Please don't have notifications tucked under username menu.

Feb 3, 2019
Please have notifications link at the top directly and not under the username menu, saving people from messing with pulling down a menu to check out every notification. There is plenty of space along the top for it to be there on its own.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 29, 2018
Not to put too fine a point on it, this sounds like useless feature creep.
Jan 19, 2018
Maybe clicking directly on the notification icon next to the name should go directly to the notification page as opposed to bringing down the menu?
Not a bad idea I guess.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Useless Feature Creep is what causes the deaths of websites. Because the people who have to create the useless features eventually go insane and somebody has to take em away to the funny farm.
Feb 3, 2019
I'd be fine if this was just for PC browser there is plenty of space on a desktop browser.

Exactly Oeconmist. It's a change of t the layout of the site not a new future. The purpose is to make the site quicker to use and all that need be done is move something over to another location. No ones refuted this benefit or shown any disadvantage.

It has a use, to save a few seconds of every user over and over again with no drawback. And again, since it's just a change of site layout for "desktop" which has plenty of space for it, super simple to implement too. You're going to go insane if one part of the page is moved over? Wow, you are super close to insanity then, and I doubt that will be the feather that tips you over.

@ AbyssalMonkey
Care to elaborate on "I don't like"? That isn't productive feedback when it is so vague as to lack any information at all.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
What is really to gain from this? To use your argument: are you going to go insane from not having this implemented? Just drop-down once and then right-click from there.
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
I'm against this too, because it's useless now and I'm prefer the compact design more. You nevertheless have to open the notifications in detail in another tab to know exactly what thread it is about so saving 1 or 2 more seconds is not that significant. Unless this sites notification system is more refined, showing you the detailed you need immediately, yes I'm not welcome this.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
The argument of @truepurple (the OP) could be applied with equal (in)validity to every element in the four drop-down menus, and even to the elements of the Settings dialog box.

A good argument would be in a demonstration of popular support for placing that element in some other location. Such a demonstration has not been attempted except to the extent that the posting of the suggestion draws reactions; so far, the reactions have been negative.
Feb 3, 2019
Does anyone dispute that there is plenty of space in the bar at top for the website on a desktop browser? The argument that space could be used for other items too? Sure. But people aren't going to be regularly going into their settings. And there's enough space for more than a few extra items. That "compactness" that MavB_Ver spoke of, I don't think the word compact is the right word, but regardless what use is it? For aesthetics? You think the bar looks prettier that way? Because you spend so much time looking at it? What practical use does folding so much under user name menu have?

Also this argument can easily be reversed. Why not just put everything under user menu since if it's good for one item, its good for another? Actually even if items just swapped places but same number of items at the top, that would work too. That generally useless and probably lightly used by few people "info" pull down takes up precious space that could be bare thus more "compact", whatever use that has. The Manga menu pull downs pretty useless too. The search bars already up there, if you're looking for new manga in a way other than the search bar you could use the MangaDex main page link. This is a bad web page layout IMO. Though it is true it is "unnecessary" to make it somewhat decent.

If you want a clean look, you could have the option of that bar at the top disappear altogether till you move your mouse over where it would be at which time it would appear, wouldn't you call that more "compact"?
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
They're with all the other features such as social and inbox underneath your name menu. I don't really like the idea of a notifications button, especially when the website is hardly focused around them in the first place.

The reason I said "compact". Imagine if we have your suggestion implanted, all that I have is "you have been mentioned by X in *random number*" drop list, not a single hint what threads they are about so I can choose which to view and which to pass, and it is so plain that I would rather have it stay together with other buttons like messages in the same menu. There are spaces, but that doesn't mean you have to use up all those spaces. Unless the notitfication system is revised to be much more useful, showing what I need, I'll stick to my opinion for the time being.

As for the search bar, I use it to quickly look for manga or groups that I already knew the names, not to search for new ones. The advanced search using tags have it functions too, not necessarily the same as the main page.

I'm not a fan of hoverable tabs, if anything it's annyoing to me.

You have your opinions, I have mine. Don't expect everyone to agree with you.
Feb 3, 2019
MavB_Ver (does it notify you without the @?)
I didn't say there was an issue with the search bar, I said the search bar makes this manga link
a pointless waste of page space. I do agree advanced search is useful, I think a button taking you to an advanced search page next to the search bar would be good. It could replace this
useless thing. (these are settings, should be under preferences tucked under the user menu, no one needs to change this stuff on the fly. Maybe this thing could only appear if you aren't logged in.)

And you didn't even mention the useless "info" waste of space
No one needs vague obvious rules page at their fingertips. Stuff like about and affiliates can go on be hidden away on the main page like almost every other website does, and it works well there.
Imagine if we have your suggestion implanted, all that I have is "you have been mentioned by X in *random number*"

I agree, that lousy system with the silly random numbers needs massive improvement, of course we don't need to reinvent the wheel, we could just use Disqus but I was told that was rejected for this crap. But that it will get better, that they eventually will fix this random number crap. That said, what's your point? 🤨 What bearing does that have on moving notifications out from under user menu? Either way it's the same problems

Simply click is still faster/better than click move mouse and click again. I mean the comment system already sucks as it is without any kind of threading system, the random numbers etc. why make having any kind of conversation in comments any harder by adding a requirement of extra cursor movement and clicking for every time you want to check what's been said? Is the extra mouse movement and clicking a big deal? No, but it's not nothing, and it is easy to make it unnecessary. So let's do that! How is it that this Manga and info crap can be up there but notifications has to be tucked away in a menu?!? How is this
and this
better than this

This websites suck ass comment system is part of why I still generally prefer other sites. I like having conversations about what I read, and this site is horrible for it.

P.S. I wasn't suggesting "hoverable tabs" but if it really burns peoples eyes to see the white bar at the top filled with anything, that could be a solution to their problem, (not my problem, since I don't have that problem!) making things more "compact", what ever use that is.
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
Indeed, the notification system is crappy enough on itself. This suggestion of yours may act as a good chance to urge the dev to improve it. Well until then, it's still a no from me.

Oh right, the settings there is just as useless, may as well keep the change theme and toggle H only and stuff them under the user menu as well.

The only thing I care about the Info is the rules, and maybe the changelog and stats, and it shouldn't be under the user menu. In fact, it should be at somewhere obvious enough. Thanks to it that when I first use MD, I read it no? No one needs vague obvious rules page at their fingertips, but I did though?

Same as the Manga menu, I use it when I'm not at the main page, and even if I am, I will still use it, except for the updates which can be easily accessed there. Oh but I like your idea there, clicking on the magnifier should lead to the advanced search, then the search option can be removed from the menu.

You ask if they are better than the notifications, no but they are all the same. To me, this idea is not that useful either. The good side of it is that the suggestion itself may intrigue the devs into making a better system, not the applying of it.

On a side note, Disqus may seem a superior system but it has it downsides as it is a plugin. There are times the plugin and even the disqus site itself won't load so it is such a risk to rely on that. In fact, this is one of the reasons I abandoned KM once they adopted disqus.
Feb 3, 2019
It's simple. Moving notifications out from under user name makes something that some of us might us a bunch (or would once the comment system becomes worth using) quicker and easier to use, with no drawback at all. Something having a small but tangible benefit and no drawback seems a no brainer to me, how about you?

Disqus a plugin? You mean for smart phones? I don't use any Disqus plugin with a desktop browser and that's never been a problem.
Power Uploader
Feb 9, 2018
About quick access to advanced search, the developers for this site can just remove the "required" attribute from the search box, then the search button takes you to advanced search if the box is empty. No idea what the required attribute is there for, I assume it was the default for the widget they're using and no one bothered to change it.
Feb 3, 2019
@kaza_hesto What is " "required" attribute "? I don't understand what you are talking about. Is that the All/manga/group/user menu?

Oh you mean the restriction that you can't search empty? That isn't a bad idea. But what if you already have a search item in there (what if the search box didn't dump your search term after running a search) and you want to expand to a more advanced search without reentering things? Then a simple link taking you directly to advanced search (while keeping your quick search terms) would make sense.
Power Uploader
Feb 9, 2018
@truepurple It's an attribute in the CSS for the the search box, code stuff. The required attribute basically tells your browser that you can't submit a form without the input field being filled out, and is why when you currently try to click the search button with an empty search box, some message pops up telling you to fill it out. Editing out the attribute with developer tools, clicking the search button with an empty search box takes you straight to the advanced search page.

It's kinda off topic but I mentioned it because you suggested an extra button for accessing the search page, was just pointing out that if the developers of the site wanted to, they could just remove the attribute and the existing search button would already take you to the search page, no extra button needed.
Aggregator gang
Nov 26, 2018
The drawback to me is that it is just as useless to show a dropdown list with no useful informations I need there, just for the sake of saving 1 or 2 more clicks. It's not worth a spot there as it is right now, am I clear enoguh?

Disqus is a plugin used by the site, not you. Hence it is an outside element that on some occasions it won't load.
Power Uploader
Feb 9, 2018
This seems to do the trick. Just adds a link, the exclamation mark indicator stuff probably will still point to the menu item i think, idk

// ==UserScript==
// [USER=0]@name[/USER]         Top level notification link
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  blah
// [USER=0]@author[/USER]       You
// [USER=0]@match[/USER]        *://*
// [USER=0]@grant[/USER]        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    let cog = document.getElementById('homepage_cog');
    cog.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<li class="nav-item mx-1"><a class="nav-link" href="/messages/notifications"><span class="fas fa-exclamation-circle fa-fw " aria-hidden="true" title="notifications"></span> Notifications </a></li>');

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