S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Erufu Musume no Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu

Sep 9, 2018
Gobbo go splat. Somebody tell Stella you aim the pointy end at the enemy. (Tbh i was expecting her to do exactly that, but with the shield).
Mar 23, 2020

Ya know what's even weirder about this story? As per the novel, The harem thing gets bigger but other than them petting him and the author delving into possibly every fetish that exists, that's it. They don't cross the line, they get uncomfortably close at times but never get there.

It's like author decided to create a story with the intention to troll the maximum amount of people. To troll the perverts and the normal people.
Jun 5, 2018
Am I the only person enjoying the reversal? Or at least, it's a cute story until elf girl descends into her pervert side. This doesn't come off as mindless wish fulfillment since Tama is actually a decent guy and trying to BE a decent ... monsterperson. Even Stella is pretty well written. She's OP but she's basically a child mentally, and they do a good job of portraying the different sides people tend to have/suppress.

People stuck on "implied bestiality" don't realize they already endorsed it if they ever supported an elf or a dwarf or ANY other species being with a human. It's ALL cross species. Stop making exceptions here just because you recognize yourself in the perverts.

Tama has had PLENTY of chances to take this down your seemingly paranoid elf/catmonster route, but he actively avoids it. If you keep asking "where's the bestiality?!?" you're essentially asking "why hasn't Tama banged everyone yet?" So... which side are you really on?

I got news for ya, because a normal reaction would be discomfort. Like Tama shows. You aren't a "normie being trolled" If you think discomfort isn't a deliberate emotion evoked by a story.

I suspect the vast majority of mangadex readers for this particular manga probably also read the bear one, which is WAY more akward. Hilarious though.
Nov 13, 2019
How is a relationship with an elf or dwarf beastiality? Aren't elves just like humans except they have pointy ears, magic, and an affinity for nature? And arent dwarves pretty much short humans with a knack for mining and forging?
May 4, 2019
Yay, Murdoch Murdoch Scans! Thank you very much for picking this one up for translation! I really like the story, the art is great, and the characters are really likable. I am really happy to be able to continue reading this story.
Jun 5, 2018
@Antemgram What defines an animal? Fantasy races aren't just "humans with different features." Where the hell did you get that idea? I don't think I have ever read a fantasy story who said or even tried to imply that. Tama is as intelligent as a human, and what happens if knowing manga stories he learns a skill that lets him change to his former human body? Is he still a cat? Is he a human in a cats body? It sure seems like he is.

What about cat girls? Are they animals, or humans with tails and ears? What about Aisha Clanclan from outlaw star? She's clearly more bestial than human, and is noted as being a completely alien species. Is that bestiality?

The line gets real blurry with aliens. Fantasy races are no different.
Personally, that's why I like Tama. He's not being generic horny male. He has reasons for doing what he does and he hasn't taken advantage of what he is despite the fact he easily could have. The elf clearly doesn't give a shit about him being a monster. Readers here sure seem obsessed with it though.

Well... he took advantage of comfortable sleeping locations but w/e fight me.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2020
All these people in the comments arguing about what's considered bestiality, and I'm just here like "I hope the epilogue is Tama's harem learning about how cat penises are barbed and giving up".
Nov 13, 2019
Well yeah, but I wasn't referring to the MC. He's definitely a cat/monster/thing. I'm just confused by the idea that elves and dwarves being in a relationship with a human is considered beastiality.

I guess it wouldn't be beastiality if he had a skill to turn himself human since he's not a cat anymore. It's been at least a year since I read the story (and even then, i think I only read three chapters), but isn't he a human in a cat monster's body, thus such a skill would make him a human in a cat in a human?

I believe I got the idea that fantasy races are humans with fantastical differences from the second word in the term. "Races". I just assumed they were a different race of human, thus explaining why they behave and/or look like humans (depending on the story using the races). Besides, I've never read a story in which it was implied they aren't unless the class is defined as a monster in that specific story.

I dont know who Clanclan is since I never bothered to watch Outlaw Star, so I cant really answer that question.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
Are they seriously intending to fuck a cat. What the fuck is this story.

Trash isekai are dime a dozen. This isn't an exception.
Jun 5, 2018
It's actually horrifying to me that you took the "races" part and not the "human" part.

Different nationalities of humans aren't REALLY "different races". It was a method for putting down OTHER "races" to make one race seem superior. Calling white people the "human race" and black people "the other race" was a way to dehumanize people.

Like you said, take the whole phrase. Human Race. Replace the first word with an alien species. The Asari Race. Or just look up the actual proper, original defintion of race.
Humans are all members of the human race. Our differences stem from history, nationality, culture. Not because we are physically distinct beings.
The Elven Race is a race of elves. The Dwarven Race is a race of dwarves. Not a race of human dwarves, or human elves.
Edit: This is probably easier to understand from old RPG's and stories, like maybe D&D or lord of the rings. Orcs/Orks are VERY CLEARLY not human. Warhammer orks are essentially intelligent fungus. THESE are distinct races. Elves and Dwarves blur the line because it's easier for us to overlap "human" onto something that just has different ears or their women have beards. It was simply easier. Even in science fiction it was cheaper to make aliens look human with green skin (Star trek) on the set than it was to actually have to produce some kind of alien looking creature. The first CGI aliens were just godawful.

Biologically at least, WAY more than what you realize is actually going into really creepy territory. Kirk was not sleeping with dozens of somehow human alien races. He was literally sleeping with species that were completely biologically distinct. It's no different than a human sleeping with a tree, or a dolphin. You and I can agree it sounds pretty skeevy, but functionally it's ALL skeevy. Just depends on how far you're willing to bend your idea of what makes someone a person, or for some people, how far you're willing to bend the idea of being human.

Personally, I think the whole Tama/Elf girl thing is done on purpose to provide a different perspective on something that people don't really think about. If you swapped tama out with a generic male protagonist and replaced the girls with your stereotypical harem races, no one would have said word otherwise. Making Tama the cat, and making it REALLY uncomfortable when the elf gets really weird is kinda the point. It's a juxtaposition of our expectations.

Sorry if this was way more than you had any interest in reading, Athengrim. It's interesting to me when I get to meet someone with a different perspective.

@assman162 Wonderful name sir. By the way, one little problem... this isn't an isekai.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2020
@Scynix Races are a biological reality. We can tell races apart in DNA, nothing to do with culture or history. As much as marxists want to convince people otherwise, racial biodiversity is a real thing.

Also this manga doesn't really have a higher meaning, it actually gets published in a gravure magazine (think like.. sports illustrated without the text), and they hire cosplayers to cosplay as the characters as well

This is from the magazine it was published. https://www.younganimal.com/gravure/index.html?num=06
Jun 5, 2018
@mmscans Human DNA is Human DNA. What you're referring to as "racial biodiversity" has nothing to do with dividing us into different groups. It's entirely environmental, social and happens over the course of GENERATIONS. It's ADAPTABILITY. It does not make anyone less human. Human DNA is still Human DNA, no matter what mutations and variations have occurred. We can still identify it as HUMAN.

Please don't spread misinformation. Especially not in a place with so few people actually bothering to learn.

I don't even care where it was published. The very fact you're trying to use it's published location as some kind of evidence means you don't even understand how that process works. Correlation is not Causation. You've at least heard that before, right? Or are you just openly stating bias? Don't get me wrong, that's fine, more power to you, but please don't imply like you're being clever. You aren't. You're spouting WORD FOR WORD the excuse used for EUGENICS. Or do you support eugenics? Because obviously everyone is different and anyone who says otherwise is marxist, right?
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2020
@Scynix Absolutely incorrect. How else would companies like 23&me be able to determine what your ancestry composition is without being able to attribute racial differences? There are also noted differences in human characteristics, for example how Europeans immune systems evolved because of various plagues, so now they're resistant to HIV infections. https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/viruses101/hiv_resistant_mutation/

Do some learning yourself.


I take it you haven't went to my site URL I post. From the SPLC
"Nine users credit the animated YouTube series “Murdoch Murdoch” with helping them address the “JQ.” With a satirical and surrealist tone reminiscent of something that might be found on “Adult Swim,” the show focuses on three national socialists — all of whom represent slightly different variations of the ideology — attempting to navigate the alt-right and implement their utopian white ethnostate. "

Yes, eugenic policies like supporting planned parenthood must be maintained, otherwise we'll devolve. That doesn't mean that we should be authoritarians and force racially dysgenic policies, but allowing genetic lineages to fail as well as succeed based on merit's an important aspect of human life.
Jun 5, 2018

I honestly don't know how to respond to @mmscans now. That's either one hell of a troll or... well I'd rather not consider the alternative as actually being possible, even though it clearly is.
Nov 13, 2019
Sorry, I should have specified that I was looking at the term "fantasy race" not "human race".

Wait, did I say that nationalities and race are the same? If so, I would like to clarify that's not what I meant, I apologize for the confusion.

I'm using the word "race" as a standin for "a group of humans with distinct physical characteristics" because that's its modern connotation. I fail to see how its origin matters in this conversation, but thanks for telling me about the origin of the term (no, I'm not being sarcastic, I actually never knew about it)

Also, why do you keep bringing up aliens?

I was going to respond to the rest of your comment, but I realized it took me too long to reply and the conversation has moved on without me. Before I go, I just want to clarify that my intention in replying to you wasn't to incite an argument, but because I was genuinely confused by you calling human-elf relationships beastiality. I still do not completely understand your stance, but I can somewhat see what you mean. Thanks for helping me come to understand fantasy races a bit more!
Jun 5, 2018
@Athengrim Oh, you don't have anything to apologize for, you were completely right in questioning my views. They are just views in the end. In my experiences with fantasy, science fiction and the writers themselves and in the field of work I do I get exposed to a lot of different ideas, but you were the first to actually ask if they weren't just humans with slightly different appearance. Weird, right? Your perspective is legitimately interesting to me. Really, you could be right too. Maybe that was the intent all along, and writers just derailed from it in an attempt to make things different? Can't really ask if monsters from greek culture were actually monsters or human monsters or what. No one is around to clarify! Gotta make the best subjective guess we can.

I do apologize about the confusing aspect I was introducing with "aliens". I thought it might be easier to understand the correlation between humans and an alien species, rather than humans and a non-human species on the same planet. It's easy to understand why someone would look at say, a lord of the rings elf and think "It's just a human with pointy ears right?" but it's actually a distinct race- as if it was an alien race. I think LOTR even implies they came from somewhere else, too? But it's been like twenty years since I read those books. Aliens are distinct in the human mind because they're relatively "new" compared to fantasy races or monsters or half gods. We've spent our history writing about that shit, so it's very understandable why we would mentally blur the lines between a kobold and a human, for example. I thought "alien" might help differentiate how different these species appear. Especially ones that are more bestial, like canine kobolds instead of the more humanish ones. They seemed especially apt. Have you read/watched goblin slayer? Are goblins "beasts"? Or just monsters? They can breed with humans without going sterile, so that implies they aren't THAT genetically different. What we KNOW about them implies they're human. Now my brain hurts.

Yeah the conversation derailed into weird fascism and pro-eugenics so I stepped out too. I gave up a long time ago trying to argue science with emotion, it doesn't go anywhere. Might as well argue about which flavor of ice cream is the best, no one is ever going to be able to really prove otherwise without committing a bunch of war crimes.

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