Oshiego-kun to wa Dekimasen - Ch. 13

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2020
I’ve been debating this with myself for a while, but does this classify as grooming? The kid had feeling all on his own and she had a proper response to it. The only thing she didn’t account for was bro sticking to those feelings.

Anyway, holy peak.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2019
So I went ahead to check. Next few episodes follow up the kiss with next episode being mostly fan service

Fun enough tho, it seems like episode 17 (which will be released tomorrow) seems to be pay walled unlike the ones we've read up untill now...

So it might happen.... We'll have to wait
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2023
Well that was a fuckcoaster of a ride to get to that kiss huh? He really was breaking down cause he saw another naked body besides his sensei and she just poked him a bit much.

Granted, not enough where you have to explain that you snuck in her room and busted one out to her bra. Fucking hilarious to the idea that this started with him seeing tongue and the body responds : "yoo what that TONGUE do tho?" Let's see how good or bad this ends here.

Thanks for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
Honestly really liked most of the chapter until that last part, like how is that kiss that she wasn't ready for any different from his friend stripping in front of him in terms of sexual advancement. Both weren't ready nor consented to it
That's an absurd reduction of the circumstances, to the point that I originally questioned if you skipped chapters to get here.

Literally everything is different. Shou had no interest in Fujieda and made it clear, only for her to expose herself to him, forcing Shou to categorically reject her again.

Sensei-- who is only capable of deflecting, rather than rejecting Shou-- has a noticeably burgeoning romantic and sexual interest in him that she can barely suppress in their interactions (and has all but given up suppressing in her privacy). Like, look at her body language on the antepenultimate and penultimate pages of this chapter. Look at her verbal language. Tell me that's the same as what happened with Shou, with a straight face and pants not on fire.
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Feb 1, 2023
That's an absurd reduction of the circumstances, to the point that I originally questioned if you skipped chapters to get here.

Literally everything is different. Shou had no interest in Fujieda and made it clear, only for her to expose herself to him, forcing Shou to categorically reject her again.

Sensei-- who is only capable of deflecting, rather than rejecting Shou-- has a noticeably burgeoning romantic and sexual interest in him that she can barely suppress in their interactions (and has all but given up suppressing in her privacy). Like, look at her body language on the penultimate page of this chapter. Look at her verbal language. Tell me that's the same as what happened with Shou, with a straight face and pants not on fire.
My G thats not how consent works, Thats the same thing as saying girls using tiny skirts are giving you consent because through body language theyre seeking interest, you Will be charged with rape in most countries lol
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2023
it feels like a fantasy for lonely 30 something women that a young freshly legal hot dude would come at her place and say '' please sensei, take my virginity i've been saving it just for you, and i turned down every single girl, and even porn, you are the only one for ever and ever''
the only thing missing is the white horse and the roses in the background
I mean, that is exactly who the main target for this story is, hence the demographic.
The entire story has a lot of wish fulfillment undertones for core 20/30 lonely women (of which Japan has a FUCKTON, not far from Men's numbers), and there's nothing wrong with that. Of course, that doesn't stop it from being enjoyable for anyone.

That's what's good about the manga industry.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Sensei be like:

Dex-chan lover
Nov 1, 2023
Honestly really liked most of the chapter until that last part, like how is that kiss that she wasn't ready for any different from his friend stripping in front of him in terms of sexual advancement. Both weren't ready nor consented to it
same, just because he is a good looking person does not mean what he did is wrong
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
My G thats not how consent works, Thats the same thing as saying girls using tiny skirts are giving you consent because through--
What in the hell are--

Girls wearing clothing in public isn't even remotely analogous to two parties, with mutual history, in a private room, becoming visibly and mutually uncontrollably sexually aroused on account of the other.

What are we even talking about? The only thing she said prior to the kiss was "please don't tempt me anymore". Tempt him how? By existing? By speaking candidly about his feelings?

Two chapters ago, she was talking about how he's like a cake being flaunted in front of her that she wants a piece of but keeps holding herself back from on account of a nebulous "they".

She's spent this entire story trying to displace and deflect from her enamourment through these rationalizations she quickly burned through-- this chapter was the last gasp of that.

"But she didn't cons--" Look at her. Listen to her. She got a shock straight from her brain, to her chest, to her ovaries.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me accuse people of jumping chapters just so they can talk on the most current thing. Straight up absorbing the narrative like sheet metal soaking up water in a desert.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
What the fuck was that chapter? Like 1st half had some nice explanation and I was almost sure that MC would see that he's the same as that girl, only for it to follow up with wanking confession, Sensei having sudden ovaries tingles and guy basically assaulting her, what the fuck.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Sensei: "please don't tempt me anymore". :lewd:
Shou: "Bet." :chad:

What the fuck was that chapter?

It was a bit all over the place, but normal conversations in real life tend to be to.
  • I was a bit angry at Sensei for making his cry for help "all about her". And not being a supportive listener, even if she disagreed with it. Clearly written by a female author... unfamiliar with how guys work.

  • Then, the good part, she talked about how it felt for women in a similar situation. Which actually felt proper, adult like, and correct. So again, clearly written from a female author's unique POV.

  • Then.... we get into the territory where I can't tell where is manga and where is reality. There's the whole deal with consent, but honestly, Sensei doesn't deserve happiness if she keeps acting like this. It feels drawn out for manga drama's sake. Like we'll get 50 chapters of 13.1 13.2 13.3.... etc.
Honestly, I'd like to see them simply hook up at this point and let that post-hookup embarrassment be the driving force for the relationship drama. Not this refusal to acknowledge her own feelings.

Sensei acts and feels like a survivor of domestic abuse with some sort of DSM personality disorder rejecting relationships. (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), Sexual aversion disorder (SAD)) (Maybe that's the point.) Whereas, per current cultural standards and norms, (maybe Showa era, or before that,) Shou appears as a dedicated suitor.
  • Maybe current Reiwa psychological diagnosis would put him as slightly broken for not having relationship early -- with someone his age -- and parenting children to support the country.

  • Also, I'm half tempted to blackpill / anarchist / agitprop and start loudly SJW-calling her a "pedo". If that were true, my own grandparents were criminals. And my entire maternal side of the family shouldn't have been born... all 5+ grandparent siblings with 19__s-era mortality bringing down to 3.
My point is: people need to stop soapboxing about morals of their timeframe and mindframe. As they are moving goalposts that change over time, based on whatever political elite determines suits them at the time. (In WWII era, Russia offered stipends to mothers and medals to women who bore 10+ children for the motherland. "Mother Heroine" (link).) And willingly subscribing to that propaganda, without critical thought about context -- as what is happening to Sensei and Shou here -- gets to me.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
Holy peak, this is amazing.
Went off on a bit of a philosophical tangent at the beginning, but I’m glad the author knows what we’re all here for :meguusmug:

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