I believe you're an idiot or a child and I will not be interacting with you after this, but if you think in order to feel confident in your sexuality or what you like it has to be porn I feel bad for anyone you ever date. Please learn and grow, bye.
everyone else reading this thread, I would submit that while the comment was intended to be tongue in cheek (although
someone missed the joke), there is truth to my suggestion.
- The name of the thread is "please give me a manga where people are confident in their sexuality or fetish". Almost all of the hentai that doesn't resort to tentacle monsters or something else non-sentient checks this box with at least one character. If it didn't, it probably wouldn't be hentai.
- Similarly, the description of what the OP is looking for is given as:
I want people who are like, I like this. I want this. Let's find this and then they do.
Again, provided the character taking the action is sentient, box checked.
I will also point out that hentai and porn are not the same thing, and anyone who thinks they are should probably stop hanging out on scanlation sites and skulk back to the YA fiction section of their local library, where everything has been reviewed and approved by the Citizens' Morality Board and is clean and sanitized of any sexual content. But those of you still reading to this point already knew that.