Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Homo Sapiens

Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Everyone is saying the government is done with her? Ookay, there's this bridge in Brooklyn I'm interested to sell, any offers?

Also, so now they've confirmed(?) she's a regular human? Does that mean everyone else can learn to use magic as well?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
yeah... such bs, she wouldn't be free in rl, just the point, that she is a homo sapiens that uses magic is too much of a temptation to let her go free
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
well, i mean

magic can probably kill them all p easily, so it's most likely they're letting her go but there will be continuous covert observation
Jun 21, 2018
@Qelix her point of contact, discounting almost complete strangers, are two people, who were also in the same situation as her. Sure they could've broken protocol, but that is far more unrealistic than what happened. You don't introduce one isolation patient to another.

@Flavor25 I'm not complaining about people not liking the current arc, that's perfectly reasonable. What boggles me is that some people think that what they did to Chris is inhumane (it's not), she's treated like a lab rat(there wasn't anything introduced to her system apart from nourishment, as far as the story shows, while her performing magic was mostly for observation) among other things, and that's just stupid.

@Georg she was treated humanely, since they even took into account her preferences (they granted the food she asked for the first few days). The only thing they denied is letting her go. The problem isn't that she wasn't given means to distract herself, but rather that the things she was doing were entirely new, feels painful to her and she thinks as if they are doing it merely for amusement and that she didn't know when it will end, since even the staff didn't specify it. There's also the fact that they didn't share any status regarding Kanji's status until he called her. Both circumstances were unavoidable, with the former being from obvious reasons and the latter because they couldn't say anything definitive in case of potential complications that might happen to Kanji because of her contact with him.

What was unfortunate is that she didn't know the convenience of phones and that to her, what the hospital was shady as hell (just like what a person in the distant past would think if they were administered with chemotherapy kind of shady. It's for your own good, but look at all those side effects)
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 21, 2018
Yay, hopefully this sh*tty arc is about to be over. Now can we go back to happy farming time with isekai waifu like this manga was supposed to be before author decided he wanted to jump off the deep end and politicize the sh*t out of this?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@shouldsleep No...the things they did were not normal <.< Isolation and testing in itself is normal, but the inhuman part was the utter lack of concern for her mental condition. They also way over tested her. Because as they just mentioned in this manga finding a disease you don't know about is hard. Testing every few hours literally does nothing because you can't spot what you don't know. If they were really looking for a unknown disease, they would've run a full spectrum of test once, got samples -waited- a noticeable amount of time (like a week or more) and then got samples again and compared changes. Not run the same test multiple days in a row.
Active member
Aug 19, 2018
Reminder that IRL The Man would sooner kill your qt magical isekai waifu to keep her from defecting to a rival state than release her to live with you again
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019

We don't really know the nature of magic in this manga so a person could or could not generate more than 3kWh of fire (which is 2500kCal, recommended daily intake), if that person could then it is creating extra energy in the case of magic being linked to food.

If the magic comes from some fantasist sources like invisible matter, then we could just use that invisible matter to make some really powerful combustion (as a replacement for hydrocarbons, and that's really interesting) until we run out of it on our planet, it's not infinite but who cares ?

I think scientist would be also intrigued by how magic is used to convert energy (creating thunder or a fire) for many kinds of applications.

All of that is bullshit of course.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
Dec 4, 2018
the human body is something not very energy efficient.
worse to produce the food for daily intake is already expensive, if you want to double it to produce energy it is far from free energy.
A food calorie on our plate required the consumption of thirteen calories of oil or other fossil energy.

the only viable track is to find out where the energy comes from and how to recover it mechanically
in view of our current capacity in the infinite natural energy sector, I have big doubts

Besides, I think that they did their best to discover how it worked, they have use all possible means and find nothing.
apart from sending her on the ISS I do not see what they could do more

Frankly I've been thinking for years about a logical way of integrating magic into a story about a world like ours, the most logical thing I would find would be that our body would produce it from food or the sun
and even then the most logical would be to get the body more powerful, resistant and enduring for a short period of time
or to regenerate faster, but a fireball, without precise conditions and understanding of the phenomenon would be difficult
in any case a calorie of energy does not multiply by magic
for a calorie to become more than one, it would require a scientific understanding of what is around us, or even mineral materials, chemical to add to create a reaction
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Ugg this better be the end of this medical BS. If the focus of this manga is MC hanging out on his farm with his reverse isekai waifu, the author should have just skipped the whole "she needs to be registered" crap. And if there's some long term story reason, then it should have just been a 1 chapter exposition dump on what happened in the hospital ending with him getting the OK to head back to the farm with his waifu. The imposition of several chapters on this quarantine crap that's unrelated to the main focus of the story (farming and eating with his reverse isekai waifu) is really poor planing/writing.

Well since magic isn't "REAL", you can just makeup whatever rules you want that satisfy your story needs. If you want to come up with a system that still works without violating our current understanding of physics/energy/chemistry then you just need to add in some new resource that we have so far been unable to detect, or maybe doesn't currently exist in our world. In the case of a reverse isekai, the recourse is not present here on our earth, but is leaking in from the other dimension. Another way is that otherworlders can generate it (ie MP), but earthers can't/don't.
Another thing to think about is the creation or manipulation of matter that would need to happen to manifest the "magic". A typical fire ball would require the ability to generate heat energy, but also provide a fuel source for the plasma that constitutes "fire" (could be just simple breaking down of CO2 to C and O2, but you'd need to draw it in from a lot more air than you'd think depending on size/duration).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@shouldsleep uhhh no, after about a week, around the time Honami was released, they took away all forms of entertainment, and cornered her mentally by subtly shrinking her living space, because while she doesn't know too much about phones, she does know how to watch TV. Also, Kanji didn't call her, they called him when Chris-chan stopped eating, showing that they realize they are traumatizing her, and didn't worry too much about it.

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