You are all Celestial Beasts who give blessings, so I offer my humble thanks....<coins in the offering box, bow twice, clap hands twice, ring bell, give gratitude, clap hands wonderful stories!>
I just double the delay request times in HakuNeko. Hope this helps.
It's been a year since last time I would donate again, but BitCoin puts me off. Too volatile. Very large swings for no reason. Just look at DOGECOIN. It's a joke coin, but REDDIT made it a fav.
Wish for an alternate payment method.
I don't know what happened, I suddenly got log into another user account, someone with the name Jessyjarjar. It's good that this is just a manga site, else we'll have big problem here.
The rate limits are set so that no actual human would hit them. If you are just reading manga on the site it will make not a single iota of difference to you - unless you happen to open a crap load of tabs at once from a bookmark folder for some reason. They only really affect automated downloads. For example bots, apps, scrapers, etc.