>The cat was able to run on the rooftop
- I know that the cat is light. The question was "How the cat ascended it?", don't change it to one you can answer please <:'3. The building is huge and tall. You can find some birds there but not cats.
>was actually a mistake
- I wasn't patient enough to read 2nd chapter... but let me tell you the most critical thing for any military academy: "submission to regulations" and "subordination".
This is correct for any experienced-with-wars age or setting being it fantasy or realism. Commander don't need a bunch of uncontrollable kids on the battle field. That's the army for you. That's why everything in the military academy is accompanied by strict regulations. It's not something that once broken could be brushed away with a letter of apology. For example, in our days army it's virtually impossible to bring the tank from a hangar without orders, then crush some barracks and then just write a letter of apology the day after. You will be jailed. And beaten to half-dead state before it. But probably you will be killed. That's why no one is doing it.
>he's been using a Drag-Ride since he was a child.
OK let's omit for a second that it's illogical because kids are emotionally unstable (no one will let them ride a military weapon) and their bodies not suited to pilot something meant for adults...
How old is he? He can't start to pilot it from mother's womb isn't it? May be he started from 11-12yo? And How old is he now? 15yo? Any adult will have much much much more experience then him. Even if he started earlier than I assumed.
>captured because he wasn't actually using
I see, he is the best pilot around there but he can't even think about strategy to utilize Drag-Ride's downside while being in the damn building. This machine is clearly not suited to fighting there, it's easy to see by looking at all the destruction. Looks like he is the best only in author's head.
Sorry, I can't argue about other answers because I didn't read it that far.