I've tried reading the light novel of this, and my word it is truly awful. The manga team have really had to work to get the story as acceptable as it is, because the book is written like Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books, with stilted and verbose prose and as virginal and chased as a Victorian novel. Our MC is less beta simp than say Aname in "The Angel Next Door Spoils me Rotten", but his motivations are all over the place in the book. While is is happy to tease her for being so forward, he is such a simp at his core. The Manga is making him a bit more believable, but eventually the manga is going to have to follow the LN and have them sharing a bed while still not actually doing anything remotely romantic or sexual. It is like the author wants to tease people with mature content, but having to keep it child friendly. So, I am half way through the book and totally frustrated and hating it, but I'm hoping the manga will continue to beat the story into better shape and actually make it believable and drop the Twilight-esque flowery frigidity.