Dear god this is just a few steps from becoming a psychological horror series. This is all without his consent, with a person he has never met/doesn’t know a damn thing about, he can’t see his family anymore, he can’t make decisions for himself anymore. At this point he isn’t living his own life, just the life chosen by those who “bought” him.
To some this might be a dream, but obviously he’s confused, scared, and beyond all that simply lost. Who is this woman? Why does she give a damn? And I don’t get to live for myself anymore? He was just about to work with people he knew, and could trust that they only wanted the best for him. And while it may not have been the best outcome, at least he still had his own life to live.
But now? Nope, he’s her “property” now, what happens if he doesn’t wind up loving her? Or if he loves someone else? Tough luck, you’ve been bought and paid for, your parents, your “guardians” signed the papers. Your future has been decided, you don’t get a say anymore. Its so dystopian and nightmarish, the only reason he probably isn’t scared of it, is because the shock of the situation hasn’t worn off yet.
And most importantly never forget, 30 million, that’s how much his life is worth and he knows that now. He was literally bought, his life has been paid for, there is an actual price tag on his goddamn life. Do you have any idea how horrifying that is? He knows down to the exact number how much his life is worth. And every day he will have to live knowing that, what if someone else comes along with similar motives? Couldn’t they just buy him too? That’s a lot of money, don’t get me wrong, but is that really how much his life is worth? And to the people he’s dealing with, that’s chump change.
What happens if they change their goddamn minds? Or if she gets bored of him? Or what if she doesn’t like him in the end? So many questions, but all of their answers aren’t good, and now he has to do his damndest just to ensure nothing bad happens.