He eats corpses of all shapes and sizes to gain power, but the queen wanting to flick her bean while licking his tableware is where he thinks someone has gone too far. Just go hit that like an asteroid wiping out dinosaurs and get it over with.
@Chizan From what I remember they are skipping over some stuff that was in the novel, but none of it was plot important and mostly just added flavor/feel. It would have really bogged down the manga to include it.
Why are the MILF Queens always such fun/great characters?
if this is how the queen acts when thinking he is blessed by the god of the dead sea, just think how she will act when she learns his actual god is the great god of origin an demise
@Mandeer IIRC, MC tries to stay as far away from the queen as possible since she's batshit crazy. There was some "negotiations" that went on but it's pretty open for interpretation.
Exact lines is something like this:
After that, I made a different agreement with the First Queen [...]
I yielded to an overwhelming sense of intimidation and hot atmosphere, but I won't go into detail.