Reiwa no Dara-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 28

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
It's true, those retort pouches can be shockingly close to fresh.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2019
Ya know, it makes me wonder. Since we all know that supernatural stuff isn't real, these wandering priestess and exorcists from centuries ago were really just con artists—selling nonsense and performing fake rituals for money or trade goods.

It was a whole industry perpetuated by superstition and tradition. These poor villagers and peasants who lived hundreds of years ago, barely surviving at the time, gave up precious resources for nothing. =/
People have always tried to avert calamity like illness, famine, and natural disasters, and cultivate the good in life like healthy childbirths and bountiful crops. In the past, they'd try to tap into supernatural forces or contact powerful spiritual beings to do what we usually do with science now.

Contacting a priest or an exorcist or the like in that context is no different from you going to see a doctor. Doctors devote their time to developing an expertise with human health so they can focus their knowledge and help people who can't afford to do the same. Priests and exorcists are the same, just in terms of the spiritual and the occult. That's how people in ancient times would likely see it if you really asked them to think about it.

I personally believe there is a spiritual dimension to life, but you can't bet it all on belief. When you place everything on what you believe and not what you know, you can get taken advantage of or fail to really understand your own circumstances. Then again, none of us really know all that much. Sometimes you have to put faith in things that are outside of your control, whether it's gods, the forces of nature, or other people.
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2020
You know, I do hope that Dara would choose to make herself visible (as her current true self) to Chyo. I think that they could become good friends, now that Chyo have more experience and maturity respect the 2 times they met before.


Jun 3, 2019
Con artist know that they are faking things up, those people (most of them at least) actually believe in what they are doing
To be clear, I am referring to real life centuries ago. Though yes, I can't deny that some of them truly believed in what they were doing.

I know in the world of the manga that curses and spirits ARE real so what these priestesses and exorcists are doing is very important there.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
Mom continues to be Dara's best girl and thank you for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2020
To be clear, I am referring to real life centuries ago. Though yes, I can't deny that some of them truly believed in what they were doing.

I know in the world of the manga that curses and spirits ARE real so what these priestesses and exorcists are doing is very important there.
Most people, especially the one practicing it like the priests and monks, truly believe in what they are doing. You don't even have to go hundreds of years to the past, as there are billions of people that still treat religion very seriously to this very day. Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean that all of the practitioners are faking it to deceive other people.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Ya know, it makes me wonder. Since we all know that supernatural stuff isn't real, these wandering priestess and exorcists from centuries ago were really just con artists—selling nonsense and performing fake rituals for money or trade goods.

It was a whole industry perpetuated by superstition and tradition. These poor villagers and peasants who lived hundreds of years ago, barely surviving at the time, gave up precious resources for nothing. =/
To be clear, I am referring to real life centuries ago. Though yes, I can't deny that some of them truly believed in what they were doing.

I know in the world of the manga that curses and spirits ARE real so what these priestesses and exorcists are doing is very important there.
I've 2 news for u the good one n the bad one, the good one is congratulation for never make a contact with those thing either directly or indirectly n I sincerely hope u didnt / need to make a contact with them for so long in ur live...
N the bad one is too bad they r exist...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
This brat is too good.

It may have taken a few centuries... but I am happy that Dara is experiencing these new little pleasures, she deserves those and so much more.

Mom knows... mom knows all.

Even Kaoru is afraid of mom wrath going by his reaction... she is doing a good job with that brat XD.

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