Real no Heroine wa Irimasen!

Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
> Come on, what woman is THIS thirsty and desperate?
She's a confused teenager who mostly only has met terrible people, and is being constantly harassed by rumors and by a boy who is also kind of sick in the head.

the said boy has an NTR fetish and is constantly trying to sexually assault her with a group of men. he's also responsible for her bad reputation

> She is supposed to be rebellious right?
She wants to be a nice girl.

> Why is she so submissive around a guy that does not even care about her?
She's the female version of a fedora-flipping weirdo, complete with an almost overbearing sense of justice.

> Does she feel this guilty about being 'used goods'.
It was just a stupid rumor borne from just having a funny way to read her name. She's not guilty about it - it's just that it's stupid.

> This is male wish fulfillment
There's a manga with a similar setup (girl trying to impress MC by acting out galge characters), but this one is better because it isn't always about the MC. They're trying to undo all the damage done to her in the past and let her be normal. Honestly, that's how the whole manga feels like right now.

But you're right, this shouldn't be aimed at shounen. The manga and its characters a little bit harder to like than most.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@RubyG8396 Speaking as a guy who reads shoujo, it doesn't usually bother me a lot. Anyway, teenage guys' lives often really do revolve around the female and making her happy - sometimes to the point where it gets stalkerish and creepy. I definitely remember the idea of getting my crush being an obsession that wiped other things from my mind. Not all teenage boys are like that, lots are not very deeply motivated by anything in particular, but there's enough that it's not what I'd call unrealistic. Whereas shounen often has characterization, even of the guys, that is not even intended to reflect anything much in real life. Mind you, there are some very nice shounen. But for instance most harem manga are mainly dedicated to coming up with excuses for maintaining the harem situation, which means both needing multiple girls to be willing to keep throwing themselves at the guy and competing with each other (but not hard enough to force anyone out of the running), and needing the guy not to ever quite get anywhere with any of the girls. This tends to require not just blatant manipulation of the situations and fairly silly depictions of the girls, but also to have these unrealistic guys who keep refusing hot girls for no obvious reason. So yeah, in shounen manga perfecting the wish-fulfillment situation very often trumps other elements of the story, and characters will be changed to keep the situation right rather than plot being shaped by the characters. That's probably why so often these days you get manga, usually shounen, whose titles are actually descriptions of the situation and the generic character types involved--like they're admitting right up front that the point is the nature of the wish-fulfillment scenario, and the characters are almost just place-holders. What once was something cynical the editor would say while they and the mangaka are coming up with concepts is now just directly handed to the audience as the selling point. And it seems to work--hey, sometimes it works on me.

There are shoujo subgenres that approach that level of unreality, mind--the "girl's family ends up deeply in debt and so she ends up working off her debt in the household of the uber-handsome-but-cold young master" schtick is pretty damned ridiculous and it's amazing how many versions of roughly that scenario have been published. But still I don't think there's complete symmetry. Your more typical shoujo romance with some pretensions at belonging to reality aren't quite as unrealistic as your typical shounen romance or quasi-romance, on average. Typically the difference gets bigger as the story goes on--shoujo are typically written with a view to doing a few story arcs and then ending, whereas shounen are very often written to be continued for as long as popularity in the reader polls can be maintained, but no longer, so often there's a decent concept, it gets explored for a few chapters, and then a certain sameyness sets in as they start using all the filler tricks in the editors' toolbox to stop the readers from noticing they're no longer progressing the story, and then when the axe descends they do the story-ending bit that they could have done any time in the last few years.
May 21, 2019
The MC is horrible to the point of being unsympathetic in my eyes. I mean, I don't need the MC to be a 'good' character, but they at least need a redeemable trait or at least a fatal flaw that I can sympathize with. But nope, this guy is like 'That THOT is gonna get raped I have no interest in helping her' for the dumbest reason.
Jan 18, 2018
This ain't bad... It's worse than bad. Seriously, there's nothing good about it, everyone and everything is trash besides the art, it probably takes the cake of dumbest harem I've ever read. I have nothing but disgust for the creator of this abomination.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@Ryuran i think you're in the wrong section, activate the Hentai option in the menu that's what you're looking for ! don't thank me
Apr 5, 2019
i'm not gonna read this shit because the description and the title piss me off

what the fuck do you mean "used goods"? is a hymen all that great? who gives a shit if a woman had sex? if you want to be retarded about women go live in saudi or alabama or something
Feb 4, 2018

who gives a shit if a woman had sex?
Sadly, lot of jap nerds give a shit about that.
You can see this especially in the idol industry, where it's forbidden to have a relationship with a guy, because it can ruin a career easily.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@sunmoonmoon: That's the Western mindset (American, Europe, UK, etc.). As @Siquall mentioned the Eastern mindset (Japan, China, India, etc.) is for women to be pure before marriage (or before consummating with their one true love). It's old-fashioned, sure, but Eastern countries place a lot of value on traditions and customs.

Since we're talking idols here, most are in their teens when they reach peak popularity, so their purity is especially important then. Being pure gives hope for the geekwads that they can someday be the chosen lover, but if they already got some (ie used goods), it either means they have a lover, destroying the dreams of fans which dominoes into less popularity which in turn can destroy an idol's career or it means they are a loose woman, destroying the pure image that idols are supposed to have making them seem like sluts trying to garner popularity.

For Westerners, this makes little to no difference since the cultural mindset is generally "your life is not my problem." For Easterners, image matters for men and women alike.

I should also point out that the idol has no significance in this story. It's just a 1 page woe that the geekwad has. The story is more about a girl trying to form into his ideal while battling her demons and the guy befriends her and helps her by giving her this chance, skeptical she can ever be his ideal. The first arc is kinda messed up, but it mellows out from there.

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