Ragna Crimson - Ch. 76 - God's Trial

Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Well, looks like things are getting more morally gray and complicated, to say the least.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Probably the implication here is that Bagram is trying to coexist with humans in his way. He did seem to loathe the heads of the other bloodlines. But it also seems like that city is getting wiped out the second the dragon god compels Bagram to do so. But could it be that the reason it hasn't happened is that Gehenna disrupts the link to the god or something along those lines?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2019
Interesting. We getting a lot of Grey topics on this arc.

I'm pretty sure what's happening with the sun cult is from sheer desperation to survive the war against the dragons. The real question thou, are they really still fighting for humanity or have they become automatons that are design to fight the dragons until they get wiped out somehow? This clowns are so focused on fighting dragons that they didn't bother to do anything when another nation got wiped out by the dragons.
Mar 5, 2019
I wan this manga to be weekly, the plots are too good for monthly. Anyway, I think they threat human in Gehenna like humanstock. They just keep their food alive
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Crimson demonstrates dragons have been capable of being semi coherent when dealing with humans the whole time through some unknown means. Ultamatia's breakdowns and generally weird hypocritcal behavior also show the control isn't perfect. Maybe this place is some middle stage where they can't rebel against the king, but still have the self awareness to doublethink themselves into not harming people within the city?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 12, 2019
Scary part is, Soldier saint is wrong. That's how wars were fought. Nationalism to risk your life to defend your country was brought from propaganda, education system. When you can't instill nationalism to your citizens, they just leave the country when war happen, like Ukraine right now.
Is it plausible to apply these ideas here? I don't know if the story changed what it established at the start but iirc there are only small pockets of humans resisting here and there, the rest are either dead or enslaved by dragons.
So it's not like you can run somewhere else when, as far as you know, you're the last standing bastion of humanity where you live.
Also, if the number of people is limited, meatgrinder tactics are not really the best:
  • Is the only way to make Third Grade guys by almost killing Fourth Grade guys? If so, isn't it better to do so in a controlled environment instead of throwing them into real combat situations?
  • If you can create Third Grade guys with tactics other than beating people to a pulp, then It's better to train people who are more apt to combat and focus your attention to these more talented individuals. Make the less talented ones work in other necessary areas like logistics.
Maybe you can even try and develop some kind of way to use them (4th Graders) in combat with armament that require less training and are safer than melee. Firearms do exist in this world, but even if people don't know how to reliably make them, why is no one using bows, crossbows and cannons? There are a lot of weapons in history that where effective and easy to learn, way easier than swords... Almost everything is easier to train someone to use than a sword.
I understand that projectile weapons are probably useless against the raid-boss level dragons, but in numbers, they probably would take down smaller and mid-sized dragons.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
are you blind or ACTUALLY BLIND??? the idea that dragons don’t just eat humans like snacks is insane LMAO
I mean there's clearly a line that they cross though in their system and the results have been questionable outside of sustaining their organization. They have reclaimed no lands defeated no kings nor raised a proper army to ensure defense. We also know in the future as soon as their leader dies they completely apart.

They are needed as the only opposition to the dragons but as an organization their methods are questionable at best and completely counterproductive at worst. Im obv not dividing the dragons and sun cult into a black and white. Dragons feed on humans and have no issues cultivating or exterminating them and need to be stopped but Im on ragna's side on the issue.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
Always liked that the author still makes the dragons more complex and not completely evil characters even if as a whole they're pretty messed up. The Sun Cult (and Crimson) also tend to complicate things.
So far they've been pretty unambiguously evil tho. Not a single one particularly minds killing humans
Apr 7, 2024
Now it's really complicated
I say this is better it just shows that both sides are stupid and they're both looking for an excuse to keep fighting each other. They both could be in space but rather fight club.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2018
To be fair we haven't really seen the Bloodline of Roars partake in any atrocities willingly and were traditionally known to be on the defensive. Mist dragon in the 1st stratum was feeding his pet a corpse it seems but it could have been the corpse of a criminal from the underground city or an intruder. Though Tina and Lapi assisted Banko at the discretion of Sigmalio and the "alliance" of the dragon kings yet it seemed like Bagram did not want to have his bloodline involved with the battles. As the only 2nd generation king left, Bagram expressed he felt the other kings just viewed him as a replacement and don't really mind using the Roars bloodline like foot soldiers. Definitely does feel like the author is trying to set up Bagram and his bloodline as a non-aggressive faction on the dragons' side and it'll be interesting to see the clash between them and Ragna who believes all dragons must die.
Ragna has only seen dragons committing vile acts towards humanity so far but wonder how he will feel when discovering a city protected by dragons and humans being treated better than how the Sun Cult treats the humans under them.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 15, 2019
Envy's a dangerous thing, and Ragna's lack of social understanding is his personal nemesis. Neat, though, a city of humans and dragons living beside one another. That definitely won't end terribly!
Thanks for the translations so far!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
Ok, that ending was really unexpected. I can understand why Crimson doesn't want for Ragna to find out

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