Sorry for replying to such an old comment.
I don't know where you live but here (Eastern Europe) where I grew up I've saw the same shit throughout high school. Even worse if someone didn't like you their clique (group of friends) would spread shit or make your life hell in other ways even if you didn't do anything.
Im fairly certain this applies to the world in general. As I entered the job market for the first time a few years ago I was an office worker (we had an open office in the middle and 2-3 rooms for higher staff) and the women (which there were many more, and the two other men) were just like this shit.
Talking behind others, even to the extent where if 1 person left the room the rest would just talk behind his/her back until he/she returned. One time I was returning from the entrance to the office which faced production and I heard them talking shit about me too...
This is what people are like. Maybe not "all" but definitely most. I can relate to MC on many levels, although I never had this fantasy relationship thing going for me, but the general feeling of helplessness, fear of betrayal and anxiety around people, using something to "escape".
Yeah I don't get it, there are plenty of "normie" tier romance manga out there, this is clearly some kind of wish fulfillment manga, with some anxious betrayed beated dog MC for mostly highschoolers or those stuck in the past to relate to.