Reader zoom issues [Fixed]

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May 3, 2023
Since it isn’t very compatible with some browsers (it causes the page to move around rapidly when I try to zoom in when using safari on mobile), can we have the option to disable mangadex’s zoom feature?
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2023
Chrome Android: When using pinch to zoom while scrolling longstrip form, it shakes like crazy and a [Reset X] button appears blocking view, and when pressing it it just seems to kindof go away and move my view a little bit. Basically makes it impossible to scroll or navigate while zoomed in anymore.
File Attacher
Super Moderator
Jan 20, 2018
Chief Gamer said on Discord: ->

Hello mangadex was just updated a few mins back? The page zoom has changed. Now it tries to fit in the square box while the outside remains the same and it's not working properly. It keeps glitching.
Is there a way to change it back?

Tristan 9 said on Discord: ->

Nope. We'll work on it though; at the moment whether it works well or not is quite browser-dependent

Chief Gamer said on Discord: ->

I see. Please do. It was much better before. Because it's trying to fit in the square it keeps zooming un-zooming or moving the entire page just a little left or right when zoomed.
Why did you change it though?

Tristan 9 said on Discord: ->

because before it'd zoom the whole tab instead of zooming the image
and the latter is what it should do

Chief Gamer said on Discord: ->

Yes but that worked best. Since there wasn't any clash between the inner square and the whole tab. But now even when I have it zoomed in all the time if i try to scroll right to left it gets scrolled even further right. Trying to scroll a bit back it gets scrolled even further back.
Also if it's near the boundary it keeps glitching.

Tristan 9 said on Discord: ->

it didn't work "best"; it kinda sorta worked. there's a difference and the fact that your browser currently has issues with the new setup doesn't mean that it's inferior
now a better option would have been to tell what OS and browser you're using tho
since we could reproduce and improve things if we knew
(omitted some messages talking about versions matter)
Chief Gamer said on Discord: ->

Can you have an option where people can choose whether to zoom just the inner square or the whole tab like previously?

Tristan 9 said on Discord: ->

there's enough options in the reader as-is
the solution is to fix the correct method
not to add a 1000th option to the reader to use the old broken method
(Stuff omitted, versions were Android 8 & Opera 68, told there were two options, update Opera to 74 (or try another browser) and see if it helps or wait for a fix for that specific combination which can take a day or 24)
Tristan 9 said on Discord: ->

can't promise anything as we're all volunteers and it could be both an easy or a really hard fix
though we can reproduce some funkiness on recent browsers too, so hopefully we'll find a good fix soon enough
it's not like we break things on purpose
and if we can't fix it we'll revert the change; the point is we won't support 2 modes at the same time
Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
Hotfix being worked on now.

EDIT: Hotfix is live, should be fixed.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2023
Thank you, It helps with the stutter, but now flick to scroll doesnt work, and wish the reset button didnt exist. Maybe I am in the minority but i basically zoomed in on my phone then scrolled around on the page then down to read, with this change basically makes it so I cant do that anymore since I have to manually scroll with my finger to make the screen move instead of flicking for it to move some distance (same behavior as not zoomed in). Sometimes it also randomly zooms in on a page im not even on after playing with it some more...

Pixel 5A
Android version 13
Chrome 112.0.5615.135 (I assume most up to date)
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May 3, 2023
Firefox Android (Long stip mode). This zoom update kind of messed up how I read on my phone. All moving around actions on pages feel sticky. I would like a disable option. Pinch-zoom ignores the current page / position and scrolls up several pages. A "Reset" button appears and blocks view. Hitting the "x" on reset dose not dismiss the button, but instead resets the zoom. (Yes I tried being careful to not hit "reset" by mistake)
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
Hotfix was pushed out about ten minutes ago that should have fixed that.
it doesn’t work better at all! on IOS Safari when I try to zoom on an specific location on the chapter the chapter image is pushed UP! and I have to go DOWN the zoomed image, and ain’t as smooth as defult Safari zoom, can we get an toggle to disable the zoom?? i never had issue with zooming by defult
Active member
Aug 9, 2020
rdn said to post here so it doesn't get lost in discord - How it is currently on Opera Android -
The reset button doesn't go away and if you click x it just zooms out, the page does not change when zoomed in. When zoomed in you cannot scroll the page completely. The page also gets cut off. There is only a little section where you can scroll while zoomed in not the whole page. Lastly it sometimes stutters or flashes the page as more zoomed in randomly.
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Mar 31, 2019
Copy and pasting this from discord since it seems important. May 3 2023.
Hey devs. Im having issues with the zoom in function that you guys updated around 5:00pm pst 8:00pm est today.

The first one and the most important one is that im locked out of changing pages when zoomed in (edited)

The second issue is the changes in that panel zoom in is now seperate from the whole page outside of full screen. Which is causing the issue of the top of the page to block images when zooming in. For reference on a 18:9 phone
Also. Ive been reading #frontend-early-access and the double area zoom in issue im talking about is not the same. I don't need to reload the page to get rid of the top. Just need to scroll or zoom 2 seperate times (often more). Which is a nuisance compared to previously where the whole page is considered one area. Atleast outside of panel full screen.
Oh. Also. The reset button can't be removed. I'm At 150% scaling. Plus android scale set to highest. The whole button just resets the zoom.
Sigh another issue. Aside from locking me out of changing page when zoomed in. It also locks me from horizontal movement. So a part of the panel gets blocked.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2020
Zoom on mobile is broken to heck, very uncomfortable scaling, when it worked quite well before (ios). The zoom reset button is also quite a useless and unnecessary addition that eats screen space, and we can zoom out the same way we zoomed in. Definition of feature bloat.
May 4, 2023
The mobile experience is quite bad compared to what it used to be and honestly might be a deal breaker for me.

- Zoom is still inconsistent on multiple devices. I'm using chrome on a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and still experience odd and inconsistent zooming.

- I like to zoom in a little and swipe through the more comfortably sized images before moving to the next chapter. There are a few new problems introduced with that.

- The reset button. Offers little convenience for quite an annoyance that's now in my line of site over top of the content I'm trying to absorb. Pinching your screen to get back to the original image size is almost equally as much effort as pressing a button. Outside of completely fair accessibility concerns.

- You can no longer tap to proceed to the next or previous page while zoomed in. I'm now required to always reset my zoom first before continuing, creating an additional unnecessary step.

- Lastly the scroll speed of the zoomed in imagine is considerably lower than it was previously. You used to have a very fluid, quick and responsive scroll speed but now where I could previously just hold my thumb and move to navigate, panning through sections, now it takes multiple slow full swipes to move anywhere on a zoomed page.

Hoping to see some changes soon. Keep up the good work
Group Leader
Jan 14, 2023
I've got terrible eyesight so I zoom in pretty close on my phone to read things. Moving the page around when zoomed in now is too slow and lacks that nice, 'weighty' feeling. It just doesn't feel right that fast flicks and slow drags make the screen move the same. Plus having to reset the zoom every time to go to the next page gets pretty annoying after a while.
Mar 30, 2020
+1 on Vivaldi on Android.
When zooming in, the reset button blocks view, and not able to chang page while zoomed, so need to click reset, which zooms out, and removes the reset button for me, before i can go to next or previous page.
This worked perfectly well for me before the reset button and "always on" orange bar in in the bottom were implemented.

Love seeing the constant work on the site though. Keep it up.
May 4, 2023
Firefox android long strip is still pretty much unusable. Sidebar won't go away, reset button blocks view, zoom feels awful and unsteady that also causes unbearably slow scrolling, that will only allow you to scroll a few pages before not allowing you scroll anymore. It will also randomly refresh the page often whenever zoom is used.
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May 4, 2023
it doesn’t work better at all! on IOS Safari when I try to zoom on an specific location on the chapter the chapter image is pushed UP! and I have to go DOWN the zoomed image, and ain’t as smooth as defult Safari zoom, can we get an toggle to disable the zoom?? i never had issue with zooming by defult
if possible i would like to have an option to turn off zoom option of because it really is not pleasant setting(on IOS and i apologise for my bad english)
Mar 27, 2019
The new zoom feature is really quite broken when using Firefox for android.

It's essentially useless, as any attempt to zoom immediately changes the screen's window location within the images. By a lot!!! It appears that as the images resize, the current window into the document moves up by the amount of space the resized images take up. This makes it useless, as even a small amount of resizing quickly loses the reading point.

The reset button is very poorly placed, as it obscures the natural reading point of new text and image as one scrolls down.

The ability to scroll around in the resized image is very poor and unresponsive, especially compared to the way it was before the current update. Also, it disables weighted scroll completely, so there is no ability to flick the screen and have the scroll continue in the direction of the gesture. It appears that scrolling is a 1:1 operation when zoom is in force, making it quite laborious.

I'm guessing that the way zoom used to work was controlled by the mobile OS or the browser? It seemed exactly the same as other web sites when using Firefox for android. If this assumption is true, then this new zoom feature is completely redundant.

Please give us a way to turn this off.
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