It was probablyThat logic is... blowing my mind.
She's investigating them for "shady stuff", the dude outright betrays and murders his own party member right in front of her, and that's not enough to incriminate him? I feel like anyone doing their fucking job right would've stopped him before somebody had to die to prove him guilty. In my mind, she's no better than he is, 'undercover investigation' be damned.
she wanted any bigger fish this could lead her to. Two corrupt adventurers is not a big find. She would want all their connections and parties involved. She could remove the rot, root and branch, from the Adventurer's guild. Does it forgive her watching Dion being murdered, no. But it does explain her choices. She is focused on the end goal, not the price she paid before hand. And, not to delve too much into the hypothetical, she could have been ordered by her superiors to not intervene if she told them about the murder plot.