Some fictional tropes because I felt like typing this up:
a) if the gender roles were reversed such as in atypical shounen/sienen he'd instead be kicking the fuck out of her
b) You can pass cuffs under your butt if the max link distance is more than like 5cm, unless you're really fat
c) There isn't much point to cutting the shirt off if you're leaving the pants/underwear on because it's the lower half that has the most discomfort when damp, and the upper torso releases enough heat per unit of area to naturally dry out the shirt quicker than it can dry a more enclosed area
d) the key can be weakened and partially dissolved in the stomach, don't eat keys folks. It might even be safer if the vet just fished it out if it's within proximity of the upper stomach
e) turtles aren't usually that stupidly curious enough to eat a chunk of metal
f) you can probably use the straw to shimmy the cuffs open due to the way the one-way locking gate works unless it was double locked
g) he could've just also lent forward to drink through the straw, but i guess we gotta have the romance scenes enhanced with stupidity as always
h) how good is this material for girls to fap to? I'm genuinely curious