Oshi no Idol ga Tonari no Heya ni Hikkoshite Kita - Ch. 3

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
@Babiapalah - Uh, do you not even remember what you yourself wrote?
the tag is clear COMEDY.
I guess I wasn't clear, or you're just purposely acting like you don't understand; but where did I compare comedy to snuff and cannibalism and sexual assault? I said, (or at least very heavily emphasized) even on THOSE KINDS of stories, it is can also be "tagged as comedy".

So, anyone with half-a-brain would be able to surmise that, coupled with my "comedy is subjective" comment, even the most screwed up shit imaginable is funny to some people. And because of that, it doesn't mean the content in it CAN'T be serious. Even Konosuba, Beezlebub etc have their serious moments and it's a 99% slapstick comedy.

Basically, what you're telling me, is that because there is a comedy tag, it justifies everything that happens. Because, no matter how screwed up the characters are, if the author makes the characters laugh, it's funny/okay to you. Which, again, is why I brought up those other things. I wasn't comparing, I was literally saying, that just because it's tagged as a comedy, doesn't mean it's not fucked up.

Now, full-circle. The reason why people are so disgusted with her is that no matter how creepy this guy is (and believe me, he's a fucking loser) she ONLY comes off as a sadistic bully that has no other redeeming qualities. You compared it to Nagataro, and, coming from someone that doesn't even like that manga, this isn't even remotely close.

To put it in perspective, Nagataro would, based on her personality, drop her panties and mount the mc in 10 seconds flat if he went alpha on her after teasing him. Whereas this girl, not only would she laugh at him for attempting to stand up for himself, she would borderline dehumanize him and for the next 2 or 3 chapters rip on him for even trying it.

That's the difference, here. It is irrelevant for her reasons as to why she is such a bitch. Because as long as there was something that redeemed her of the manipulation and god awful sadistic pleasure she gets from tormenting someone, it could be justified. But there is NONE. Her character is literally just there to rip on some loser and there are no limits to it. The only reason she even remotely seems apologetic is that it would mean losing a toy for her to rip on. They barely know each other, how the hell could she, again, based on her personality, give a shit for someone like that?

So, yes, she is mentally screwed in the head, plain and simple.

Edit: Oh, and this is just my two-cents. You like what you like, so if you have a reason to like this, all the more power to ya. I was just seeing what all the fuss was about for this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Babiapalah ugh that sounds like what an abuser would say "I am hurting you cause I love you" BS and usually the abusee will go and say "he/she does that cause they love me" this is how abusive relationship starts yeah it's "vanilla" similar to how other manga "vanilla" rape like haha the guy got raped here haha the guy is an idiot for being abused.

hey some manga can actually do it well making vanilla and comedy of serious topic this manga isn't one of them I notice that the once that does it well admits said characters are shit with that the readers know that even if the author is making fun of a serious topic it does not mean he/she agrees with said topics. Similar to comedy it's funny if a none racist guy make racist jokes but it's different when an actual racist makes the racist jokes cause you know their not jokes but a serious statement. another method is make reader empathize with the characters and majority don't feel that way the idol is shit and so is the MC interesting enough that's what outsiders see in an abusive relationship you don't understand why they still love each other even though one of them beat, ether physically or mentally or both, the other everyday.
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
manga is just for entertainment for me , that's all
and this manga is soft core, i have my own opinion, you have yours
i don't even read all those crap you wrote cause that will waste my time
we don't need to be smart to read manga , take it easy and enjoy
don't think too far , and thanks for your worthless "education" tho, lol
why would you say she is a sociopath then? that's what this topic is all about, but you make this complicated
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
i don't know why you take manga this serious , but we clearly have different way of how we should take a story of a "manga"
and you should search what "vanilla" means in manga context
don't take this kind of manga as a serious matter, take it easy and enjoy
i see manga as entertainment, if you take it as a "life is hard" reference than that's your problem
you should be a politician or a love guru
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
yeah, i like this kind of manga, i've read the pre-serialization too
but those comment from those smart-ass politician says she is a "sociopath"
they don't even know what sociopath means, but decided to say it , and the topic change to this and that
they will be a good politician , lol
Double-page supporter
Mar 11, 2018
Lol what a discussion.
Too serious for this manga.
But the girl is rather a psychopath than sociopath.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Babiapalah I guess that's the 3rd way to make a serious topic comedic make it absurd that it doesn't translate with reality this though is something that can happen in reality maybe not an Idol x fan but everything else can happen in reality like emotionally manipulative person x dumb person . making a serious topic realistic is fine and all if it's a serious manga/anime the more realistic it is the better the story but for comedy it's not that great.

There was a manga with a false accusation joke and because it was too real the manga got cancelled well the author actually stopped, because of the backlash from the audience, for a couple of years kinda disappointing because that manga was wholesome. he started making a new manga which is nice good for him but i doubt he'll continue his previous work.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
@Babiapalah - Then shut the fuck up and don't speak if you aren't willing to contribute to the conversation after YOU had an issue with someone else's opinion and said something. I just love the " herp derp, It's just a manga, Y sO SeRiOuS" argument. If you weren't taking it so serious, you wouldn't have made a comment about it in the first place AND CONTINUE TO BITCH ABOUT IT.

I answered your question, and not only did I answer it, I even explained the reason for my answer. It's not my problem you're too fucking lazy to read it.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
@Babiapalah - Don't message me. I already answered your question. Don't pretend to think you can act like pretentious little shit and be treated with respect afterwords. Oh, and, do the world a favor next time. Actually read what other people take the time to write when YOU are the one that started arguing with other people first. It may actually ANSWER your questions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Whip sword and rotten carrot.
Both of chara really lose to much screw.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
@Babiapalah - Just for the sake of my sanity, this is my last comment. I know you have yet to actually read my comment because as you have shown, you're lazy and expect to be catered to.

But, you CLEARLY do not need to tag someone to start an argument. You obviously were talking about other people when you made your first comment. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF YOUR COMMENT. I just simply replied, and tagged you because I was talking about your points specifically.

I didn't argue, I simply stated that "impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause". Uh, if that doesn't describe this bitch then I don't what does." I never once SAID she was any kind of "path" short of psycho and socio.

And I clarified that just comedy is subjective. And I ended on saying these kinds of things by definition can change, just like rape has. NOT once was I arguing. I was simply stating my opinion on what you had to say.

Afterward, YOU immediately attempted to dismiss what I had to say, in what is called, shocker, a difference of opinion and opened a debate.

As I said, don't message me again, we're done here. You've clearly shown you just enjoy throwing mud at people instead.
Active member
Dec 16, 2018
why so mad hahahaha
then , why are you TRIGGERED? lol
i can't even angry about all those crap you wrote, this is hilarious , you can make new manga based on your comments alone
who message you? do you meant reply your comment?
i know you just need this
enjoy , and keep your blood pressure low ... old age sure is concerning
*TRIGGERED* bahahaha
Apr 1, 2018
MC is such a sad sack of shit. I wanna feel bad for him but he is too easily swayed.

I'll probably just read this till they reveal why the chick is such a psycho.
Active member
Sep 23, 2019
If he does, she won't have her fun any more, so she'll probably just balance it just right. On the other hand she could just switch it up with another lowlife otaku.

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