Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - Duty

Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Yea, bullshit, happens all the time, you see it every which way. People who don't want a response, pretend they forgot to tag or pretend they weren't talking to anyone in particular. Not taking the pity bait. Not buying your bullshit. No one on this site genuinely forgets to tag. Especially not when they're losing an argument.

Okay, you've made nothing clear. That sentence is nonsensical.

He has nothing to compensate for, which you'd notice if you'd paid attention and read what I said or the manga and actually had the capacity for thoughts beyond binary thought. Blood money for blood not spilled, aren't you a genius. No, Wil owes no-one anything. If anything, those cunts owe him shit. I've again, discussed this ad nauseam, but your head is so firmly planted up your ass, it'd be illegal to dislodge it in the state of Alabama. He's going to kill some demons with the assistance of the wrong doers to solve the issues for everyone and payback the crime not committed but attempted, because hey, no one fucking died, and there's a reason attempted murder is treated differently than murder in every civilization at every time, Wil owes no one any fucking money.

Like I've said, pay attention. You're out of your depth and or failing intentionally. Go home, Billy, each and everyone of your comments have failed at every turn, from the first to the last, without exception. From your bullshit claims of nitpicking to embarrassing attempt at lies and snake oil sales.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
A disagreement would imply both sides have merit and are arguing the same topic, and in this case, neither are true.

Your little quip at the end fails, hypocrisy thy name is Billy.
Apr 29, 2018
Oh, I thought we agree that we have difference standard in believing how the law works in their universe? I followed the hints in the manga (the disagreement between villagers about the punishment, how the village chief, how they need a ceremony to settle bad grudges) and use it as justifications why the story went with how it went, but you don't find them convincing? I'm not sure what else you find 'wrong' in the topic.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I didn't agree to fuck all, how you've pretended that has happened is almost as great a mystery as how or why you've continued to try and bullshit me. You followed jack shit, especially in regards to me. I've found nothing you've said convincing, especially in the face of the options I've offered.

Pretty much everything you've said.

Now you can agree to disagree, I'll agree to know you're wrong and have know you have fucking clue about what's going on. Goodbye Billy, enjoy your delusions.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
You’re basically trapped in the short-sighted tunnel vision of “but that’s not how I would have done it.” You go enjoy enjoy that delusion, because everything you say won’t change any of the facts. Deny it all you want. This story sticks to the morals it spews out, and a torch can only repel the darkness when within that darkness itself. Will will always be that morally upright lawful good no-fun loser, and the jokes will always be at his expense for being that naive idiot that saves everyone.

Yautja, you’re a bit of an ass, but I’m not gonna hold that against you. I didn’t reply earlier because my life isn’t about defending fictional stories from people that dissent about one simple action taken. I’ve got shit to do, which happens to be done for the week. I didn’t want to play this card, but I have the goddamn books. 5 volumes of predetermined knowledge, 4 of which are yet to truly start in the manga adaption. I have no doubt there are others that know as well. I don’t need you to explain a goddamn thing, because I bring facts to the goddamn table, facts that aren’t affected by whatever your opinion happens to be. So feel free to cry in the near future when Will decides to build his entire life around saving absolutely everyone within his reach that needs to be saved.
I’m sure you’ll have no shortage of complaints when he asks the local lord if he could form his own personal standing army, just to save people that don’t even pay taxes.

Boohoo, he spared some money he can always replace to get people to forgive a crime they felt was worth hanging people over, boohoo, how absolutely stupid of him.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Your turn eh? Batter up.
You’re basically trapped in the short-sighted tunnel vision of “but that’s not how I would have done it.”
No, I'm not. I said he was stupid and laid out why. I understand why he did what he did, how else he could have done it, and and that's exactly why I think it's stupid. What I suggested is he should have done is basically what he did, minus all the stupid. As for facts, you have none of those, not the relevant ones at least. Refer to the analogy past. This has nothing to do with morals, but decision making and actions, something you'd have noticed if you had the ability to read or cognitize that which is unwelcome to your limited empathizing abilities and world view, as I repeated it multiple times, but honey,

Bobby, you're more than a bit of a dipshit, and I'm totally going to hold it against you because even after all of this, you still seem to think ANYTHING I've said has to do with his morals or morality in general; ho, fucking boy, you could not read a billboard on your fucking dashboard if it was highlighted and tracked by a fucking spotlight. You can say that's why you didn't reply, no problem, I'm more inclined to believe it's because you had no support and still did not and do not understand whats going on as evidenced by your comment. Anyways, as for your laughable claim that you don't want to argue and defend fictional stories, and considering that's exactly what you're doing, instigating and carrying on an argument of your own, one that you fail to understand, I don't really believe you.
because I bring facts to the goddamn table, facts that aren’t affected by whatever your opinion happens to be.
Benny boy, is that you? Oh boy, you're so smart, you've read 5 whole volumes of events that are completely irrelevant to what I've said. Yea, there probably are other people, and they're ignoring us because they fucking understood what I said and you don't. You bring facts? Aren't you r/iamverysmart and r/iamverybadass. Good lord, I've never seen someone be so unironically cringy. I don't know who you think you're impressing, but I hope you're blushing rereading that sentence, because good fucking lord, I have got some serious second hand embarrassment right now. If I wrote anything like that on facebook as a kid, I'd have already killed myself.
So feel free to cry in the near future when Will decides to build his entire life around saving absolutely everyone within his reach that needs to be saved.
Oh boy, me cry? About something, YET AGAIN, completely irrelevant to the point I've made.
Boohoo, he spared some money he can always replace to get people to forgive a crime they felt was worth hanging people over, boohoo, how absolutely stupid of him.

Man, you really have no damn clue what's going on. Is that other guy your alt? Or your brother? Or your alternate personality? I know any given series has a lot of fan boys that are incapable of understanding criticism, but I have a hard time believing I've found two such impressive idiots at once. That said, you could be sharing the manga fan boy family brain cell.

Now, you can swing again, and I can go back to pictures, because maybe those will be simple enough for you to begin understand, as half a dozen comments and pictures were already wasted on you, but I won't hold my breath, and you'll be wasting your time.
Active member
Jan 8, 2019
(I'm french, so please excuse my poor english)

Wow, i've read two peoples's comment arguing on :
"I think his decision is stupid."
- Hum, YOU think it's stupid.
"That's not the point."

I really don't want to think that you wasted time to write tons of comments on the fact that you're not on the same side.

He just made a f*cking minor action that nobody will remember in two chapters, so just do like others : don't care for that action. I mean, it's not important right ?

I hope I've not done any big mistakes.
Jan 18, 2018
The fuck happened here?

MC is basically a cookie-cutter lawful good paladin. Why are people arguing about this?
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2018
Oh but that's wrong, isekai is a sub-genre. It is one of those weird Japan semi-exclusive genres (another notable one is Slice of Life)
@shouldsleep not disagreeing with anyone but, I wouldn't say isekai is a solely Japanese sub-genre's_Court this book was written in 1889 by mark twain.
I will say as it is now it was made popular by Japanese stories.(and I realise you said 'semi-exclusive' but I just like telling people about this book)

and to comment on the other argument happening here, @Jacobson two - three people have differing views on the subject in question and are not able to reach a consensus, they have a difference of opinion and can't seem to get past it.
Jun 21, 2018
@Wilhelm_Stenvall Nah manticores have human heads (just google it, head of man, body of lion, a mane and porcupine quill shooting tail or scorpion stinging tail, wings may or may not be present)

@traveling_chef I tend to not appreciate Twain's works (the American viewpoint never really engrossed me, too ignorant on the subject and history to appreciate the theme, plus didn't appreciate his humor). Only one I liked is the Prince and the Pauper, is it close to this or does it still reflect themes from his books set in America(Adventures, Gilded Age, Puddnhead)?
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2018
@shouldsleep I would say if you don't like the bulk of Twain's work you probably wouldn't like it, I myself don't care too much for the book, I just think it's interesting because since isekai became popular in recent times people tend to forget the idea, that, being transported to another time or place isn't really a new thing. it's all about escapism. I like to use it as a reminder that we all want to escape from something and the idea isn't a new invention.

hell, any self insert fan fiction depicting themselves in a fictional world is basically isekai (such as a FF depicting the author being transported to hogwarts for example)

it's just with fantasy novels and video games being the popular escape nowadays, the genre isekai leans more towards that.

and the Twain novel is technically not transported to another WORLD so much as another time, then again sending a American yankee to medieval europe might as well be another world for him.

and a side note: my favorite isekai that isn't from japanese culture is the third Evil Dead movie Army Of Darkness
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
He forgot that he won't help him fight, lol.
Time to get on with the story.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 23, 2019
Wow, what the helck happened in the comments section.
Anyway, negotiations aside, I'm surprised no one called Will out on his coins. I mean, they're supposed to be two hundred year old artifacts, right? Most likely unidentifiable to most people due to being out of circulation for ages, and probably valuable as hell.
Jan 31, 2018
@TannHaals in the novel, it is said they have mixed currencies but mostly they still use the old currency bc it was quite stable

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