Regarding Group Delays and Harassment

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Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
death threats for delays? wow. i guess those kinda ppl snort on salt like cocaine
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
@googolplexbyte I upvote what this man/woman said! Mangadex, despite having to adjust to waiting for the group delays, is a step in the right direction and I am happy to take it.

Never forget who works hard to scanlate this for free.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
"Death Threats"
Might be legit, but this kind of claim always triggers my BS radar.
From what I've seen of similar claims on twitter, tumblr, etc. the "threat" posts are usually deliberately misrepresented or grossly overstated for maximum drama points by the recipient. In the rare cases where they're not, they're obviously a hissyfit by some middleschooler who hasn't taken his Asperger meds that day. I have yet to see a death threat claim that was a legitimate cause for worry.
Now maybe this is a legitimate claim, but it would be the first I've seen, and I'd like to read the actual threat before I believe it.

That sounds like a fascinating combination of censorship and obsequious fawning.
In the spirit of your post, can I propose a Mandatory Smile Cam for posting? In order to cultivate the level of positivity and apple-polishing you hope for, extreme measures may be necessary. Sure the posts "sound" positive and unctuous enough, but are they really? Did the person really mean it?
The Mandatory Smile Cam function would automatically activate your devices camera when you start to type in the reply box. Software then performs a facial analysis to determine if you're smiling enough. If the corners of your mouth are not turned up by at least 20 degrees the software will determine that you're neither truly positive or oleaginous . At this point you will be permanently banned from Mangadex, your IP will be logged and reported to Up With People as a probable grinch.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
I've seen my fair share of toxic comments on the various manga translated by groups with delays.

It's pretty bad how they even state such nonsense like it's better to go to KM and let them profit on you rather than visit the groups page for the newest chapter.
Why not send threats to the local magazine companies then, not only do they force you to wait until specified release dates, their releases are behind a paywall too. (You have to purchase the mag.) =p

When it comes to these translation groups you can read their translations for free, no paywall, and in these cases scheduled delays for those that are too lazy/paranoid to visit their site.

Personally love the delay function, if you want to read ASAP it lets you know about new release with link and all without having to sign up on or visit the individual sites, all from the comfort of a single free account on MD.
As for groups that refuse to upload on MD? Screw them, too lazy to follow their sites just because they want to be troublesome.
Screw the various other reader sites too, too much malicious stuff on them and I prefer my comp running as it should for yet more years.
(The comp I'm reading from have been running 24/7 for 257days straight since last reboot, even with decent protection it can't run for lengthy periods straight if I start visiting sites with malicious content.)
Too lazy to bother rebooting my comp for reading, thus generally avoiding stuff on it that would force me to do so sooner. =p
(Do end up rebooting it roughly once per year for some install/update I wanted though, atleast so far for the last 15years.)

Well, bottom line would be it's silly to threaten/attack the translators for something as irrelevant as a delay for those of you who don't want to check their site when you're even handed a link there,
you'll still get your content on schedule after all.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 28, 2018
In the one in a trillion chance that some dude is serious about his death threat you can avoid getting stabbed or shot by a stupid nerd who's angry because he didn't get his daily dose of cartoon girls by not posting your personal information on the internet like a dumb ass.
> School shootings
This is just an insanely retarded thing to compare to a bunch of salty neckbeards crying because they're going through waifu withdrawals. If you genuinely believe that the loser threatening to kill you in PMs (who, assuming you weren't stupid enough to post your personal information here, has no way of even finding you) is actually going to kick down your door and mow you down with a gun you're seriously paranoid and should probably seek professional help.

Assuming people really are getting death threats I guarantee you that the people sending them obviously aren't serious about killing the scanalators. They're doing it because they think it's a good way to scare paranoid pussies into doing what they want. Apparently they're right too.
Dec 22, 2018
Holy shit dude, they won't do shit. I can't believe people still taking this shit seriously. Or is it just a reason to strengthen the delay policy? Ludicrous.
Nov 26, 2018

The only point you made that is both usable and abuseproof is the one about Direct Replies, adding it would reduce the mess that is trying to respond/interact in the current system.

Upvoting and downvoting, just like using soft bans and adding a reputation system will only create an echochamber due to how easily they can all be abused, this is something that can easily be seen on Reddit, where anyone with a different opinion gets downvoted into absolute oblivion.

About the comment order, wouldn't it make more sense if the most recent comments came first? That way it would take less time and effort to find recent comments about the manga, helping the users decide if they want or not to read it. Also, what's a "positive" commenter? Besides, one shouldn't follow the lead of others, we all have the right to see the good, the bad and the ugly about everything and, using that as a basis, decide our own perspectives and positions. I'm not saying those who say shit should be favoured, I'm saying that no one should be favored, one with sound arguments naturally will conquer the attention of the readers. A system like what you suggested is something prone to being abused and being used to make an echochamber.

Now, regarding all you said about positivity, are you trying to directly control what people can feel and express? I'm kinda tired of everyone saying that things sound too Orwellian but hell, this is Orwellian. Adding that with the reputation points and the clear tag saying who's being a bad boy is just like the Social Credit System of a certain country on Asia and pretty much all the way into tyranny you could go without explicitly saying "Let's ban those who aren't positive!".

Finishing this with a bit of wisdom:
Forced positivity isn't happiness, it is an incubator for hatred.
Group Leader
Dec 1, 2018
I'm fairly certain at this point it's not possible to do anything on the internet without someone sending you death threats. Always gonna be some edgelords or crazies around. That said, some people just need to chill the fuck out and either wait a few days or click another website link. Otherwise you're just incentivizing groups to paywall themselves entirely. >_>
Group Leader
Feb 5, 2018
I guess that comes with the territory with how many scanlators nowadays turning what is essentially pirating into money.

I wish we could turn back time BEFORE all the "oh hey we haz patreon" groups pop up.

There is no love anymore. No more "oh I want people to know of and read this manga", only "patreon us for faster releases".
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
People who demand from scanlator groups should be banned. Those who send death threats should be sent one back
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
A certain percentage of mankind is composed of sociopaths and psychopaths. When Asian comics become mainstream, the niche status that maybe have protected the community earlier from general population statistics disappears. It means the same percentage of manga/manhwa/manhua readers is formed by the sociopaths and psychopaths as that of any random group of people picked from the streets.

@scarlet_summer You are the same as the people who sent the death threats to the scanlators. Congrats.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 28, 2018
Those who send death threats should be sent one back
Just tell them to do it if they think they have the balls and give them the address for some leather club in some remote town in the middle of nowhere saying it's your home address. Hilarity ensues if they're stupid enough to go.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
>crying over internet "death threat"
lol kys
I guess that counts as "death threat" haha
Jan 18, 2018
Fuck those leechers, they provide nothing but toxicity to the community mmm...
It's good enough that groups providing the chapter to the public for free, I still remember when we have to go to each scanlator's IRC to get chapters mmm...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Death threats? How willing! ?
Personally I think one shouldn't bother doing such useless things like that to begin with, more over doing it in the Internet is sounds rather foolish.
I mean, what does that even do? Does it guaranteed making the group do as they told? No it's not.
(It might just make the scanlators drop that series though and goes like: "man the fanbase for this is unbearable, I'm out!")

It's baffling that the person who send death threats can find the scanlators e-mail, and wholeheartedly write and send that death threats..
But still can't find the scanlators website and just read it there.
Group Leader
May 8, 2018
Death threats?? That's horrible! It is kind of a hobby for them, so why would you even do that??

I just hope the scanlators have a thick skin and can manage stuff like that... :(

Guys, we support you!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 30, 2018
It's really stupid but am I even really surprised? I see some comment sometime in the manga comment sections of people complaining about how long it took and how the scan team should get their shit together and what so. It trigger me every time. Hell I don't know why we don't have a report option so we can flag and maybe lower the toxicity after that. I mean its fine asking what is going on and if there is a reason for the delay because yes it's normal to be worried and wonder and being left in the dark can be frustrating, but those guys are doing all of this for free and they don't owe anything to any of us so the least we can do is be respectful and thankful.


Jan 28, 2018
@Zephyrus please screenshot ? those nasty emails bro. at this point, I don't believe ppl like that do exist in this community.
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