Russian Wakanim killing anime community in Russian!

Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
Russian office Wakanim killing any site with anime in our country, because they want our money. Because french Fondateurs said that will be okay. They want only money and nothing more. If they will have success, than they will shutdown any site in any countries. Encyclopedia or not - they will come for you. Want see any anime? - Go and pay money Wakanim. They want your money. They don`t love anime - they want only money. Yet, they don`t want increase more anime releases - they just want money and no more competitors.
Jan 22, 2018
Remember when nyaa went down and a week later two other torrent sites started up?
Remember when sadpanda removed Fakku stuff and 30+ sistes went up with all their stuff?
Remember when closed and this place started?

Fucking relax.
Mar 2, 2018
EVERY big company wants your cash, it's nothing new. They can't shut down ANY site in ANY country, that's not how international stuff works. ILLEGAL sites can be shut down. If you are from russia then with the help of the government they can make certain sites "banned" in russia. Most of the countries are doing it, there are sites you can't see from EU, China or most other countries. Just use proxy or VPN.
There are so many options, your favourite illegal site is down? You can search for one of hundreds or thousands other similar sites. You don't like then, try streaming site.
I'm not against piracy but if you really liked certain anime, BUY IT!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
The internet feels balanced to me. Not too many pirates, not too much regulation. Enough to foster business, but allow equal opportunity for experience...


Jan 23, 2018
I think the main reason I don't buy anime is because most of the legit translators of manga/anime are terrible. If they weren't then I would buy it.
Jul 29, 2019
Jak you hit the nail on the head. Scanlators tend to be beloved by the community because they come from the community, and they listen to the community. The only thing is you have to deal with a... bit... of drama from time to time.

That drama is gone in official stuff, but it tends to be done by people who don't give a shit about the community and they either localize the hell out of it "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub, I love jelly donuts dear elder!" (senpai localized to elder, as if that ever makes any fucking sense) or they just rewrite half the shit and are completely lazy. Don't know how to translate something? Fuck it! Make it up! A funny nuanced character appears? Fuck that, let's just make him a one dimensional idiot who spouts le epic funny memes!

Group Leader
Sep 30, 2018
Not surprised.

I am french myself, and I can tell you people are terribly greedy and would like any correct job done for free removed in the name of "all right reserved".
Nov 19, 2018
This post is just demonizing wakanim. What makes you say they don't want more content to be made? By every stretch of the imagination they do have to pay for those licenses to stream the anime and so are generating profit to the japanese content owners inducing growth in the market.

Well piracy will always exist so you shouldn't worry about not getting your anime fix but supporting the creators is not something you should be judging anyway because it will just mean more shit to watch for you as well.

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