"Dude... Look at the tags, what did you expect? "
Nothing. The tags are mostly irrelevant.
What do matter, however, is the author skill!.
Even a harem-isekai would be a pleasure to read if it were to be handled by the likes of Togashi.
I came to this manga with no expectations and I ended up sightly disappointed.
" And, although there are plot holes, the character development is present, you just don't like. Which is okay. "
Character development for Katarina ? Where ?
Even for the side characters, their problems are solved right after they're introduced which make it hard for the reader to be emotionally invested in what happens.
"It is not made for everyone, but having it not fall into your taste, doesn't mean it is bad. And vice-versa"
That's flat out wrong.
All of the thing I mentioned could be integrated in the story without changing the chill, slice of life aspect of the series.
My problem with this manga isn't what it's trying to do, but it's execution, which is why I said : "This look like a
bad slice of life show."
It's fine if you disagree with me, but dismissing what I said by saying it's just not up my alley, even though I did point out the manga's shortcomings as my reason, is quite weird.