Saikyou no Maou ni Kitaerareta Yuusha, Isekai Kikansha-tachi no Gakuen de Musou Suru - Ch. 24

Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
Yeah not likely. MC had the audacity to not only piss in his Wheaties during the tournament, he also left a small wound on his cheek. So far he has only shown that he is a sadistic psychopath, and he just found he next toy to break.
He could just break his arm next as a warning and y'know, walk away like Goku did when he tried to escape Namek. :pacman:
Jun 30, 2019
Here's something though, if all he wanted was to give Felice a happy life, all he needed to do is say "Returner? What's that?" and go home instead of choosing to go to hero school. Far from a normal life, what he's giving her is a life as the pet of the school's punching bag. And let's go over some other flaws there
1) He's worried they might injure Feline to get to him if he goes all out? Screw that, he's putting Feline in danger because because he's trying to act like some random schmuck off the street while attending a school filled with "heroes" that are just incarnations of raw violence and hatred.
2) He and Feline already effectively proved that the goddesses' seals don't mean much more than tissue paper. Feline summoned him, presumably without breaking the seal, and then they returned to Kyouya's world, again, presumably without breaking the seal.
2a)If the two did break the seal at some point, and the goddesses have any way of connecting either of them to that world, then they'd either already know because they were alerted as soon as the seal broke, or figure it out very soon regardless when they check on the seal.​
2b)if the two did not break the seal, it means the goddesses' seal is at most nothing more than a mild inconvenience to the two of them​
They showed up right when he got back, gave him his summons, told him showing up was not optional, and immediately left. He wouldn't have been able to avoid some sort of interaction. Even if he claimed not to be, they still would have shown up and tried to make him attend, and that would have put more of a focus on him. Also, he's not the school's punching bag. He has shown himself able to avoid being harmed from anything he has faced, and just hasn't escalated any conflict. He has actually protected others from being punching bags, and has stood up for himself if violence was threatened.
To address the "flaws" you suggest.
1) He's not trying to act like a "schmuck off the street", just a "middle of the road hero". (You know, there heroes that are all stated to be able to potentially destroy worlds. I don't know many schmucks off the street that can do that.) Any time that somebody has threatened Felice, he has protected her. He doesn't see the heroes as enemies, automatically, and any heroes that try to become enemies, he is willing to deal with, so far. Not picking fights or declaring how "alpha" he is should not be seen as a show of weakness. In fact, the guy that tried to assert how "alpha" he was got shown to be a weakling who was trying to cover for his failure, whereas Kyouya knows his strength enough that he doesn't feel the need to prove it to others, or to pick fights, even if he could win them.

Not to mention, Felice seems to like the idea of him attending the heroes' school before they start their new life. "Kuku, it's fine, isn't it more thrilling like this?"

2) We don't know how long Felice was trapped there. In general, when "seals" are used, the longer time goes on, the weaker they become. Kyouya and Felice also don't know if they've been improving their sealing ablities, in case Felice does break out. But if they can be sealed for any amount of time, it still gets in the way of their peaceful life on earth, even if they can overcome it.
2a) The world is called a "Lost World" which might be because they lost to the Demon Lord, or because after it was sealed, they lost track of it. Even if they know where it is, if they aren't monitoring that world all the time (because they are busy monitoring a ton of other worlds that are not sealed and have active Demon Lords), they might not notice if the seal is pierced, but not shattered. If enough time has gone on, they might not check it as often, and not realized it was broken. If they haven't noticed, then Kyouya and Felice don't want to bring attention to themselves and have them end up noticing. Even if they have noticed, if Kyouya and Felice don't know they have noticed, they would still want to keep a low profile. If they have noticed she got out, and Kyouya and Felice know they have noticed, then they definitely want to keep a low profile, unless they know that the goddesses were able to trace Kyouya and Felice's return. Because if all the goddesses know is that she broke containment, but don't know what happened to her, they probably would expect her either to come at them for revenge, or stay far away from them, so being at the school, but not seeking revenge helps her avoid notice.
2b) It might be a "mild inconvenience" that takes time to escape from, that would interfere with their time on earth developing relationships with other people, and enjoying all of the Japanese cuisine that people in other worlds long to eat.

Even still, there were still plenty of reasons I listed, beyond even these, that give reason enough for them to not seek out conflict. So if you are still missing something, it is because you are trying to not see it, rather than that it isn't easily visible.

Also of note, Kyouya and Felice talk about the idea you have, of asserting his power (with Felice suggesting he might be able to do what you he should). She says: "With your power, which surpasses even mine, I want to know what you are going to do here at this academy. Should it be you, you could rule this school, conquer the world, or do anything you want."
He replies to her (and you): "Even if I could, I'm not interested. The consequences of wielding this much power... You've seen it firsthand, right? Besides! If I stand out, they might find you out. I don't want that. I'll just live my life as peacefully as I can. As for fighting... I've done enough for the rest of my life."

So, yeah, she says he could rule it, he says maybe so, but I don't want a life of fighting. (Since he has fought for tens of thousands of years, that is understandable.) He also knows that, if he were to wield that much power, it would be very easy for the world to get destroyed in his fight against the goddesses, and that would ruin his plans for a peaceful life on earth with Felice.

P.S. I think your autocorrect kept changing "Felice" to "Feline".
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
On one hand, FUCK YOU, idol goddess Rose whatever.

On the other, I'm going to savor this ass whupping. Unless whatshername trips over her own feet again and MC-kun has to save her...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
He could just break his arm next as a warning and y'know, walk away like Goku did when he tried to escape Namek. :pacman:
Goku never really struck me as the sadistic psychopathic type though. Only familiar with the 90s? anime so dont remember much. iirc Cell, Freiza, and maybe Buu would be a better fit. They seemed the types to play with their opponents for the sheer joy of hearing them scream.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
If he just goes balls to the wall and demonstrates overwhelming strength that cannot possibly be opposed, no one would dare offend him for fear of being deleted from existence.
seems like im going to have to repeat myself since you dont seem to grasp why your logic is shit. what you're suggesting would
"result in the entire world going after them trying to kill them. Congrats you just turned it into The Record of a Fallen Vampire by doing this one thing. Trust me when I say you shouldn’t wish the fate of the MC in that series on anyone"

i get that you lot want the MC to turn into a bloodthirsty killer and force the entire world to bend a knee to his wants and desires but stop it. this isnt a chinese cultivator series where the MC kills scores of people cause a minion pissed off the MC.

You have still yet to show that the MC is the strongest person in the series. unless you can do this then you cannot claim that the goddesses cant do anything to them.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
You just know MC will Wimp Out, up to and including letting his friends get severely hurt.
Because of his obsession with "Not Standing Out" and "Just Wanting a Peaceful Life".
Even though we've clearly passed the point of no return, and it has been confirmed without a doubt they are out to get him. One way or another.

Until they hurt the cat, of course... Then he goes all murder-hobo up to the point where he should kill, and won't.... Because "Reasons"...
This manga is simply a "Bullies and Authorities Are Pissing Down On Me, But I Must Be A Good Pacifist" type of tropey mess.
Or "Coward of the County" tripe.

Alea Iacta Est by the enemy.
There's not a single reason to keep a low profile anymore. TPTB will hound him until he is dead, so it's time for "Do Unto Others".
Simple as that.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2020
I seriously wonder wtf is wrong with the power structure of the academy, like why tf can that bratty goddess do whatever she wants and rig all competitions in favor of her team
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
I seriously wonder wtf is wrong with the power structure of the academy, like why tf can that bratty goddess do whatever she wants and rig all competitions in favor of her team
Because it has been set up as a plot device to get the whole Bullies and Unfair Authorities trope going?

There isn't any logical reason, other than a handy peg to hang shounen revenge-porn "plot" on.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
I think it was chapter 24 that was released with the magazine today. Would people prefer that I wait for the full chapter to release before translating but it would mean waiting a month for each chapter. Personally, I would prefer that since I clears up my schedule a bit.

Edit: Never mind you're right. Just checked the magazine on Book Walker and they go to Chapter 25
Yeah, for the record, these official raw sites are most of the time behind the magazine release, usually by a chapter, at least YC website isn't behind for that long, just a couple of weeks at most for the full chapter there (is still a monthly wait afterward anyway), unlike stuff that is available in comic-walker that is behind by a month or 2 of their respective magazines lol (Dragon Age, Dengeki ones, etc)
Apr 29, 2024
So just checked ch25 raws and not only did he wimped out he immediately offers to give them their points... these psychos humiliated and tried to kill his friend and they were ready to do the same to him and his group and he still chose to wimp out...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2018
oh nooooo, such a turn of events! A twist in plot I have never expected!

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