Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Young hero

Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Why are you arguing over the bad writing? I believe it was obvious that this is a typical low effort isekai about 26 chapters ago.

I don't agree, and I think I'm far from alone there. The writing has actually been pretty good, considering, and the author did a decent job dealing with the possible repercussions of someone from another world coming to ours. It wasn't until the "Hospital Arc" which was pretty badly maligned and not as good as the previous chapters where a lot of people started to seem to get fed up with it. I, personally, felt the criticisms were a tad overblown for such a short arc and, although I agree it was not handled anywhere near as well as the previous chapters were. But I also see the narrative reason of it being there and, unlike 99% of Japanese authors, he took a risk and did something unconventional. While it wasn't a homerun, it wasn't a failure either.

Honestly, there's no harem, the MC's power is being able to cook better than the average person and people are written to act like people and not plot devices for the most part. That right there elevates it over a (possibly literal) mount of isekai trash that exists.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Typical wish fulfillment story, with one dimensional characters, and unrealistic interactions and outcomes. Is it better than the average isekai? Possibly. Is it garbage compared to normal literary works? It is.
As much as I would like most manga on here to be good and made by actual writers, they are simply not.
My point being that there's nothing surprising that you have inconsequential events such as her being labeled a deserter even if there was no logical reason for this, if you consider the quality of writing up till now. It's simply the next plot device that will come into play.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Right, so other people being assholes, excuses you being an asshole.

You're a naive child if you think myself or anyone else is required to show civility after someone drops stuff like "go kill yourself retard."

Gotta remember that. Wait, that should excuse me too, so you have no reason to be upset, right?

The fact that you think I care if you do is almost charming. I am far more upset over you bumbling into a fucking conversation that didn't involve you and telling me to tone it down than anything that other guy did. You can fuck right off if that's your aim. If you want to shitpost, however, I certainly don't care. Just be entertaining.

In your last post before I replied, in which you replied to kaminomikan, you accused them of:
Again, are you the fucking Courtesy Police?
Firstly, labeling it as "accusation" is... I... What the hell is with your word choice? This isn't the first time you've decided to oddly label something.
Secondly, they were. And I explained why. You didn't read and/or comprehend. That's not my problem, but you sure like to make someone else's.

Mentioning how magic works in Game of Thrones, has no relevance on how magic works in this manga. They are not the same fictional world, so magic would no work similarly. Thus, it is irrelevant. You write about the magic we've seen Chris use, and claim that is evidence that tracking magic is impossible. Which is conjecture/assumption.

Holy fucking shit, you're denser than depleted uranium. I never said that. I never even equated the two. This is where you show a lack of logical understanding and critical thinking where I think, and I am not kidding here whatsoever, that most grade schoolers would understand that argument better than you fucked it up. So nice job straw manning my argument and even misunderstanding the straw man. That would be impressive if it wasn't so embarrassing to see.

I even explained this, again, in the previous post to you - which you conveniently ignored. The point is to showcase to you that magic simply existing in a universe does not mean you can simply make assumptions on it. You almost literally (I am paraphrasing here, but don't you dare fucking lie to me that you didn't do this) basically said that they have magic, so therefore it just makes sense that they have tracking magic. Again, what the hell does "they have magic" have to do with anything? You simply just assumed that since there is magic, that what you've seen in other series applies. I'm sorry, but no, that's not how it fucking works and you should know better. There has been ABSOLUTELY ZERO indication of that kind of magic. It's not like you extrapolated an associated or similar magic to explain yourself. No, no. You just simply assumed tracking magic existed because magic exists. Again: magic exists in Game of Thrones and it's a highly niche thing. You keep thinking I'm comparing the two for SOME reason, even though I never did. It was AN EXAMPLE to show you how magic existing means FUCKALL to your assumption that certain types of magic exist and can be used... And you did just that.

I did not say magic was a big red easy button

I claimed that it was possible such tracking magic might exist. I have reason to think such magic exists, because it has not been proven to not exist. Thus there is also absolutely zero reason to think it doesn't exist. Note that everything I quoted came from your posts.

And that argument can be TOSSED THE FUCK OUT like the grade school playground reasoning it is on the basis that it is an appeal to ignorance and you're hiding behind trying to make me prove a negative. The burden of proof is on YOU to prove your claims with evidence or, failing that, with reason and logic. You did NONE of that. You simply claimed that magic existing alone is reason enough to suggest it's a possibility. Well, we haven't seen it. Strange, right? Well, we also haven't seen any magic that would operate on a similar basis - including them not utilizing it to find a potential deserter(!!! dramatic sound effect !!!) and daughter of a noble. FUCKING HMM, THAT'S INTERESTING, OR AT LEAST SHOULD BE TO YOU. To further cast doubt on it, we also know that more advanced magic, of which I think having magic just sense where someone is and show them to you would probably qualify, is something that is in the hands of trained people and it seems to be much rarer. And when it comes to Healing magic, Chris - in no uncertain terms - showed that magic has very hard limits on its abilities and even those that are excellent with magic can't make it do whatever they want.

Now... I've shown multiple reasons why such a thing that we haven't seen evidence of in any way, shape or form is unlikely. We haven't seen it used when it would be indispensable and valuable in their need for it. We haven't seen any other kind of magic that operates on similar principles. We even have Chris telling us that magic does have limits on what you can do with it. So, even in the UN-FUCKING-LIKELY case it does exist... So what? What the fuck does that matter? They could've even use it when they needed to use it in that case, so what good is it?

...And your entire argument on this was to defend her being suspected of desertion. Because... she could've covered her tracks. And because you didn't know the first god damn thing about tracking and you are so out of your element that you can't even understand how lost you are you came up with this dumbfuck argument about tracking magic. Which, even if it does exist, they couldn't or didn't use it.


I did not get confused in the slightest.

I almost passed out from laughing.

You made a public post on a public forum, which I responded to in a public post on a public forum. Get over yourself. If you didn't want other people getting involved in your discussion, you should have used a private message.

No, no, no. Don't straw man me about. I don't care if people respond to me, but you're responding to OFF-THE-FUCKING-WALL shit that doesn't have anything to do with your post, with your content, and you're blending it into yours. And you're playing morality care bear when no one asked or wanted you to do so, nor is it your place to do so. That's patronizing shit and actually more annoying than anything else in this thread to me. I have talked to people with dementia that are more coherent than you've been. And that's not hyperbole. Notice how the ONLY person I've been clearly annoyed with here... is you. That's saying something. And the reason for that is not because you're responding to me. Plenty of other people have. The difference between you and them is that they made coherent posts that didn't waste my time with arguments and points that make about as much sense and relevance as a drunk kindergartner. I even have more respect for the guy that basically told me "kys retard" than I have for you because, although his arguments were shit, at least they were logical and coherent. At least they were ON TOPIC. And made sense. Yours? Yours hasn't.

Now, I'm not sure what I expected from someone with such a user name. I'm done. Have fun trolling.

Low effort, low energy. Or you're so separated from the rest of us in reality that you don't even know about Vaas.
...Actually, it's scary to think that you probably are legitimately in the dark to the memes. You are acting like it's your first day on the internet.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@ criver
Look, while I don't really understood what was happening in this chapter but from what I got there is a war happening and some soldier that was send as a mensager dissapeared for a month with no notice of it. Even by real world standards that would be more than enough to declare such soldier a desertor, especially if there is no reason to believe said soldier was dead.
So while I agree that the writting is kinda lacking the reason you gave for it was not good as the situation is more realistic than it should have been.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Hate to tell you that, I'm lying I like to tell people these kind of thing, but you did accused others of making assumptions and using irrelevant points as an argument. While you may not like the word used doesn't change that telling someone "you are assuming" or something similar is a accusation of making assumptions, for example.

Also you are making the same mistake as @criver, she being labbeled as a desertor is perfectly realistic and expected by anyone with even a little of understanding of how a military force works, especially given the depicted time period and that she, aparently, was a princess.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@mahtan I have no idea what's going on anymore either. The 'Block User' feature is a blessed thing. Hope our resident troll has fun screaming into the void.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Hate to tell you that, I'm lying I like to tell people these kind of thing, but you did accused others of making assumptions and using irrelevant points as an argument.

Hate to tell you this, but I never said I didn't tell them that. You and I are talking about two entirely different things. Just like with cor3zone: what's your point? The difference with cor3zone is he was confused as fuck and THOUGHT that me using Game of Thrones as a mere example that you shouldn't assume something is automatically possible with magic as being irrelevant or an assumption. Or something. Honestly, I don't think cor3zone even knows what he was arguing.

While you may not like the word used doesn't change that telling someone "you are assuming" or something similar is a accusation of making assumptions, for example.

...No, not when they actually making assumptions, it isn't. That's no longer an accusation when you can prove that they did so.

Also you are making the same mistake as @criver, she being labbeled as a desertor is perfectly realistic and expected by anyone with even a little of understanding of how a military force works, especially given the depicted time period and that she, aparently, was a princess.

LOL, fuck no it isn't. Not in antiquity and not in modern times would such a scenario be realistic. And there have been a metric shitload of posts by myself and others explaining why it's nonsense that you and others defending it have not addressed at all.

And she's not a princess. She's a daughter of a count, nobility. PRINCESS IS ROYALTY. HUUUUUUUUGE difference in social status. This is some weak argumentation here that shows you didn't do even put in the basic amount of thought into it.

I have no idea what's going on anymore either. The 'Block User' feature is a blessed thing. Hope our resident troll has fun screaming into the void.

Either take your ball and run home or don't. Make a choice and stick with it.
Active member
Sep 8, 2018
A messenger sent out through enemy controlled territory and who goes missing is automatically labeled a deserter, instead of just MIA, possibly KIA? That makes sense.

As for arguments that "well they couldn't find her armor or any trace of her"

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If you argue they have no proof that she is dead, they have no proof that she deserted either.

There are still missing American Soldiers being found 70 years after the Korean War who died on the battlefield. Even if you say, "maybe they used magic to search for her remains" Well, if they have that type of magic, why wouldn't they use it to search for her living body? Why don't they think it's possible that she might have been captured and taken off?

Jumping to the conclusion that she deserted seems dumb. If they had evidence that she deserted, why would they wait a month to declare her a deserter?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@HOOfan_1 I think they are considered a deserter until their corpse is found. Basically guilty until proven innocent which is probably something their culture is based on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I gave up on this author writing sensible governments with the hospital arc. So rather than talk about that, I wanna know if I'm the only one that thinks the horse is the real hero and the dude just rides on it. Cause that horse knows freakin flash step
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@HOOfan_1 Might be that they have regulations that stipulate going AWOL for a month means desertion. Like others have mentioned before, could also be a political play by enemies of her house.

Regarding magic, it's also possible they can tell she's alive, but not where. Since she's in another world and all.

In this case, no evidence is the evidence. They know she disappeared. They chose to interpret that as she deserted.

I admit, all of this is just conjecture.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@cor3zone What's more likely? That your 1k assumptions hold - and even if they did, that should have been included in the story. Or that the writing is garbage? There's a pretty strong case for the latter considering all previous chapters. If you have to invent additional details to make the story work in the first place, you know that the author failed already. Not to mention that there's bs that's a lot more striking in this story, than a measly deserter vs dead argument (even if I think you are wrong on that account too). It's like arguing why kiddy cartoons make no sense.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@criver If you think the writing is garbage, don't read it. I'm not inventing additional details, I'm pondering what the case actually is. Since we were just introduced to this plot, we can't say what will or won't be included in the story yet. Since we'll find out eventually, I'm just having fun thinking about and discussing it until then.

You're allowed to think I'm wrong. I think you're wrong too. And I don't like your tone. Freedom of opinion is a great thing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
@cor3zone I would not read it if I had found something better to read, but that's beyond the point.
Your pondering what the case is, looks pretty much like you trying to come up with excuses for the inconsistencies. Which you wouldn't have to do in the first place if the writing was actually good. And it's not like you have a reason to believe that this would play out differently if you take into consideration all the previous chapters.
I honestly don't understand why people feel the need to meatshield for such garbage writing. You don't need a genius to figure out how bad it is, and it checks out with the author's "writing experience".
I swear that half of those arguments are because people feel personally attacked if anybody dares to criticize what they like, despite it possibly having objective flaws. People should start accepting the fact that it is ok for something they like to have flaws if any meaningful discussions are to be had.
There's a prime example of what I am talking about in your reply - you don't like my tone. And it's not like I am being offensive towards you personally, no - I am simply saying "bad things" about some manga that you seemingly like. And then you start not liking my tone. Reflect on that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
No, dude. Wheter or not someone is actually doing something they are acused of or if you can prove they are actually doing it doesn't change that you are making an acusation. It is not a matter of what you think it is just how language work...

As I said I could be mistaken about she being a princess, all I remember is that she was a part of some nobility and her status doesn't really change much for the situation. She is still a noble that look like she has run away from the battle. Someone disapearing in what is considered a "safe zone" for a month when they were last in a losing battle will be deemed a desertor, that is still in effect to this day.
As a mercy I read the previous comments talking about this and they are simply wrong because everyone was disregarding two things: 1- There is no indication of she being dead or that a battle has happened in the way she would take to deliver the message, 2- The path she would tranverse to deliver the message was a SAFE ZONE, as in the part of the kingdom where enemies had not reached yet also known as rear, which is why as soon as the guy in this chapter heard she was send as a menssager his first thought was "so she is safe".
The declaration of dessertion was correct and everyone saying it should be MIA is not paying attention to what they are reading while complaining it is badly written.
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
Oh, so we have an "expert" here who knows how governments would actually act when confronting a fucking alien (that looks like a human). Give me a break, your E.T. movie knowledge of how governments do anything is worth as much as the shit coming from your asshole. The hospital arc, while a mood whiplash of an arc, was sensible and probably how anything like that would actually unfold in real life.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
your E.T. movie knowledge of how governments do anything is worth as much as the shit coming from your asshole.
Way to go! Show him who's boss! I bet flinging insults makes for a formidable case.

You're disgracing yourself. Take a chill pill.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
She was not transversing enemy territory, she was transversing friendly territory as she was suposed to go to the rear and ask for reinforcements.
They waited one month to declare her a desserter because they were, likely, searching for her and the search took that long and found no evidence of she being killed o even reaching the place she was suposed to deliver the message. Lack of evidence for death is evidence for running away as there were no other reason that could be given to so much time without notice.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Even through less than pleasing means @bladestorm91 makes a valid argument that you did nothing to adress. Two in fact:
1- No one here actually knows how a government would react to someone from another dimension/world that can use magic showing up.
2- While a unpleasing arc, the hospital arc is somewhat realistic given what is public knowledge on how the government deal with a possible epidemic risk.

Instead of posing as being "superior" to others because you got your "feelings hurt" by their "namecalling and insults" try to find what the argument is and address it. Trying to "shame" someone so they lose confidence on their assesment of the situation is not an argument, it is just bad form.

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