@MrKawaii@Glomoro Ommo Ommo.... Do I seem like a ferocious person? *insert aqua crying image*
If it's about DEGEN split, I guess there's explanation on our discord server... in #annoucements channel
If otherwise, please elaborate a bit... : )
I probably won't bite...
Just gobble you up at once like the sugar muffin you are... ;)
@Itida_Ariel_2568 To be fair, I don't think any of us ever thought most of the people on this site were particularly ferocious when we first interacted with them or saw them interacting with others, not until we also saw them go absolutely apeshit on some other person.
Saw that the other day somewhere on this site. The entire thread got locked because two people couldn't take it to private messages or block each other or something. That's the kind of drama a piece of constructive criticism summoned. Asking why a group split felt like a coin flip on being fine or being a rock thrown at a hornet's nest, y'know what I mean?
@Glomoro Ah yes, yes... I get what you mean..
However, at the same time I also get the curiousity of the user MrKawaii. In this case, you can conclude that this thread won't end up getting locked. : )