MavB_Ver (does it notify you without the @?)
I didn't say there was an issue with the search bar, I said the search bar makes this manga link
a pointless waste of page space. I do agree advanced search is useful, I think a button taking you to an advanced search page next to the search bar would be good. It could replace this
useless thing. (these are settings, should be under preferences tucked under the user menu, no one needs to change this stuff on the fly. Maybe this thing could only appear if you aren't logged in.)
And you didn't even mention the useless "info" waste of space
No one needs vague obvious rules page at their fingertips. Stuff like about and affiliates can go on be hidden away on the main page like almost every other website does, and it works well there.
Imagine if we have your suggestion implanted, all that I have is "you have been mentioned by X in *random number*"
I agree, that lousy system with the silly random numbers needs massive improvement, of course we don't need to reinvent the wheel, we could just use Disqus but I was told that was rejected for this crap. But that it will get better, that they eventually will fix this random number crap. That said, what's your point? 🤨 What bearing does that have on moving notifications out from under user menu? Either way it's the same problems
Simply click is still faster/better than click move mouse and click again. I mean the comment system already sucks as it is without any kind of threading system, the random numbers etc. why make having any kind of conversation in comments any harder by adding a requirement of extra cursor movement and clicking for every time you want to check what's been said? Is the extra mouse movement and clicking a big deal? No, but it's not nothing, and it is easy to make it unnecessary. So let's do that! How is it that this Manga and info crap can be up there but notifications has to be tucked away in a menu?!? How is this
and this
better than this
This websites suck ass comment system is part of why I still generally prefer other sites. I like having conversations about what I read, and this site is horrible for it.
P.S. I wasn't suggesting "hoverable tabs" but if it really burns peoples eyes to see the white bar at the top filled with anything, that could be a solution to their problem, (not my problem, since
I don't have that problem!) making things more "compact", what ever use that is.