Shaved hair is used as a punishment so he was obviously punished by his dad, Also he's a kid ofc hes stupid as shit.
I was stupid as a kid and the only difference between then and now is that i know im stupid now.
@Wnf Not to mention some people mature A LOT as they grow up while others barely change, for better or worse. People are all very different and he is still young enough that he could easily be humbled and change into a proper person. He just has stupid idea's running about in his head right now is all. As long as they don't cement its fine.
so now you like the useless little shit that does nothing but annoy you? come on author be consistent, is the MC a no nonsense character that wants to study and become strong/learn or is he mentally like a child and just wants a friend...
Bass' only chance of redemption is if he doesn't discover the connection between Amber eyes and demonkin. Otherwise he'll probably try to lead a purge against Abel and other Amber eyed folk. @Doomer
He's obviously using Ted to familiarize himself with the level of magic his current body can handle, I wouldn't say he sees Ted as anything but a sentient training dummy honestly.