Random Chat

Dec 10, 2019
Can someone confirm if I get it right?
Sungah is using her friends and fake actions to make herself victim and to destroy Junwoo school life?

Well and I thought that Sungah was just typical princess living in perfect world bubble. I mean she was almost always treating him badly and was waiting for her prince from random chat at the same time.
Unlike both Hamin and Yuri which stand up for him with honest intentions and feelings.

But damn this? I mean for sure she should be angry on him for lying, but at the same time Junwoo helped hell a lot and was sincerely nice to her.
I like this twist, because it should mean that Sungah won't be final/title girl after all and this story won't be Cliché.
Apr 2, 2019
I heard some rumors that
Hamin is about to become worst girl.

Can anyone confirm or deny?
Jun 15, 2019
Ok sungah is a bitch and I never liked her but her having a reaction is normal. I would understand if she ignored him but what she did was too much and saying she’s unstable is an excuse. Is she mad because the Mc wasn’t the Prince Charming she dreamed of? It’s not like he led her on; she never said she loved him(if she does like him) in the chat; I knew sungah was just too normal in a story full of characters with problems. The prez needs to be punished too idk why he doesn’t like the Mc tbh

The drama is kinda understandable but the three people aiming for the Mc is not. Are they sungah group? If so where were they when she was in trouble? Are they the school discipline committee or something? If so where were they when other schools was fighting their school and shit? I don’t see how them aiming for the Mc in this arc will make any sense unless their from his old school, the president called them or they like hamin lol

I honestly think this arc is needed though if it gives the Mc confidence; making him love and respect himself more/connecting with his friends and taking out all the unnecessary characters like the prez, sungah and her friends, and the other students while only focus on the development of the Mc and his friends( I think the author will make him forgive sungah even though I hope he doesn’t).
Jul 6, 2018
I haven't even seen the latest chapter yet but I would say that I expected nothing less from Sungass.
Jun 15, 2019
Yoo this was a good chapter compared to the last one. Y’all saw how hamin looked at sungah bitch ass? That’s why I love her she a real one.

I really don’t understand sungah’s mindset she looks like she’s determined to kill him or she’s looking at trash. she’s acting like he abused her; she’s going to end up hurting herself(even though Ik the author will make Mc forgive her). Her “best friend” and the prez are both hiding their real personalities from her and she doesn’t even know it

I still don’t understand how these 3 people are relevant in this arc. Soo many people was getting hurt at the school and sungah got harassed a couple of time and these people was never there; all of a sudden their the avengers of the school. I just want to know who they are and why their aiming for the Mc. What is sungah goal In doing all of this? She wants him kicked out of school or something? Or is she being used by the prez and her best friend because Ik they don’t like the Mc for some unknown reason.
Feb 28, 2018
Maybe they're not related to Sungah but Han-Sol (Sungha's friend)? It would explain why they didn't show up when she was being bullied by Yorim since Han had no idea of that until she returned to school. We have seen what Han did to Yorim (The girl that bullied Sungha) so perhaps she's trying to do the same to Junwoo in order to protect Sungha? At least it looks to me that way. I will have to wait for translations to see if I'm right.

Prez is a manipulative ass.
Jun 15, 2019
Yea I agree with that, the friend feelings for sungah is not normal. I hate sungah so much that I can’t hate her anymore lol; she’s the typical shojo FML without plot armor. The friend and prez are using the situation to take care of the Mc(idk why they don’t like him) and sungah just went to far. She trusted some stranger on random chat more than her friends doesn’t that mean something? She has the right to mad but she’s also the at fault; she’s the one who started bringing her life problems in their chat, she the one who sent pictures, she’s the one who believed he was her Prince Charming.
Jun 15, 2019
Yooooo, I was worried about this arc when it first started but damn I’m loving it so far. This arc was definitely made to grow the Mc’s character and show who really care about him

Sunga travelled back 5 years into the past with that slap. Lila did us justice and who tf is going to bully Lila crazy ass? Lmaoo

I just want to know why tf sungah is so mad? I would understand if u hate him but she’s literally trying to destroy this man. If her friend really cared about her shouldn’t she know that somethings wrong with sungah?
Feb 4, 2018

heard some rumors that
Hamin is about to become worst girl.
Can anyone confirm or deny?

I just want to ask a question to you :
Why the hell you listen to obvious trolls on reddit when you can just read the raws and see for yourself, especially now with the new arc ?

These ppl are just salty shippers who are mad that their favorite character wasn't even in the top6 characters in the last pool.

The worst girl is
in the title, aka Sungah, since the beginning. She was made to be hated and to be a antagonist since the 1st chapter, and we see the results now.
Sometime in the future, you will maybe even see her try to steal Junwoo from Hamin and confess (becausehey, junwoo "confessed" before, so why not ?) after he forgived her.

She is not called Sungass for nothing after all ;)

Hamin is
literally the reason Junwoo didn't broke and did something terrible such as suicide thanks to her support since nearly the beginning of this story.
My theory is that she knew Junwoo even before this story started, and maybe even Ramchat too.

People calling her worst girl should just stop reading this and read Nisekoi or other crap harem rom-com, it's better for them.


Well, like i said before, we should be on the 2/3 on this story, now that most of the things start to get resolved.
Mar 12, 2019
Can someone give me a summary of chapter 110,111,112 conversation?
I have already gone through the raws... didn't understand how there conversation went...
Jun 15, 2019
I just read the translation for chp 109 and I have to say sungah is crazier than I thought. She’s been spamming the Mc like an obsessed gf and using real money to find him. I see why the Mc was forced to reveal himself. Her eyes has been the scariest thing in this arc in my opinion; she looks like she ready to risk it all.

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