Remarried Empress - Ch. 45

Mar 19, 2020
While I understand that the times and culture see things differently, it bothers me that the Empress is treating the child as it is guilty of its mother's crimes. Regardless that it's Trashta's child, the fact remains that it's an innocent baby. A pure heart ready explore, connect, learn, and love. To reject it because it's her baby not only hurts Trashta, but everyone because then the baby is receiving less love and acceptance. If Navier also loved the baby, she/he could grow so wiser, stronger, and capable of helping so many. With rejection, the child might grow to feel resentment, guilt, and be manipulative and unaccepting of others. As smart and wonderful as Navier is, her emotions and traditions are shortsighting her on this.
Active member
Apr 22, 2020
@GreenDragoSage you not really wrong about the child being guiltless but you not being far to the Empress. She doesn’t hate or blame the baby; she just wants nothing to do with it, like she wants nothing to do with Rashta. She wishes neither of them harm, she’d just rather be left alone and instead is constantly pestered.

Her blessing says it all; she’d like the child to live well, just be separate from imperial duties and power.
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2020
@canigetauhh I'm gonna take a wild guess and say never, because she's likely learned over the years that baby talk is a very good way to charm people (her "moe" point, as it were) and now that she's the lover of the emperor she's essentially wormed her way into a position where she believes that she can continue this uwu head empty no thoughts waifu behaviour and expects that trashoe will clean up after her because he wuvs her uwu.

Also she has and will likely continue to have the emotional and mental maturity of a 3 year old because of this.
Sep 1, 2019
Lol the head empty no thoughts part made me chuckle. But yeah your analysis makes sense to me, and I wish I could shove it down trashoe’s throat
May 25, 2020
I don't know if he ever addressed it publicly. The way the reader finds out is in a semi-flashback. When Sovieshu decides to divorce her, the priest who originally married them intervenes and says it's a bad idea. Sovieshu says it's because he needs this child to be the heir, the priest says there's still time he and the Empress are still young so there's a chance they may have their own child to be the heir, that's when he brings up that story.

After she had the first child her master (the baby's paternal grandfather) takes the child away and tells her it didn't survive. She then continues to live on under them as a slave, and continues having relations with Allen (baby daddy) until she finally tries to leave with him but he refuses so she runs away on her own not even realizing she's very newly pregnant. While escaping she gets trapped in one of Sovieshu's hunting traps and the rest is history. So yeah, she swapped teams almost instantly, she never actually has relations with Allen after she meets Sovieshu and there's a bit of time between when she had the first child and when she ran away. I can't remember if they specifically went over why she ran away then and not earlier though.

Just FYI these are all spoilers from my VERY VAGUE memory so take them all with a grain of salt. May not be quite accurate.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 22, 2020
I laughed aloud when she said "prince/princess", and then Sovieshu got visibly pissed. Poor girl has unwittingly humiliated him and herself. 🤣

The way I read Navier's blessing though is different. Navier gives Rashta a "toy" because she cannot give something cheap, but at the same time she refuses to give something of substantial value and meaning.

Elgy's interpretation sounds legit, but it doesn'tmatch with Navier's internal monologue (unless it's not hers?) of "colourful, beautiful". which are not negative.

On the surface it sounds just like what Elgy said it is. But while Navier doesn't like the baby, she does not mean it any ill will at all. Ultimately I think she wants the baby to live well, but knowing his place and without overstepping boundaries just like his mother did all the time.
Jun 1, 2019
i rly rly rly hope the duke is being nice to rashta solely to use all the information against her in future so the empire's imperial family will collapse
Apr 27, 2020
@Bramia - That's just an estimate from me. It could be sooner or it could be later.

There should be some extra backstory as we go, but if it is too painful to read in short bursts, wait until a nice chunk is ready and then read through it all at once. I have to do that for some series that seem to drag on.
Apr 23, 2020
in a way i kind of pity this girl, she's trying to get a permanent position so she wouldn't go back to the suffering that she faced, but the guy who 'saved' and 'loved' her doesn't actually care all that much about her, the one she needs the approval of very much does not like her (rightfully, I can't wait for navier to get a divorce), and the whole world hates her. She left a world of suffering to another, while her past continues to dog at her feet. It's really quite pitiful.

Already I dread for this kid being born... their life is going to be a hell of a journey
Active member
Jul 30, 2020
If only it's a matriarchal kingdom, where the Empress is the real Power or, is more powerful than the Emperor...😔😔😔 i bet that bastard Emperor would never do as he like so much...😕😕😕
Aug 17, 2020
But she ate the bad cookies. Did the .... magic mage bed??? Not heal her? That's how I interpreted it. She WAS sterile but then was healed.
Nov 30, 2019
no she was never sterile. The magic bed just makes it easier to get pregnant. Those cookies just had the possibility of sterilization. The emporer is the one who is sterile (he also ate the cookies but when rashta got pregnant he disregarded this thinking it was proof he wasn't the problem), he is why the empress never got pregnant. The child trashta is pregnant with has the same father as her first baby.

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