
Jan 22, 2018
@yarielist look bleach was made of "weak part" half of it running time (at least) and still I could enjoy it. I think I will be ok lmao
Double-page supporter
Jun 5, 2018
@lonewolf :
I already read Bleach, and it still better than this one ...
Go ahead and waste your time ...

There are no official release either for Translated LN ...
so yeah, probably already "dead" or "half-dead" now ...
Jan 5, 2021
I read all of the light novels, watched the anime twice and completed the manga so far. I am confident in my assessment that this is a dead or dying series.
There are a few reasons for this. I will list them in order of magnitude from the most cancerous to least.
First of all, while it is obviously easy to write about illiterate adventurers chatting idly in a tavern, it should go without saying that your readers do not want to see that shit.
Secondly, while it is obviously difficult to write characters who are smarter than you, it should go without saying that you can't just write about literal children playing house for entire chapters. You also can't completely omit all of the interesting activity being done by the guardians except to make mention of it that it's been done already. We had those great chapters following Sebas and penetrating into his psyche, those were some tense chapters. I really wanted to know what would happen next. Why is Sebas the only guardian who gets a side story?
Lastly, the total exclusion of meta is astonishing. Is the author actually afraid to explore anything meta? Why would you take such an interesting premise and overworld and write a slice of life? I feel like Fluder when Ainz took back his magic glasses, reading this. Fucking love this series despite all of that. It's good escapism, I find myself imagining what the guardians are up to and whether a super milky succubus mommy girlfriend will ever say ara ara to me.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
@Noodlz not only is it ahead, I skimmed through some of the latest chapters and it seems theyve spent well over a year for the goblin village arc bullshit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i just started reading this days ago thinking it would be far ahead of the anime, but WTH, the anime that ended years ago is still tons ahead of the manga!.

same as @Noodlz and @andreariona

what's going on?, why is it so slow?, are the LNs that slow to come out?
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
You know I would probably be fine with the divergences if they didn’t take up multiple chapters. I mean their fine but they take up a bit too much space
Dec 6, 2018
I guess I have to keep on leaving this manga for half a year or more before continuing reading it again.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
This manga is overrated. If it's not talking about ainz oaal gown army, then it's a boring story
May 15, 2023
The fuck is this garbage? How many perverted toddlers are there in the world to make this shit have decent ratings? Couldn't even read half of the first chapter with the level of stupidity of the story. grabs NPC tits just to test something. Fuck off.
May 15, 2023
Even that Ryan Reynolds NPC movie has a better story than this kindergarten crap lol
Double-page supporter
Mar 1, 2023
I really enjoyed this early on, it stood as one of the more interesting isekai-to-monster manga/anime but the later story arcs just got to a unpleasant point and stayed there, with Ainz all but abandoning any semblance to having once been a human player stuck in his video game character(save for pointless and nonsensicle inserts of game phrases once in a blue moon). The support caste is far more interesting but never get quite enough screen time to make up for the downturn, I keep hoping the main story will stop being so unenjoyable but it gets worse every time.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 14, 2020
The fuck is this garbage? How many perverted toddlers are there in the world to make this shit have decent ratings? Couldn't even read half of the first chapter with the level of stupidity of the story. grabs NPC tits just to test something. Fuck off.
lol. You don't even make sense. Putting 'perverted toddlers' and 'grabbing tits' together like that makes you sound really stupid.
Oct 11, 2020
This manga's greatest weakness is that it has so many neat ideas and angles but ultimately fails to capture any of them fully because the story is constantly jumping around and abandoning prior plots and subplots. For example, you have the Gamer trapped in his character in another world plot, which is pretty much completely abandoned after Shaltear is resurrected. You then have the lich world domination plot, but that keeps falling flat because the transition into that plot from the prior one is built on the misunderstanding trope. Which is one by far one of the most obnoxious tropes to build your story off of, especially when the tone is so serious. The world domination plot was honestly the best when we saw it from the locals' perspective, but they kept jumping around too much there too. I think maybe this could've worked if they had split this into two separate manga. One being the serious lich world domination plot from the people's perspective, then a second gag manga of the gamer role playing the lich trying to get his minions under control. Although the plot as a whole is so all over the place, I don't know if even this would save it.

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