This image sums up the problem nicely. It sure as hell isn't because of a lack of affirmative action.
Like I said, that's the free market at work. The problem isn't the industry's existence. The problem is that it's being normalised, even among children.
Furthermore, renting a man is a completely different thing to renting a teenager. The sexual dynamic makes the industry damaging for females who participate in it. Think of it like this. For a woman (or teenager) to be worth renting, she must be attractive and good at stroking a man's ego. That's all she needs to have more customers than she can serve.
In order for a man in the same career to be worth a woman's time and money, he would have to possess certain transferable skills (massage, cooking, therapy, customer service etc.). It's also a viable long-term career since a man's sexual market value is based on competence (which increases with age), whereas in women it's based on looks (which decrease with age).
Ignoring these truths and putting feelings before reality leaves women hanging out to dry because they basked in easy money in their naive youth rather than improving themselves for long-term gains. It's literally a recipe for degeneracy and a big reason why sex work was traditionally frowned upon. This notion that denigrating sex work is an oppressive, patriarchal thing is a recent and (IMO of course) incorrect view based on feelings over historical fact.