Remarried Empress - Ch. 50

Oct 8, 2019
im somewhat confused, is duke edgy a fried or a a foe?

Spoiiiilers pleaase. Haha

Thankvyou for the updaaate
Dec 8, 2020
I was wondering what Trashta's original crime was that made her be a slave. As described in earlier chapters, a runaway slave becoming a concubine would be really scandalous because someone who commits a crime and becomes a slave is one for life, whether they runaway or not. Trashta is a criminal, and becoming a concubine would make the who "justice" system become a mockery. I think the relevance of her being a slave versus just a servant or other commoner comes with the fact that her former masters family could admit that she was a slave, forcing the Emperor to toss her aside because of the law, even if he loves her.
Dec 29, 2020
trashta makes my blood BOIIIIILLLLL ugh i just hope the truth about her having a son is shown
May 10, 2020
@laciesche. Thanks!

@tapioca33. Completely concur. And yes, that would be funny and a much interesting read.  I know the fic implies Navier did love the emperor (they had a good childhood friendship and did care for each other), but I never get the feeling she was ever IN love with him.  Most of her hurt stems from his lack of respect and how his actions are selfish and thoughtless. If Rashta had been written as someone who was observant and had a bit of cunning, she could have probably gotten on Navier's good side.  Unlock yuri route, imo!

@Lunarcountessa. Ditto!  I also wish that too.  Though, I don't remember if the story mentions how she became a slave?  As @chonkury pointed out in their comment, there is alot of context missing when it comes to the slavery part of this story as it's only mentioned when it comes to Rashta. She doesn't come off as someone that was born into it, tbh. I could buy that she could have been a disgraced noble or commoner that wound up being more recently sold into the slavery (which could explain some of her shitty characterization). @hakunoyuuki is also correct that her background could have been exchanged without needing to introduce slavery and the story would be pretty much the same.

Also, @hakunoyuuki got a damn good point on the other perspective from the author especially when you take into account Rashta's role in opposition to Navier.  Oh man, I can't unsee that now so yeah...frickin' yikes.
Nov 4, 2018

Nov 4, 2018
@spuffy_momo Not a spoiler but speculation : i think he is definitely an agent of Heinry's. But like he does things own way with just a little prompting from his friend. I have a feeling he likes destroying people and is having a blast creating drama for/with the Garbage Couple.

I kind of wonder if he was the only that really poisoned Trashta. And if he did I think he did that on his own, not because anyone told him to. He strikes me as one of those people you'd love to have as your friend but should be scared if they're your enemy.
Mar 23, 2020
@CottonKey Another problem with Rashta's characterization is how she's technically a more active character than Navier, who tends to be more reactive/passive; Rashta is the ingenue, the bubbly shoujo airhead who would be coddled by everyone if this were a different story. She's the one who has ambition and drive; if Navier has goals apart from trying to maintain the status quo, I must have missed them. The more I think about it, the more it seems like the author made Rashta a slave and gave her a shitty personality so that it would be okay to punish her for scheming to get a social status that's well above her own. If she had a halfway decent personality, we might end up rooting for her as an underdog; as it is, she's failing to be an effective villainess and is instead being used left and right by people who actually know what they're doing.

I almost wish we'd gotten a competent villainess instead, someone who stands at par with Navier and goads her to action.
Oct 8, 2019

hmmm, that is possible, i somehow see that heay be the reasons for trash emperor and trashas downfall.

He has this sweet words that trasha doesnt even realize thats its bad for her future, he was onlu telling her what she wanted to hear.

Yes yes, i agree, its really possible that he maybe thw one who put the abortion pills to trasha.

I dont blame the baby, i just somewhat wamt to slap the mother.
Active member
Feb 17, 2020
@CottonKey Yeah so, I've thought about this a bit more, and the glorification of nobility and wealth is pretty common in historical fantasy manhwas? But the antagonists are typically people of about the same - or higher! - rank in the hierarchy, so there's a very different dynamic going on between the protagonist and antagonists compared to this one. Like, it's usually a "regular person turned noble fighting inside the system to ensure survival/prospering", but that's not at all what's going on here. Rashta is the underdog in this situation, you could argue she's trying to prosper in an unfair system although the way she goes about it is iffy; in comparison, Navier is literally the most powerful woman in the entire country. The 'worst case scenario' for Navier versus that for Rashta would realistically be very different, so the way the story is building up to Navier triumphing and Rashta falling... it's not really cathartic to me. What would be - hopefully will be- cathartic is to see Sovieshu fall into despair. He's the real villain in this series... honestly I think it would make more sense to focus on him as the opponent to Navier rather than Rashta. Navier and Rashta are so unequal I'm starting to wonder what kind of story the author wants to tell.

Also, I definitely agree that Rashta doesn't read as someone who grew up as a slave! If she, as you said, is a disgraced noble who ended up sold into slavery that'd make a lot more sense. That's such an easy thing to slip into the story too...
Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
50 chapters in and.....we still nowhere near where the prologue is...or maybe nearly there definitely nearly there but still its 50 chapters in....i wanted to see the Emperor and that Trashta bitch in ruins! xD
May 10, 2020
@chonkury. Very well put!  I hadn't really consciously thought of Navier in that way. Outside of wishing she'd get back at the emperor in a more direct manner, I don't mind her more reactive/passive nature. I kind of rationalize it as she's the empress and too busy with her duties to be wasting much time for the emperor and Rashta's drama. Yes, she was hurt by the emperor's actions but she comes off very pragmatic. Honestly, I love her in the same way I love competent, powerful women who get shit done. Though, if she would actually actively move against Rashta, it would feel problematic because, as you've stated, she is just being used by everyone and not a really effective villainess. @hakunoyuuki also make a a damn good point on the power dynamics of Navier and Rashta and their respective roles, too.

And, it's funny that you bring up Rashta's role if this were a different story because it feels like Navier's role is also an inverse of sorts, too. She is a privileged elite who has trained all her life to be the empress and has only had that as a goal. As @hakunoyuuki correctly points out, she's the most powerful woman in the empire. Yes, she may have been burdened with the pressure and responsibilities that all that entails, but any hardships she has faced up until now can't compare to others (poverty, starvation, abuse, slavery, etc.). In another story, she could have been the villainess that lost her fiancee to Rashta and was forced to scheme to get rid of her. Instead, she has effectively attained her endgame and now she is playing damage control for others' action (and any true wishes/wants are on a backburner if she has any...and maybe that's where most of her character devlopment will be?). It's sad cause while I ship her with the ML, I honestly don't believe he would have ever had a chance if not for the emperor's idiocy AND Rashta's crappy characterization. A competant/nuanced Rashta who may scheme but probably stay mostly in her lane wouldn't get Navier's notice as much...nor push the Emperor to do things that would upset the status quo.

@hakunoyuuki. Yup, you're damn right there. @chonkury and you pretty much nail it and put it into better words than I can.  Like I read the story and it doesn't sit right with Rashta being positioned as the villainess when you take into account what both of your comments. Oddly, it actually makes me more sympathetic toward her (whereas previously I just disliked her because what is even the point of her if not to pit her against really should be the emperor). *sigh*
Mar 23, 2020
@CottonKey @hakunoyuuki Yes, the emperor is the true villain here. However, the author seems uncomfortable with having Navier directly compete with her husband; the point that always repeats itself throughout the series so far is that Navier must stay beneath her (admittedly high) glass ceiling whereas the emperor gets to do whatever he wants. Granted, that's how it would work in this scenario; all the same, since Navier is the protagonist, I've been waiting for her to show signs of some internal change that proves she's growing as a character. I want her to beat the emperor at his own game and leave on her own power instead of having to wait for Heinley to make a move.

If this were a modern corporate drama -- with Sovieshu as the head of a conglomerate, Navier the wealthy heiress he'd married for political reasons, and Rashta his pretty (and incompetent) new secretary -- that could happen. But it's not, and Navier (like many of the historical queens I'm aware of) has to go from marriage to marriage in order to wield power. I'm glad that Heinley is a good guy and that he adores her. Kinda wish she didn't need him though. ^^;;

As for Rashta... Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if she were written as less of an ingenue caricature; she could be frenemies with Navier, and maybe they could ultimately team up to get back at Sovieshu. That would have been fun.
Oct 21, 2019
@chonkury because rashta seems to be getting everything her way despite being annoying and dumb...her downfall will be so satisfying lol. i think we have seen quite a bit of competent villainess's, I can't really name a story where the villainess is dumb, headstrong but ambitious and has help from like 4 people lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
@CottonKey The problem with Navier is that she is half-assing it. Her pride doesn't allow her to peacefully co-exist with Trashta, and her professionalism doesn't allow her to go all out getting rid of her. Mix of both doesn't allow her to actually confront the Simperor to sort this whole thing out. She dug her own hole here.

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