I'm a Curse Crafter, and I Don't Need an S-Rank Party!

Jul 15, 2023
So lets pretend he can "craft specific curses" what curse would you like to see crafted on gear? Ill start with "People around you gain X - You gain no exp" Fun little plvl tool.
May 27, 2024
Okay. Why is every f.ki.ng manga drawn by some unknown artists have the same problem in building the mc mental and characteristics ? What is this unnecessary , absurdly SAINT and DUMB mc ? Like, did they have a strict rule in drawing manga ?? Is ethical morality a must????do they like the idea of a mc who can actually forgive his enemy even killing a whole city , thousands of ppl and their love one ? :D
Even in manhwa , some of their plot are horrible , but at least they know how to satisfied the readers , not by giving them life lesson about forgiving and tolerance
7/10 art
-10/10 character dev
3/10 plot . trash and horrible
Jan 2, 2024
I know this gets a lot of hate, but I am absolutely charmed by this.

It's easy to poke fun at all the tropes that this trods over, but what people don't seem to recognize is how much of those tropes are actually subverted. Sure, MC has a superpower to basically make god-tier items while trivializing the downsides (and I hope there will be a deep dive into how that works at some point), but instead of using it for his own enrichment, his goal is to make the lives of others better.

And yeah - he's a bit weird, with a divergent aesthetic sense. But so what? He likes what he likes, he gets excited about what he likes, and he's not going to apologize for it. How many of you have exactly that attitude towards video games or technology or card games or whatever? MC is happy, and seems to operate on the theory that "giving is living". Instead of amassing wealth or power or women, like practically every other "Game Rules" MC we've seen, he looks to his craft, and he looks to what the people around him need.

As for the women that seem to be gravitating towards him, it's blatantly obvious that they aren't overlooking his weirdness, even if they don't share it (cough with one exception cough). They see the weird, they acknowledge the weird, and they find him a pretty likable fellow regardless. Women tend to find men who are passionate about something other than them attractive, and with MC's habit of pulling those around him up instead of climbing to the top on their backs, they see something in him.

Are the one-sided romances too fast-paced? Maybe a little. And yes, MC appears to be a stereotypical clueless protagonist, though I have a sneaking suspicion that either he's been a little too humbled by women in the past or he's just no good at the relationship stuff, so he puts it off until later. My guess, though, is that now that he has the opportunity to truly pursue his passions, he's indulging in all the stuff he wanted to and he's hyperfocused on that freedom of action...which is part of why this is so fun.

I would like to see more actual plot and story - currently, we've got a lot of 'stuff' happening, but only a bit of thread tying things together into an overall narrative. That's the weak point, currently; so far, this seems like a very long setup phase, and I kind of feel like we should have launched into something deeper about two volumes ago.

The art is clean and highly polished; I've seen better, but this is excellent. Proportions are sane, backgrounds are detailed, line-work is tight and coherent, with no cheap tricks or wonky angles or curves. If I were to be absolutely unforgiving in my rating of the art, I'd put it at an A-; it has serious potential to blossom into truly extraordinary artwork, though I feel like time is the big issue holding it back from that level. Even the proportions and composition of the humanoid bodies are noteworthy - despite being in a genre that practically demands over-the-top curves-n-cleavage, there isn't any of the absurdly exaggerated sexuality that too many artists use for fan service. It's quite refreshing to see restraint on this instead of the alternative.

Overall, I'm going to say this is light adventuring fare, but a worthwhile series and certainly deserving of more respect than it gets. B+ overall.

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