Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - Duty

Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
It’s a paladin doing paladin things. I don’t give a fink what you think about him. If someone wants to catch a plane out of the sky, he’s stupid, but if Superman says he’s gonna do it, it’s not. Will is Superman in this case.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Bro, the point of this whole story arc is Will doing wild things to save the day and people being startled at how much of a saint he genuinely is.

I’m just saying if you hate choir boys... you’re reading a story with a choir boy MC. Get used to it. Menel is the foil you’re looking for that provides the cynicism the MC lacks.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Me: People are stupid.
You: The earth is round; I'm not wrong.
Also You: If cutting off your arm when your pinky is caught in a gear saves your life, it's not stupideven though you could have just cut off your pinky.

Anyways, in regards to everything you've speculated about me, you're wrong. All of the fallacies you've dropped are wrong in that they're not good justifications for what you're arguing. You are not just not on the same page as me, you're reading an entirely different book. You have no idea what's going on, and I don't think you understand a thing I've said or what my original comment meant or how any of your defences / rebuttals were entirely irrelevant.
Sep 27, 2018
Will is so wholesome ✨💖 huge thanks to sense-scans and nani? scans for their hard work!
Apr 29, 2018
@Talismaster @Yautja I love it when people call fallacies but never bother explaining it. Sometimes when I read dumb manga where conflicts arise justified from (what I thought) bad writing (not actually talking first, etc etc), this situation reminds me that these things happen and I shouldn't be nitpicking the story too much :D
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Guess you must not love my last comment, and hate it when people need to spell things out for you. Kind of like how I'm going to point out disliking a character's actions is not the same thing as nitpicking a story.
Apr 29, 2018

Sorry, you're making wrong assumption there. I'm not talking about the last comment in particular, but from all the comments. I don't mind people spell things out either, in fact my comment suggest that people should explain themselves more, doesn't it? You could have made this into a civil discussion by pointing out what "better solution" Wil could have made without betraying his belief to prove your point, but you're just consistently trolling by using bad analogy and edgy meme.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
And you're missing the sarcasm the there.

I'm fully aware of what your comment meant, and if you were aware of what my comments meant, you'd notice that I was saying explaining shit to someone stupid enough to respond as he did to my comments is pointless. Notice how every time I put an image out saying he was missing the point, he kept saying the same shit? No questions, no varied responses, nothing. You'd think if someone kept saying "you're missing the point", you'd ask a question or try a different commenting on a different point. Each and everyone of his comments / justifications / oppositions to my comments, failed to illicit a response because they're fallacious, and as I've said, are missing the point. Something you seem to be doing right now.

Notice how the other guy that responded to me understood immediately, and the moment I actually tried to explained things, the other guy disappeared, either for complete lack of understanding or a personal revelation of self stupidity. Though I'd guess the former, as if the latter was likely, that comment chain likely wouldn't exist.

If you think that's a bad analogy, holy shit, you're missing the point just as much as he is. The whole fuckin' point of that analogy is to show just how off base he is and how unrelated everything he said is. And edgy meme? Do you know what edgy memes are? I'd guess not. As for "civil discussion", bite me, there's nothing more pretentious than some jack ass with a chip on his shoulder, riding a high horse with a "I'm morally justified spoon" shoved up his ass, on the internet telling you to be nicer to each other, when you were throwing around meme pictures and barely doing anything close to being uncivil, mean or rude. Especially when the person you were responding to was being 'S Tier Oblivious'. If you can't take a joke, you're on the wrong internet.

As for better solutions, oh, I don't know, maybe making the point that hey, that demon shit is probably going to kill you next, so why don't you let me take these people you wanna kill so I can go kill that demon shit and either, we all die and you get what you want, or we kill it and fix an eventual problem for you and atone for what these jackasses did. Either way, win win for you, and probably something you should fucking pay me for, not the other way around. A fucking blind hamster could have noticed that, I hardly see how that's an explanation that needs to be said. But hey, I get it, he's a paladin and nice, so automatically that means he's a dipshit and self-destructively altruistic. And to pre-empt a comment, if you need me to explain why he's a dipshit for making a promise like that to someone he doesn't know, in the middle a conflict he doesn't understand, you're probably one of the very same dipshits.

I'm a big believer in figuring shit out for yourself or asking questions. He did neither, until the very end where he subsequently disappeared after seemingly getting an answer he didn't like, so I'm not going to spoon feed him.
Apr 29, 2018

Wow, Ok, sorry for misusing "edgy meme". I guess it's just a meme, not edgy?

For the solution: the solution you proposed were basically the same as what Wil was doing, without him having to pay reparations from his pocket. Yes, he could have used threat (I can help you solve the risk of getting attacked by them again and getting attacked by the demons by retaking their village and defeating the demons, but you have to spare them the punishment, or I'll leave you with the risk of getting run by demons), but that's out of his character for now. That's why he has to overrule the village chief decision to kill them with blood money.

So, is there any 'better' solution for Wil without him having to betray his belief?

If you don't have anything else, that means you simply disagree with Wil's belief, not because the Wil could have made a "better choice". Yes, his altruist belief, when practiced like this, is not sustainable and not something I personally believe in, but the fact is I'm just reading a story about a guy like Wil overcoming hardships because of his decisions (and the story so far suggest it will be an interesting read).
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
If you don't know what a word means, don't use it.

No, it ain't. Paying someone so you can risk your life to kill some evil entity - to do them a fucking favor, and save some seeming criminals after you've already saved their asses, the people you're now fucking paying for some bullshit reason, then promised to protect them from a group you know little to nothing about and despite not knowing the situation and surrounding events, is not even close to the same thing as killing a known evil entity with some people you've prevented from committing mass murder without taking sides and not asking for a reward I might add. Not even fucking close. And hey buddy, that ain't a fucking threat. It's called reason and negotiation. Quit trying to straw-man what I said to pop it out from his character. What I suggested was entirely within his character frame, it just wasn't fucking stupid. Saying "I'll have these guys help me kill this thing that will kill you, even though they've attempted to kill you, for self preservation I might add." is not the same thing as saying "Don't kill these guys or I'll leave you to die". Don't pretend I suggested an ultimatum, don't pretend negotiation is the same thing as threatening, and don't twist my words into some bullshit straw-man. At least the other guy way oblivious, not malicious like you.

Is there? No shit. I literally suggested a better solution. You're just pretending I didn't by bullshitting what I said into something morally gray.

Yea, you're the same idiot as the guy I was originally responding. It has fuck all to do with his beliefs, it's to do with his decision making and planning. What I suggested was perfectly in line with his beliefs and cut out all the stupid shit he did. You just fucking lied and straw-manned what I suggested so you could do the same shit as the dipshit before you. He was just an idiot, but you're malicious and stupid enough to think I wouldn't notice you twisting my words and using the exact same presumptions as the halfwit before you. So I'll leave this for you, because you're not just no better than the idiot whom I originally was speaking to, you're worse, because at least he knew when to give up and didn't knowingly bullshit what I've said.
Apr 29, 2018
Lol, calm down before throwing out accussations. From what I read, there are several reason why executing the perpetrators is the solution the village chief come up with:

1. They attacked the village, and need retribution, as some of the villagers demand this
2. This eliminate the risk of another attack

Wil see that the solution to this deadlock is:

1. Retaking the village: the perpetrators now can then stay in their own village and rebuild, instead of wandering and thieving around
2. Provide money: this compensates the villagers that wants the execution (is this what you mean by bullshit reason?), AND as a 'deposit' so the village would take in the refugee, at least until Wil shows that he can actually subjugate the demons.

Mind actually explaining the negotiation you can come up with?
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
No tag, figures. Whenever some halfwit is struggling to come up with a rebuttal or explanation on this site they always, always, pretend to forget to tag. As far as I'm concerned, you just waved your brown stained, white flag of bullshit.

Really? Accusations? They seem accurate. You used a word incorrectly, you do not understand it - don't use it. I made a statement, you twisted it - straw-man; lying. You're missing the point, ergo, missing the point. And I don't really care what you've read, because you don't seem very good at it, considering your responses to me in both this comment and the comments past.

You're really missing the fuckin' point, aren't you? I don't give a shit about the chief's justification, my comments or suggestions abolish them. My comments are about Wil, and how what he could have suggested entirely nullifies those justifications, and hey, whatta ya fuckin know, they did. Because, 1) The retribution is saving their fucking lives from the demons, and it 2) eliminates the risk of another attack, because the whole reason they attacked was those demons something you would have noticed if you were paying attention, and weren't mindbogglingly ironic, because I spelt that shit out for you. Anyways. INSERT MISSING THE POINT MEME HERE.

And my point was his solution was stupid and there's better options, your little list is entirely extraneous. Someone, you, ain't paying attention very well. Ya see, this is why I was posting memes to buddy guy, because they're quicker than this shit. Even though I've explained this shit ad nauseam, you still don't understand, or pretend not to, and toss out bullshit non-sequiturs, straw-men, or my favorite, irrelevant conclusion - ignoratio elenchi - Missin' the fuckin' point.
1: Entirely irrelevant to saving their lives, killing the demons was going to happen either way. You're mixing up cause and effect.
2: And why should he provide money for a crime other people committed when he
A) Saved those people's lives
B) Is going to continue saving their lives
C) Is not going to ask for recompense.
D) Everyone could gain from leaving those people alive
So yes, that is what I meant by bullshit reasoning, and bullshit defence. Because hey, why the fuck do they get a deposit when they're getting a service? I think you're using terms you don't understand again, because I deposit is supposed to be made by a person purchasing a service, not fucking giving it. There's already an extremely unequal trade taking place, in the villagers favor, so deposit my fucking ass.

Mind actually paying attention? Because hey, I already fucking did that, but you straw-manned and lied about it, so not like it matters. Now, to reaffirm something I once said like 48 hours ago, give up. You're out of your depth, and I ain't buying your bullshit.
Apr 29, 2018

Wow, I genuinely forgot to tag and you actually came up with that? Now I'm starting to pity you...

Ok, the list was extraneous because I want to make it clear which part of the story you're griping on. Now it's this one:

2: And why should he provide money for a crime other people committed when he
A) Saved those people's lives
B) Is going to continue saving their lives
C) Is not going to ask for recompense.
D) Everyone could gain from leaving those people alive

Like I said, the money was to compensate for the execution. Similar to blood money (although in this case, no blood was actually spilled yet). That's why Wil asked if the execution can be replaced with money.

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