Release That Witch

Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
This got an adaptation?
Damn, this is gonna run for a long long time, how many chapters are out currently 2000?
Jan 14, 2019
@ForcedFun As far as I remember the pollution in Neverwinter isn't as big as in China, because Neverwinter don't have as many people or cars, or factories, or life span as China. Also Roland used worms to dig underground sewers and planed his city. He also knows that this agressive expension isn't good for environment, but he doesn't have much choice here. Environment issue is something he didn't solved just put it off for future generations to deal with. He isn't all knowing and he doesn't just pull out technology out of his ass. He works day and night to bring out all technology he can and it's still end up crude and shity. If he could just pull out all tech he needs, then Neverwinter would be as modern as our cities now and Roland would be fight his war on PC screen. As for your dream world comment, what do you mean gets access to all books ever made. He only gets access to books he read at least once. Most of them are empty or with blank pages. Although the fact that he can use dream world people to work do his work is op it's still makes sense. They are real people after all. You also said that he's low level design engineer, but that's because he is young in world of over crowded jobs. Did you forget that he is so hard working that he had no life and even died from overwork. So it's makes sense to me that he read a ton of books and knows a lot. Roland also suffers a lot of set backs, not that set backs should last forever, they are just set backs not a game over, and he deal with them however he can. I think that's what everyone would do. Try to solve their problems by magic or science, or hire some else to do that for them. You know do whatever they can. I feel like you said so more thing that I could reply but I don't want to make this comment longer then it's already is.

P.s. this manga adaptation is shit, makes wn look bad, at this point I'm going to follow it just to see where or how it goes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
That's not the point.
She does work.
But don't describe her as an "Era-Changing genius that can learn anything super quickly" if all she does is subordinate job. Based on the beginning, she should have been a real support of Roland, providing him with good insight. Based on her character they should have made a team. Not just Roland going all "do this and this and this, oh and now that I remember, do this as well."

Roland is just doing everything but direct fightning and use of magic in this story. That's ok for the couple first hundred of chapter, after that it's just boring.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
Sorry if my post was rude, you've got a point there.
Well, Roland's advancement into the industrial age is too quick even for a genius like Anna.
In latest chapters he started to directly pump information from the dream world and also created the construction research center there.
What Roland is doing lately will make it impossible for Anna to bring something new.
And she is not magical_detector witch, her magical researching capabilities are not great. She will always lose to
Celine who have relics and body from the race that was the best magic researcher in the world.
Anna actually using her knowledge besides of endless parts production,
she is the Minister of Industry lately. I guess it helps Roland and this position of the Minister of Industry have a requirement of extensive engineer knowledge.
This is her way to make things easier for Roland.
But well... I guess the main reason author made her into a genius is
that she is candidate for turning into transcendent via obtained knowledge when Ashes will be there via battle maniac root.
Apr 29, 2018
Kinda wish translation of the WN wasn't lost in 2017... Oh well, maybe this will rekindle interest
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
It wasn't. Currently 1334 chapters translated and translation speed is 1 ch per day. Though it's paywalled, but it's not a big deal.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
The adaption chara designer did even read the novel? His sister with a tattered high school uniform and the the skull on her eye, yikes.
Dec 8, 2018
WHAT!!! That was unexpected... I’m reading the novel, currently on chapter 237. So far, I really love it!
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2018
Yep up to 640 personally, and current ch is 1332 :/

There are a few sources around but wuxia has it all, rather having to jump around abit as switching translater. Or having be paywalled as mentioned >.>

And a quick google seach for map was somewhat useful to work out scale for me. And to understand what the hell they were referencing to location wise...
Not sure if it counts as a spoiler?
Jan 3, 2019
i have read the LN on qidian up to 1kth chapter. DON'T EVER TRY THIS MANGA, WASTING YOUR USELESS TIMES , at the core it's just chicks collector's story. don't expect anything than that as he is impotent MC.
Jan 1, 2019

Not sure how you got the impression from your supposed 1000 chapters that the story is a "chick's collectors story" given that despite the number of female witches the MC only ever has 1 actual love interest (and another pining for him bad), and that the story focuses more on nation-building and the tech uplift porn. Hell, some of the side characters have more tangible romances!

RTW isn't a perfect story by any means, but for those looking for stories involving uplifting a medieval civilization, it's one of the better ones out there.
Jan 1, 2019
The unfortunate thing about this manhua, asides from the fact that the dialogue and explanations are cut down from the novel source, is that the character appearances don't seem to match up to their descriptions in the novel. For one, silver hair is supposed to be the hallmark of the Wimbledon family, and yet both Wimbledons here including Roland have dark color hair. It's rather jarring on the mental image.
Jan 18, 2018
Butting in, @sarbi333 technically IS partially right.
Like many chinese novels, Roland gets a new one every time he has a problem or already had the Chekhov's gun ready, only that here is girls instead of weapons or techniques or mystic-whatevers. The fact that they don't become love interests is secondary to the fact that it really is a "chick collection story". About the "impotent" thing, though, that really seems like @sarbi333 hate.
Jan 1, 2019

The point is though is that the light novel story is more than just a "chick's collection story", and that such a description seriously downplays the other interesting and major aspects of the story. Also, a lot of the problems he has is solved via his own initiative and policies laid down in place previously rather than a witch suddenly falling into his lap with impeccable timing.

Stuff like the Battle of Taquila, the liberation of the southern areas, or even just getting an air force definitely aren't solved by the appearance of a brand new witch.
Jan 18, 2018
I meant it in the sense that none of those policies or things would've been possible without the witches, and he admits it. Though I know it's petty to complain about the literal setting of the story, it seemed like everything fell into a silver plate with the powers. As for the policies, his knowledge of policy-making always irked me, even if most of the application was left to his ministers.
And there ARE some Chekhov's girls. It's not brand new witches more like "this conflict is solvable because of this thing introducd previously which has this novel use (application) / this witch gains this new power which was totally foreshadowed before"
EDIT: Actually remembered MM's power and she doesn't qualify for that.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
"Chick's collection story" Not a fair accusation considering it doesn't end up as harem.

If you insist on not having an all female cast then maybe you guys can just make a genderswap version of this story and call it Release That Wizard.

One of the 'biggest problems' is that all problems are technically solved via 'plot device convenience', such as Anna being a genius, conveniently timed /powers for a Witch's appearance such as Nightingale being able to tell whether one is lying. However, this is something all fictional stories are guilty of. The only problem left is how badly they force it in.

The only other problem I have with this is the 'policy-making'. Take education for example. Roland digs out past memories and have a witch write a book about 'How to Teach Students'. The teachers that read this book could immediately do extremely well because the book is just that amazing. However, as a person who studied 'How to Teach 101', I can tell you that there are so many 'correct methods' even though these methods are literal opposites of each other.

Just so you know, I am mostly talking about disciplinary actions, how to keep people motivated, etc. Some students cause problems for attention and should be ignored (they actually want to be scolded because they get the attention). Some cause problems because they don't know better and should be scolded so that they could learn. All these things are not something an engineer should know and if they are not addressed, problems may appear.
But, plot devices are a magic of its own and the book gets overly praised.

Either that or I am REALLY underestimating feudal idiocy.

Quite a good story compared to a lot of the other Chinese stories. (Biased opinion as I really, REALLY, hate Dragonball style stories with immortals, planet destroying fingerpokes and the convenient legendary artifact that helps trash become Superman)

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