Rebuild World - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
I wish there was enough to binge, im so down with the sci-fi post apocalyptic, recommend me something yeah?
Feb 12, 2019
I know a manipulative AI when I see one.

She literally withheld information from him to make him doubt her. Ultimately pushing him towards defying her instructions slightly. Then scrambled the target system of the cloaking units so he wouldn't get killed, but still get hurt. All the while she knew where the materials to heal him were nearby. Punishing defiance and reinforcing the value of her instructions.

Yeah.... thats a big nope from me.
Feb 12, 2019
@kuyukotto It is not a question of "If". She literally said she hacked them on page 12.

So the question is without a doubt "why". There might be some sort of "Laws of robotics" in play here. Limits on an AI to prevent them from being completely unrestrained.

If I would take a guess it would be something like "You cannot lie to a human" and "You cannot perform action X without permission from a human".

That setups the situation where she can only tell things that are true, but doesn't need to say things that are inconvenient to their objective (the old "Devil contract" trope). She could need the MC because of the latter limitation. It would make sense if the humans that originally designed her prevented her from getting access to stuff similar to nuclear launch codes (just an example. Could be whatever dangerous thing an AI could desire).

This sets up to "I need to manipulate the human (read Tool) to make it do the function I desired". Remember this is an AI. Completely a-moral objective based entity. It does not have emotions. If it shows emotions, then it is purely for the sake of the target it is interacting with. It is to solve a problem in front of it.

Again at least that is what I think is happening. All speculation on my side.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Roywocket It was never confirmed she's an AI, though. All she said is what MC sees is augmented reality, it could be a projection of a flesh-and-blood person. Either way, she's likely from the old world. A concious person in stasis (in order to survive this long) would probably go mental after so long. And a true AI, meaning with learning capabilities, left unshackled for so long would likely develop quirks so similar to emotions as to be indistinguishable anyways.
Feb 12, 2019
@cor3zone That is a fair point. I am working with a lot of assumptions here.

Still I think she deliberately hid info from him in an effort to manipulate him. Regardless if she is an AI or not. There was literally no logical reason for her not to tell him there were cloaked robots out there, unless she had a secondary objective.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2019
Dude if that kid was me I'd probably ask that AI lady to become my wank material in exchange for signing a contract. You can't touch her but she can show you a lot of things. Touching is not the only way to stimulate yourself after all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aggregator gang
Feb 9, 2019
It wouldn’t be realistic at all but I honestly wish this had romance at some point, though it doesn’t seem like it will.

Currently it’s reminding me a lot of Ragna Crimson, they have a very similar dynamic with Alpha clearly trying to condition Ajira into obeying her without thinking, but in the end she’s also his best bet. If you’re liking this, you’ll probably like the other!
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
heh, idiot.,, it could of been a sniper for all you know. And you stick your head out... Well he got let of easy. How convenient that there were medical supplies near by.
Also hes clearly being ripped off :/ and clearly pulling his gun out wasnt going to be a smart move.

@Wreavant Ranga Crimson felt like one of the best starts to a manga I have read.... but after 6 or 7 chapters, I wasnt liking it. It turn into a direction that I didnt really enjoy. Amazing start, but I couldnt follow its course. Biggest flaws, Him getting his memories of everything already kinda dampers his true fight (its like having your walkthrough already), him sucking up to that crazy dragon got tiring. I felt disappointed.
Mar 28, 2020
Pulling his gun out would not be a smart move at all.
Also, didn't the guy say that he would pay for the relic later when he brings another one and when the relic has been assessed? Did I misunderstand that?
I mean, he could have told him to come tomorrow or later without having to bring another relic, alas, at least he told him he would pay the actual price of the relic plus the second relic when he came back with said second relic.
I know he could have received better treatment, but he could also have received worse like in other manga.
At least from the clerk.
But yeah, pulling his gun would get him killed or locked up easily even with the assistant's help, too many hunters to fight in a small place and he is not strong enough too.
Also, the medical supply thing, wasn't the ai girl the one looking for them? Oh well, hooray plot armor if anything.

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