are literally endless, it's something that's scarier than a nuclear bomb (since you can influence things a lot more subtly without triggering a MAD scenario). This is not about good or evil, it's about pragmatism and power.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
If you believe that a government won't try to get their hands on some new 'magical' technology no matter the cost then you're simply naive.
Depends on the government, I think in most western countries... This would not happen since most people in the goverment (but not all) have certain morals and standards. Asking her nicely seems reasonable I guess. *shrug*

The possibilities that people in power would have with this are literally endless
I disagree, I think most people in power are like us. Would you kidnap her and force her 'to be a weapon'? I would not. Possibilities? Modern tech seems superior, but maybe I lack creativity? Sure, her magic is not detectable (and no apparent dangerous stuff on her body like a weapon is a bonus I guess), but could she escape a 'sabotage / assassination mission' or similar? What are her capabilities, her magical ones? Would be a one time use of her powers be game changing in szenario xyz? I assume that modern tech is far superior, at least compared to her displayed magic skills, mages on the other hand... May be dope.
Well, about going full 'lab' on her...

pragmatism and power
Power? Having the bigger guns is pragmatic imo, yeah. But power? If her magic amounts to almost nothing imo for what we've seen imo, where is the power then? If it can be extracted... Anyway, I expect an 'evil' dictatorship to fetch her but not ''civilized'' countries.

Guess I cannot tl;dr it more.

E: About the full-force-lab part, it's the same, I doubt they would do it without her consent (with consent I do not mean by blackmailing etc. her). Do we have goverments doing genetical engineering for uber soldiers? Maybe. Are they killing hurting people for that? Probably not in the west if that is necessary at all.

Somewhere in the future robots might fight wars... Guess people will still die, a lot of them, if a huge war happens. Yeah, we have war all over the world right now. :-/
Meanwhile my online footprint gets tracked, g''g'e analytics etc. is active on mangadex and so on. Corporate power, yay! o_O
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Depends on the government, I think in most western countries...
You need to read more history books then.

I disagree, I think most people in power are like us.
I believe that statement is unfounded. To add to this you don't need the majority to be immoral, a small minority is enough, as we have been proven by history again and again.

Modern tech seems superior, but maybe I lack creativity?
By what metric? The point is not about your perceived superiority either, it's about the fact that it is something unknown to that specific civilization. One will be able to perform feats thought of as impossible, and obviously there are no countermeasures in place against actions that are considered impossible.

If her magic amounts to almost nothing imo for what we've seen imo
It's not about her magic - it's about people learning how to use magic from her.

but not ''civilized'' countries.
All the civilized countries have performed atrocities far greater than sacrificing one woman. You underestimate human greed and curiosity.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018

>You need to read more history books then.
That's your opinion, we are doing okay 'here', right now at least imo.

>By what metric? The point is not about your perceived superiority either, it's about the fact that it is something unknown to that specific civilization.
Errr, current tech vs some flimsy fireballs? Ofc, more options are always good.

>It's not about her magic - it's about people learning how to use magic from her.
I assumed that only people from her plane could use magic.

>All the civilized countries have performed atrocities far greater than sacrificing one woman.
True but it is current year -> you can scrap the word civilized since every country did that. You can scrap the word country since people did that. Well, I reckon goverments which poison people with radioctive stuff to grab her asap, while I doubt that Europoor countries would do that, but I am repeating myself.

>You underestimate human greed and curiosity.
I do not. The state, at least a functioning one, is not the mafia. I assume that Japan has a functioning government.

>I believe that statement is unfounded. To add to this you don't need the majority to be immoral, a small minority is enough, as we have been proven by history again and again.

E: Europoor is a joke obviously since I am European, habit from my imageboard years where I also jabbed at 'Murkans as Fat- or Lardmasters, inb4 someone gets offended
Active member
Aug 19, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
That's your opinion, we are doing okay 'here', right now at least imo.
Well you obviously seem not to have read enough, considering you believe that governments will not trample upon an individual's rights if the price is right (this has happened more times than you can count throughout history, and not so far in the past either).
Errr, current tech vs some flimsy fireballs?
It's not about the fireballs, it's about the basis of magic and what they can do with that. As I explained, there are no countermeasures in place against something considered impossible, you can abuse this fact to no end.
I assumed that only people from her plane could use magic.
Don't worry, they'll make sure to try and find a way to reproduce this, even if it costs her her life, or if they have to clone her.
True but it is current year -> you can scrap the word civilized since every country did that.
Moving the goalposts are we? No true Scotsman aye? You also obviously lived under a rock if you believe government representatives don't abuse their power quite often (resulting in deaths mind you) and have your best interest in mind, all you have to do is watch the news, search on the Internet to find counterexamples to your beliefs. You are no one in front of the corporate and government machine. Even if we assume your delusional perception of the world to be correct and the government being made up of literally gods that have only the best interest of the populace in mind, then she'll still become a lab rat for the greater good of the populace.
The state, at least a functioning one, is not the mafia.
Yes, it is not a mafia, that however won't stop government representatives to trample (or facilitate this) over a person if the stakes are high enough, which they are in this case. You seem to forget that the government is made up of people, it's not some magical (pun intended) entity that sprinkles fairness around.
Active member
Oct 2, 2018
@criver developping countries have done shit that's just as bad if not worse than civilized countries. you don't need to be a big brain nibba to turn your country into a complete shithole.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>Moving the goalposts are we? No true Scotsman aye?
Nope, but nice try, read again from the start.

>You seem to forget that the government is made up of people
But that is my argument

>it's not some magical (pun intended) entity that sprinkles fairness around.
Well, a functioning goverment tries to function -> deliver a working state so the goal is to provide safety, goods and judical fairness and so on.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Nope, but nice try, read again from the start.
You don't get to decide the definition of 'civilized'.

But that is my argument
If I remember correctly you argument is that the government of a 'civilized' country would put her, an alien, before its interests and its populace's interests. Am I missing something? Because that's not how it works in real life.

Well, a functioning goverment tries to function -> deliver a working state so the goal is to provide safety, goods and judical fairness and so on.
That is for the majority of its populace. People have come to accept the fact that a system cannot be good to everyone and that there will be unfairness (even if the ones in power have the best intentions, which is clearly not the case if you consider the political carriers of people in power). The stakes are too high in this case, the power she brings is literally balance breaking.
Nov 10, 2018
Ok it's getting dumb* now maybe this is where I drop it



I mean offensively dumb because this was dumb from the start I could smell the dumbness
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Absolutely. Not only is she an uncontacted tribe/people, but she's from... an entirely different world/dimension/whatever. One with orcs/pig men. With magic. And who have a standard of living that Earth last saw when the Bubonic Plague was killing off most of Europe. Considering that she's been there for 2 weeks, however, it's unlikely she's carrying anything, but...

Lemme put it in this context: from Apollo 11 to Apollo 14, anyone who was on the surface of the moon or in contact with those that have been were put into quarantine. After Apollo 11 got done being the first manned mission to the moon and the astronauts splashed down safely, they got in sterile suits and immediately went into the Mobile Quarantine Facility. Despite Aldrin and Armstrong being the first two humans to walk on the moon, they still spoke to President Nixon behind glass in containment trailer.

And now NASA is horrified by how cavalier that they were with their containment/decontamination protocols and it's even more severe until environments are proven safe. The reason being is simply because if they are wrong and something uncontacted is there... the results of being wrong are far too grave to ignore. In fact, what would likely happen in this scenario where somehow the government officials were convinced that this was a legit person from another world that could shoot fireballs around and god knows what else, shit would escalate so fast that it would make your head spin. First of all, ex girlfriend would be quarantined. Her apartment closed off and decontaminated. Anyone that had contact with her would be tracked down and prevented from leaving and likely quarantined depending on the circumstances. Farmer and Knight Girl go into quarantine. Their home and farm is decontaminated. Sorry, but likely the crops will be dug up and burned. Anything that could be decontaminated would be. The real issue starts with "is this an isolated event or could more be coming and from where" - which isn't really a known thing. Meaning where ever she "emerged" from that they went back to check is also going to be under lockdown. And at some point USINDOPACOM/COMUSJAPAN and other various USFJ units (including the NSA which runs an ECHELON listening post at Misawa AFB, so they'll simply know from signal traffic) are going to start wondering what the hell has got the Japanese government running HAZMAT/NBC interference and media black outs out in the countryside of Japan. And once American military/government catches wind of "interdimensional visitation" and "potential unknown pathogens" and "manipulation of elements/pyrokinesis/'magic'" then anything is possible and you start going down black site/operation rabbit hole where things that never existed go down and never resurface or are talked about again.

"I don't think this is just about a quarantine anymore, considering they just cut his communications too."

That only makes sense. You'd be surprised by how often communication blackouts happen even in situations where you aren't dealing with potential security issues or hazardous materials. Think about it. What happens if he's got a live broadcast going on NicoNico or something and something goes horribly wrong? Or he starts to panick and tries to get the word out to the public and it causes a huge panic a'la the infamous "War of the Worlds" broadcast?

Unlikely? Yes. Worth risking? Not really.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
@Solzhenhasbeen @BirchJuice
"Protip: There are people like you and me in the 'ebul gubmint' too, not everyone is a crazy conspiracy nepotist oligarch facist gnazee lobby-ist-pig gut'ral makshistxD supremacist liberal-liberator reptilian. FFS"

Okay, okay, we get it. You're with the eternal middle-to-upper management as an FBI deep state operative and orange man is definitely bad.

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