I’m more surprised that her father wasn’t king and why did they have to wait for the current king to die before finding the next successor..?
His grandfather’s parents sure worked hard for that prince charming guy 😅
...and here’s me hoping it’s just lost in translation or that it might not actually the case that they’re related.
tho as if the whole romance targets being cousins thing although historically accurate is extremely unsettling
doesnt help they all seem pretty unlikeable
Aside from the incest, one guy is prejudiced and prone to irrational outbursts, the other is also irrational and pointlessly makes weak threats, and the grandpa's FOOLPROOF method of choosing a successor is through voting, but not by his people, instead it's by the rival candidates even when there's only 4 of them...? None of them are people fit to run a country. Such a stupid story... Is the creator an idiot? Lol how did a story like this get past the editor? I don't expect much from shoujo because I'm here for the hot MLs and the romcom, but damn. Couldn't you at least have your story make sense. Lmfao. Goddamn this pissed me off.
Wow I already hate the ML,,,,,The male lead is probs the silver dude,,,,The misogynistic ml will change his view on woman cuz of mc,,that's def the plot