BRO OMG I REMEMBER YOUR PFP! I think you were there when I first started in this stuff. That's insane. Nice to see you. I only did that to trinitylynn because every day for a week or two I was asking the 15yo boy that was the letterer for their team when their chapters were gonna get uploaded and he was like "yeah, starting on christmas there's gonna be like 1-2 chapters every day" yap yap yap. Kinda got annoyed since they not only wanted to just troll with the translations but they copied what the Portuguese team put, which was a huge game of telephone which lost a lot of meaning. They even copied their TL scripts so hard they would MISTRANSLATE chapter titles that were literally spelled out in English lol. Good times.
Sad to say I just said "nice to see you again" on Rigonda's chapter when you're up and arms about things you don't even know about. I thought you stopped TLing the series to go study Japanese, but it seems you just dropped Japanese completely and everything manga related. I'm not going to lecture you in every single point you're making and how they're all wrong, but to just give you a simple sentence on how you're wrong about everything, it's that you don't translate literally or you're going to sound as stiff as a board. Translating literally is a habit of MTLers. That is the difference between official TLs and 99% of the scan groups out there. Maybe one day you'll discover there is an art to translating, not just copy pasting.
I went so far as getting these images to shart on your MTL theories. This is the RAW vs OFFICIAL seven seas translation. Look how different they are. Straight from chapter 1.
There is a art to translating. Have a great day.
Also, funny note. I still have your deleted Discord account convo open with me. One of the last things you said to me was this:
How ironic. And right after that you suggested I copy Seven Seas' font.
Also this lmao: