Reverend Insanity

Aug 28, 2020
@twixyNeo i remember a note saying that the authors had to get other jobs and maybe thats why theres a huge drop in quantity and quality in latest chapters and why theres no new chapters too... i really liked this one, i wish there was a way for it to get back
Group Leader
Jun 6, 2019
Rumour has it in the Chinese online community is that the series being banned had a few reasons. 1. The author of Soul Land - Tang Jia San Shao reporting it out of jealousy for being too dark and unfitting of Chinese values. 2. Was mass reported by other readers and writers. This led to 3 and 4, which the government eventually gave the ban hammer and hosting platforms eventually followed suit.

Both the novel and manhua are banned in China rn, but the author has started a new novel -->无限血核.
Mar 19, 2019
@WhureHouse First time I hear that another author is involved in this fuckery. If what you’re saying it’s true, there’s a good chance the new book will get troubles too. Oh how I wish I understand Chinese so I can better follow the drama.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I read the novel for a while, but ended up dropping it. It was decently written, the story was at least on the standard level in the xianxia genre, and there were no other such technical problems. However, I just didn't like the MC too much. Thus I'm hardly sad if this ended up axed. Of course I don't support such state organised censorship in general, but as long as China is communist, it's 100% going to happen. Might as well complain about the Middle East having too little rain or a place near or above the arctic circle being too cold and having too long winters.
Aug 1, 2019
D'après les autres commentaires la série serait censurée par le gouvernement chinois parce qu'elle ne représente pas les valeurs de !a Chine... Je ne sais pas si c'est vrai mais c'est dommage si c'est le cas.
L'histoire mais surtout Fang Yuan le "héro" sont assez ovnivesques en soi, après tout c'est plutôt rare que le personnage principal soit méchant. Il est mauvais, froid, calculateur, cruel et j'en passe -bon on essaye un peu trop de le faire passer pour un génie par contre- mais en même temps on a envie de continuer à le suivre.
Bref, je dirais que l'auteur a vraiment fait un bon taff dans la création de ce personnage, les autres un peu moins, à part à la limite le vieux chef du clan, personne n'a trop d'intérêt pour l'instant, mais quoi qu'il en soit Fang Yue est un personnage sidérant. Peut-être que je suis influencée par le dernier chapitre aussi, où il fait grincer des dents un peu quand même hein ^^'
En tout cas merci beaucoup à l'équipe de trad !! Sans vous je n'aurais pas découvert cette pépite ✨ !!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2020
Anyone who hasn’t read the novel yet I highly recommend you to read it it’s really good!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2020
@detsuki213 yeah it’s the best Chinese novel I’ve ever read in my life. Sad that not many know of this masterpiece. The author started another series hopefully it’s as good as reverend insanity.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
um why is the status "hiatus"? i thought it was cancelled?

okay in any case great stuff
the mc is so evil tho lmaoo

@WhureHouse seriously? wow you just made me hate tang jiao san shao and soul land
not that i really like soul land either but whatever
Jul 11, 2020
Any recommendations like this plz
I finished novel , it is really good and left with clift hanger cuz it got banned.

Novel is Supper good.
Feb 27, 2019
I don't think they banned this for violence or gore. Most wuxia novels characters (maybe authors) move by the logic of complete sociopaths.

This main character truly doesn't care about his standing. Most Wuxia only superficially pretend their main character doesn't care about saving face.

His main advantage over others is not brute force, but his ability to exploit the rules. In stark contract with the typical Wuxia hero that gets immediate wish-fulfilment by cultivating a divine tradition or text passed down to him, either from the Heavens or his past self, or both. To put it bluntly the typical hero in Wuxia always gains his power from being subservient to some form of a superior indoctrination method.

But here, the main character simply borrows the power of others by simply manipulating people that follow both written rules and unwritten rules about face.

In other words, he's 100% defiant towards the mechanisms of soft power in Chinese culture, without immediately resorting to violence but deception.

So, instead of a violent psychopath who solves everything with the most senseless violence for the benefit of his cult, this character wins battles by non-participation and pointing the internal logic for violence of the world against itself. He exposes that there is no merit in abiding by the cult. His core motivation is to abandon his sect because it's headed towards ruin.

At best the usual Wuxia superhero only leaves his own sect for another. And often, if not always, the sect he leaves is either bootlicking for usurpers against the true leaders or royal family.

The problem for China here is that this story written better than most Wuxia novels of this theme. (The bar is set abysmally low.) The anti-authoritarian antihero offers a more sensible plot than the sectarian superhero-cultivator.

The author does all this, and then makes a twin brother a motif for this typical wuxia superhero. A complete loser, despite his elite talent and status, that is foolishly held back by being a loyalist who's unwilling to honor any contrarian principles of his own. This is inescapably expressed as abandoning the estate of his parents in favor of kowtowing to his abusive step-parents.

However, the main character doesn't hate his brother, he pities him. What an allegory for the general culture!

If there is anything more depravingly Western and offensive in the eyes of the CCP, it's the selfish pursuit of power without any greater loyalty. And this MC only ever cares for the rules of society when it gives him more spirit stones.
Active member
Jan 4, 2019
This is xianxia, not wuxia. Furthermore the main character is as much a sociopath as any xianxia protagonist and while he does use his cunning he also, with fair frequency directly gets his hands more than bloody (well in the novel version anyway, dropped this adaption a while ago). Honestly the novel was fairly tedious, it was solidly enough written and translated but there was far too much padding for an often unsatisfying payoff. The main character felt pointlessly edgy at times and his "cunning plans" often, well, weren't.
Sep 22, 2020
It's a shame that the Chinese government had to basically take this down.

It's one of the best cultivation wuxia I've read. The Mc is smart and ruthless and doesn't favor women over men he kills them both indiscriminately. It's not a cesspool of cliché plots and character troupes and far as I know there is no harem which is good, why the fuck does every single wuxia have to have a god damn harem full of useless and weak women (And the occasional Tsundere).

Over all a really good read I highly recommend this.

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