love your PfPThis can go two ways
1. She's being genuine and people in the comments get annoyed when the mc will actually think about this cus manga
2. It's also an act making her an incredible sociopath which would be fucking gold
Welcome to the abuser mindset dawg. Often times they’re just unrepentant sociopaths/psychopathsI think...I think she's just like completely bat shit. Like, she ACTUALLY seems confused as to what she did wrong. She doesn't even realize she was abusive and horrible. Makes you wonder how she ended up that way, though I'm not sure if I want to see a "redemption" arc or not for this girl.
She's NOT a tsundere. Not in the slightest. The 'dere' part is 'loving' she's NEVER been loving to him. Never ever.This is what actually happens when you're with a tsundere.
Thanks, yeah I’m doing alright now. Both of my nparents are dead thankfully so neither can hurt me anymore.Hope you are good now.
This. It was made very clear she was aware of what she was doing, and, at least a little aware, of taking joy from the pain she caused him. So much she, repeatedly as I recall, brought others in to enjoy it with her. His realizing that what got him to break the cycle in the first place.Sorry I just can't take her seriously, nor do I have any sympathy, when I remember in the first chapter, she had him wait outside in the rain for an hour just to let her friends bet to see how long he'd actually wait there; and showed no remorse when he got sick and hospitalized and even insulted him for it.