Remarried Empress - Ch. 51

Sep 3, 2020
can smb just please tell me trashta's endings
Dex-chan lover
Sep 4, 2019
Art: Pretty Good
Translation: Excellent, thank you for the chapter
Story: hooooo boy, lets chat a bit

This story is really starting to boil my s***. I can’t even tell who the author thinks the main character is, even in sequences with the main character in it. It’s always Rashta this and Rashta that, and its eating plot progression so much and causing the story (and whatever enthusiasm I had left for it) to fizzle out. The characters grow more bland with each passing week, as their character development hinges more and more on the tropes and plot points of a single antagonist. The sneak-peek in chapter one should not be the end of the story, but rather one of many climaxes that the story should have. The issue is, the pacing of the story makes me believe that’s exactly what the author is aiming for, to have the beginning of the story be the end.


Y’know, while writing this, my wife asked me if I was writing another scathing comment on that one manhwa like I did last week. Of course I said yes, and then she asked me “If you hate it so much, why do you keep reading it?” I thought about it for a few seconds, and that’s when it hit me. It’s a spectacle. It’s like bad theatre. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The driving source of my interest has long since ceased being investment in the story. After weeks of being browbeaten with the setting up of Rashta as a quality trash-human, I’ve started looking for other reasons to read it, and I’ve stumbled upon something different to enjoy. Which is counting the weeks it takes for something significant in the plot to happen. Every week I’m giddy with excitement about “oooooo, what’s not gonna happen this week?!”

Please, for the love of my sanity (and this story), please move the plot on to something else. We’ve spent 50 chapters on this arc, and we’re all waiting for the grand finale we were promised in chapter one. This is like when you’re on a roller coaster, and your riding the rest hill. You’re excited, your adrenaline is pumping, you’re stoked for what’s about to happen. You know what’s just over the rise, and you can’t wait to get there. But then.... you don’t. You just level out. No big drop into a loop or a spin, no multi-G turns, nothing. It’s just flat. That’s what this story is.

Anyways, thanks for watching, be sure to come back next week for a shouting match with my monitor.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 17, 2020
Duke Ergy really is the mastermind behind all the drama. A true shadow king! I wonder what his end goal is? He's honestly the most interesting character (maybe because he still has potential to be complex...). He's messing around with so many things- I don't remember if he's actually from the same country as Prince Heinley or not? I think he's from some other place? Actually what on earth is this man's purpose with being in the palace? He's doesn't really seem like a diplomat but he's still definitely a guest...

The thing about the fake parents.. it could work. Also wow was that critical thought Rashta?? Yeah why hasn't Sovietshu done this, if it's supposedly so easy? Maybe the risk is higher than the reward for him, he's not really an empathetic person and he's also used to everyone following is sayso.
May 5, 2020
after reading how the author is putting Ergy in a bad light, I really dont think Ergy is a bad guy here... He's good with Heinley. I have a feeling he's a tool to cause a mess in east empire so that Navier can go to West empire
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
Wow! The logo is soo good... you guys are doing a FANTASTIC job !!! 😆
Thanks for the fast updates, nice translation, editing and... oh, appreciate the remarks in between
Sep 10, 2020

Oh my god, so true. I've been debating wether I should stop reading, because with the way the story's going, it's quite obvious that we're an eternity away from what was shown in the beginning.

Really, now I'm just torturing myself by coming back to each new chapter.
Feb 2, 2020
Tyvm for the update!

All these boys are dumb. Why are the males in this so lame? I thought ml were supposed to be At least I can finally see how this divorce is gonna pop off. This feels like a total set up..and ol bird boy is just gonna yeet in there like “I’ll take her!” 😂 ughhhhh

I am still rooting for Navier, MY QUEEN, to rule over both east and west empires (UNIFICATION) and just have a fleet of concubines because reverse harems are on trend right now and ain’t no man worthy to wear the crown at this point. Except for maybe the cutie with the white hair but not even. He was adorable but not emperor material. I want him to come back tho and that whole chapter is just him blushing and crying and Navier being like “dafuq is wrong with him?” 😂

Lol. I love how there was so much complaining this chapter.
May 9, 2019
I still can’t hate Rashta. I can not condone her actions in how it hurts Navier, but she can only do what she can to avoid being a slave and miserable again. Anyone would do the same and if the story was written with her as the protagonist we would prolly see many comments think differently. Soviet she is the only true shitty person here. Also, funny how people hate Rahshta for getting in between the emperor and empress, but our bird boi does the same, still loved, some double standards :p (and his intentions were always to get involved, Sovietshu being a shit taking on a concubine is just giving him a better opportunity to not look bad)

Basically, as long as Rashta never goes too far, I won’t think horribly of her. Same with any other character. Just, Stupidshoe already went too far.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Other than
the awful way Rashta treats her child after giving birth, being the one thing that is really entirely her own fault,
whenever I get mad at Rashta, I stop and think, "well, what is the correct move for her?"

Honestly, I can't think of any way for Rashta to escape the trap she's in. No matter what she might try to do, someone will take advantage of her or punish her for it.
Dec 25, 2020
@TheGodEmperor I don’t HATE her either, she’s just really annoying acting like a five year old and you can’t blame that on her being commoner(i know you didn’t), she needs to grow up plus she’s a little too greedy and disrespectful sometimes, that can be on her stupidness but comon... and for the bird boi its not the same. Okay he woo her but he never goes beyond the line and wants to be with her the right way. Like the emperor and rashta only seems to be together to piss the empress, in the way they don’t even actually seem in love or anything, like a fling at most.
Group Leader
Oct 23, 2019
@SugarFree You've put it really well. I read what I could from the novel up to about Chapter 92 (i.e. whatever was translated into English and then the raws after it was dropped) and I'm a little disappointed by the webtoon. The novel had me wanting more and was a little more fast-paced. Yes, the divorce happens later than I would've liked it, but the characters were more fleshed out there and the divorce was really satisfying
especially considering everything from then just goes downhill for Sovieshu and Rashta, while Navier and Heinley's relationship develops
. I wish the novel was also translated, and that the webtoon was a little more nicely done. Granted the art is nice, but I don't like how they're messing with the plot, and by this I don't mean what happens in the story but rather the plot progression, the narration, and how it seems to be more Rashta-centric, especially in the past few chapters.

TL;DR - Novel good, webtoon meh, Rashta takes too many panels, I hope the webtoon gets better but I have a feeling it will be greatly stretched out.
Oct 12, 2020

Well, right now, she's screwed no matter what she does. But this is the consequences of her choices.
She could've stayed a regular concubine and not tried to interact with the Empress as her equal. Or better yet, she could've shown the Empress the proper respect since the beginning.
She could've chosen to hide behind the big broad shoulders of the Emperor and not go and try to ruin the reputation of someone else for the sake of diverting gossip away from her. She could've just had her child in peace and not tried to call the Empress sterile to her face, she could've not gotten involved with the whole "secret admirer scandal" and lied for the sake of getting attention (which btw, was very ironic considering she was so desperate to divert attention away from her just a few chapters prior)...

I could go on and on, and yes her situation currently sucks and she's basically trapped. But she built the trap all on her own by making an enemy of the second most powerful person in the empire in stead of getting her on her side🤷‍♀️
Mar 6, 2019
Thank you for the new chapter! Here's hope Rashta and the dumbass emperor will die horribly soon.

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