Re:Monster - Vol. 7 Ch. 63

Sep 9, 2019
Previously our MC only ate people who attacked him or non-sentient monsters. The only exceptions were non-humans like the orcs, although even then they were HEAVLY demonized, being constantly mentioned that they had killed adventurers or raped human woman.

Now? Our MC murders someone that is not only non-hostile, but FRIENDLY. Someone who very may well have been an ally, but since he's not a woman, who cares? Only the barest of excuses is used, that they MIGHT have been used by the noble faction in the future. And even then, MC was LOOKING for them SPECIFICALLY to eat them. BEFORE he learned whether they were good or bad, independent or pawn.

So don't say that MC was always a monster. The MC never killed innocents before. He may have killed anyone that attacked them, or neutrals that COULD be considered hostile like the Kobolds and Orcs. And sure, he ate a goblin, but ONLY after that goblin attacked him. He ate elves but again, ONLY after they attacked him. The ONLY non-demi things he ate that had NOT attacked him were ALREADY dead. He NEVER ate potential allies, even in his previous life from what we know.

This point in the manga DEFINITELY crosses the moral event horizon. These people did NOTHING to threaten him, or his people. He stalked, manipulated, and murdered them for their abilities and taste. Nothing else.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
page 4 : "the color of your skin ( black , white , yellow , brown) ... show how you would be upper class" . saying this line in the modern world and you will be in jail . the author is a raci$t ? lol .

page 7 : just saying only 1 single line and bakayaROU the b!tch makes the heroine blushing and falling in love with him . the plot of this dating sim game is so lame .

page 8 :
- mother : i want the c0ck of that animal so bad .
- daughter : wow , you go off , mother . you are so funny . you are a good , caring mother .

page 18 :
- gunner : please marry me , and we will live happily ever after .
- nice way to raise a lot of death flags , you brat .

page 19 : i guess you can say : bakayaROU the c0ckroach is "penetrating" a man with his long , big , thick , hard , sharp "spear" , lol .
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
bakayaROU the c0ckroach 's excuse / justification is so lame , it reminds me of this dumb line :

- Batman : Superman has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there’s even a 1 % chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty… and we have to destroy him.

- bakayaROU the c0ckroach : these 5 innocent peoples have 1 % chance that they will probably be my enemies in the future , maybe , so i have to kill them and eat them now .

by his logics , he should just kill every living creatures in this world , including his wives and children , because everything has 1 % chance to be his enemy , lol .
Dec 12, 2018
@OneArmDude, yeah, I agree with you the most here. After multiple readthroughs, and reading continuously to this point in one go, this chapter was a fairly sharp moral shift for the MC. The MC's been kind of grey, but he had his own moral code of sorts. We've seen him kill/torture enemies, but he doesn't murder complete innocents, which is how he's been able to coexist with humanity to this point. I'm curious to see if the author will explain this in later chapters, the only explanation I have is that his new species/class is altering his mind somehow.
Mar 25, 2020
Why are people mad about him killing these people?
I can guarantee you they werent mad when those demihuman or nonhuman people died earlier in the story thats for sure
And there's justification anyways, they are the noble faction, he is with the princess, his employer mind you so im pretty sure that was her order anyways.
Do people have shit for brains? Theyre a fucking mercenary company.
Sep 9, 2019
As far as I know, he only killed/ate those that:
1. Attacked him first
2. Were auto-hostile like Orcs
3. Were already dead

MC already admitted he wanted to eat participants in the arena, but that it wasn't a good time *yet*. Hell, I'm not convinced he won't eat one of his wives if they were to die. He clearly regretted not eating Velvet, as much as he respected him.
May 6, 2018
I’m not saying he a murder hobo I’m saying he been changing a good bit with every evolution he was humble before by the sky deer but it this doesn’t change the fact he wants to be strong and the best why to do it is to eat an it doesn’t help that with his different tastebuds humans taste good to him but he not looking at all humans as an all you can eat But rather the your strong and/or unique let me have a taste if you only look at his human aspect you’ll forget that he is also a monster and they have certain instincts so he hasn’t changed much in terms of personality but rather his body has changed a hella lot which will effect some judgement
Dec 16, 2019
Yeah, Aporou is a monster, a predator/serial killer and an asshole...
I don't mind that, I have seen interesting protagonists with less morals than him. Main problem is there is never anything at stakes for him. Last time he got a real challenge was against the Bear King when he lost his arm (and even then there are no real consequences as he replaced it).
May 16, 2020
@riger he didn’t hold back from eating the guys fighting the Fomors out of goodness, he felt a threat to his life and figured that since he already got the bodies of the giants and their king he should be satisfied with the loot and not let his gluttony kill him.

And let me remind you that he caught two Kobolds around Day 40 and made them cough up the information about their village, shortly after he notes he should raid the village (which has non-combatants). They come to his base on Day 60 at night with a horde of skeletons at their back, he initially decided to eat them (including elderly and children; may I add that unlike Orcs, Kobolds are very human-like), but decided against after they offered their loyalty and considering recruiting them has more value.

The only reason why he never ate innocent people is because they’re too weak; the (economical) losses far outweigh any possible gains. Same goes for why he never seems to eat named female characters, he does eat women in fact but they’re mostly part of the human army that attacked the forest, so far he met two moderately strong female characters both more useful alive: 1- Therese (Female Knight) He recruited her because she was a military commander of the Human army and a noble (Intel) plus her future potential. 2- Kaede (Female Saumrai) At first he wanted to eat her, but held back and decided to recruit her because he knew that otherworlders can sense each other and he thought of using her as a fishing net. He meets and eats a lot of names female characters in the future though.

Btw, this is probably the first and last time he hunts non-dungeon sapient creatures unprovoked, mainly because it’s very hard to find them aside from events like this and that he’ll soon evolve, which will make hunting them not worth it.
Apr 26, 2019
I have a question which can either make the MC a idiot or evil to the core, does he have to kill the person to gain the ability? Could he just take off a leg or arm then heal them back? Was there any reason to kill them for such ability?
Oct 10, 2018
@tamerblur Of course, surely they would happily give him their limbs right? They also wouldn't retaliate or seeking revenge in the future right?
May 16, 2020
@tamerblur he doesn't need to kill them, but the chances drop greatly if he doesn't eat the brain and heart, not to mention that he isn't capable of wielding healing magic that can regenerate limbs yet (neither can the saint lord, Seiji), magic that can do that is a big deal, those who can use it are one step away from divinity (so basically no one in the current setting, they may be healers who use a combination of weaker spells to regenerate a limb over a long period of time though) , the other way would be using an Elixir, basically an ultra rare super recovery items that can cause war (remember the human-elf war, yeah it was because of one).

And you're still overlooking the fact they won't just look away after getting what's torture, he did this to a Cyclop in chapter 58, he ate it alive, and I'm quite sure he didn't enjoy the process. Then again, doing this is very inefficient, he may get only a single ability after tons worth of their meat, lastly as I said before he can't do it anyways.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
thats ice cold man. Homie was just a happy go lucky lad and ya had to merc him.

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