Wonder who she was, if she was scared enough to crouch in public? Japan is pretty enthusiastic with their fireworks, you literally wouldn't be able to sleep if you stayed somewhere near a place like disneyworld.
@cryum considering how good she was at the shooting game I think she might be from an earlier period and experienced war and the fireworks make her remember cannons or bombs ? Which would basically mean that the Loli has PTSD.
>Why were you reborn?
If Sakuya really was a WW2 soldier I bet she would probably want to restore the Empire and make the Emperor great again. Tenno Heika Banzai
is it safe to leave all those children alone like that? i mean considering the chikan phenomena and everything in japan i'm not sure it's really a good idea to leave a small group of children by themselves
@ShinobuOshino She could have also been a woman in a city the Americans bombed. In fact considering she didn't get used to fireworks even after the war, it's possible she was killed by the bombs.