i was so hoping for the big burly guy to turn into a woman. the one guy who get genderbent before the tournament doesn't count. since we never met his male form
"we've decided to continue this series, give us money" when the previous group just uploaded a bunch of omakes and are only 2 chapters behind is weird
especially when you put "we can bring you 3-5 chapters per week!" when there are no more raws since the raw updates are slow
the other group also gets the raws for omakes which aren't in the common raw providers, no shade but I doubt you'd be willing to go that far and this just feels like you are baiting donos
edit, looked into previous mangas and this group just uploads/snipes stuff for donos and then drops the manga after a while so they can indeed go fuck themselves
Its one of those groups, that focus on sniping for no reason... I also remember doing super shit translations of webtoon. No idea why i dont have it blocked. Now that is fixed.
Why did this group even snipe this manga? The main group has been posting this for ages and even posted the .5 volume bonuses like 2 days ago. The Discord even says that ch 26 was typeset and that the only thing it's missing is the redrawing. This group doesn't even clean or typeset the SFXs or combine the double spread.
Why would anyone give you money when you do a notably worse job?
Also, 3-5 chapters a week is a blatant lie. Raws come out once a week, so I don't know how they're even getting this statistic. Unless you tell the mangaka to work faster it's quite literally impossible.
in page 24, bottom panel
i didnt get the "getting mocked like this so easily is incredible" line, since its during sex im guessing she said something like being defeated by the D, but i might be wrong, anyone mind explaining it to me?
edit, looked into previous mangas and this group just uploads/snipes stuff for donos and then drops the manga after a while so they can indeed go fuck themselves