Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Majutsu Otaku no Risoukyou~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
The MC panicked and screwed up, hard.
Did they not have something like basic education in that village (taught by the parent or something) or did MC ditch them all to focus on his "hobby"?

Wish he at least communicate with Gizel about his moral, but I guess being the hikki he is previously, he doesn't have enough social skill to even do that correctly.
Oh well, let that yandere be a constant reminder for MC to grow up as person.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
you know what they say, incest is wincest :V ... NO I'M GETTING CONTAMINATED

also @GalladeGuy he does have a weak body tho, doesn't that count ? and maybe there's a plot twist about them being a valuable magical race shit and leaving the village is like getting the greed of humanity against u or smthing, i dunnow

@OiGimmeMoreManga r u trying to justify something EVEN THE FUCKIN AUTHOR denied ? if it was okay in this plot the author wouldn't go through all the hassle of building up the story about this don't you think ?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 3, 2018
Sister used Yandere tendencies!
Anyway, she should be really good a magic too since she is always with a prodigy, it would make sense if she can do atleast half of what Mc can do. Thanks for the chapters!

Mc is faggot
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Someone has to kill this kid, like now. What an asshole this MC is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Yikes are people actually suprised the mc ran away from an incest marriage that's forced on him, jesus christ guys
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
Usually when someone in a story is forced to go through an arranged marriage, the audience usually roots for the character to escape the situation by any means necessary, whether it be running away or marrying someone else. What’s different this time??? Why is everyone all up in arms about him marrying the sister he doesn’t want to marry?? If I was in a situation where I was forced to marry my sibling and I couldn’t convince my father otherwise, you can sure as hell bet that I’d run away.
Double-page supporter
Feb 9, 2019
@Siikalahna sure, wanting to guarantee a healthy life for your potential children is a capital sin that must be punished by death i applaud your logic
Double-page supporter
Jan 7, 2019
I don't know which one is more surprising...
Your father said your mother is my sister
your father told you, you must marry your sister too
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
@SlyDevil True, he's selfish and thinking of himself. He's naive about the situation but he believes that if he's not in the picture she can fall in love with someone else besides himself. It's just annoying that people are angry with the mc because they think he should just blindly stick his dick in his sister and that he's a coward for trying to escape from a situation he does not want and was forced into. He was clearly pressed for time and had to get away asap which aligned with his interest to explore the outside world. It was a rash decision and he should have said it face to face to his family before leaving but clearly his father wouldn't respect his decision either way.
Mar 20, 2019
To those who speaks about genetic in a world with magic, consider that there is an entire clan that existed for at least more than a hundred years and widely practiced incest with seemingly no bad results. Whishful thinking on the author's part? Irrelevant. That's how the universe work, the reason why works like that doesn't change that you can't assume that they'll have genetic problems when they do it because they know it's positive. They know the positive effects magic-wise, there is no way they wouldn't know the negative effects genetic-wise if they were present.

To those who say that he run away because of his ethics, that's false. He even thought of accepting, but the reason why he didn't is because his prediction that his sister won't have any social life if he does. Given that reason running away like that it's nonsense. You just have to go to your parents and tell them that condition and explain how important it is for her sake. There is no way they wouldn't agree. Additionally as she is head over hills for him, he can try to push her at having more relationships. Hurting her like that it's totally against his objective of doing things for her sake.

I personally can't stand people hurting others "for their sake" while totally ignoring their opposition to it and without any discussion. And as always for those people he did more damage than the one he wanted to avoid. So I'll drop this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
>i'm gonna give you guys some lackluster reason why it's okay to fuck my sister
>different world = different genetics

genetics isn't even the main issue

Active member
Feb 24, 2018
@ShinobuOshino so you would do the same? leave the person who loves you heartbroken when she has been in love with your for more than a decade and leave her possible impossible to love someone else because of your wishful thinking that she needs to find someone else and will do that btw she could make some female friends and during adventuring the chances of making friends are high too so her not having a social life is bullshit
Apr 6, 2019
@AnonDePlume The problem isn't escaping the marriage it's how he did it. I get it, his morals are different and he doesn't see his sister that way so he should be the one taking responsibility for it. He should just say, i'm sorry i just don't see you that way, i'm gay. That way atleast his sister wont think she is so ugly that even her brother doesn't want her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Yikes, didn't see that coming. I bet that entire village voted for Trump.

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