Save & Load no Dekiru Yadoya-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - The Little Dryad Girl, Hoo

Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Not that this wasn't darkly funny, because it totally was, but it's still pretty unethical for him to do this stuff before they fully realize what they're agreeing to experience. She clearly had no idea what was going to happen and still didn't even really understand as it was happening. Suppose she just never recovered psychologically from that. Then he sure as hell didn't help her.

The save-and-load approach to training makes a lot of sense, but there's this pesky concept called informed consent. You can't honestly claim that you're just giving people what they asked for if they don't know ahead of time that you're going to kill them over and over and over again.

Honestly, I think I would have been too traumatized to function without loads of therapy after getting my head crushed. Definitely by the time I was impaled on his arm, as there would have been time to feel the freaking life drain out of my body. Which is why I would have said, "No thanks!" and immediately left if he told me what his training entailed.
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
@tuatara1 And I would completely agree with you if she hadn’t started her challenge against what she perceived as a weak innkeeper with enough force to destroy the furniture in the room. She decided to prove that she was stronger than him by opening with a killing move, and he responded in kind. Turnabout, as they say, is fair play.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
@Darketower Except she wasn't actually trying to kill him at all. What was she thinking right before she attacked? She was hoping to find his training lacking so that she could get free room and board. She even referred to it as a spar. How would she have expected to get her lodging comped if she just murdered the proprietor?

Regardless, he still didn't inform her of what the whole "save" process actually meant before they started. Her subsequent recklessness doesn't excuse his prior lack of forthrightness.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
to be fair, she's clearly too dumb to understand what the training really meant. Also, if she didn't take the training, she would probably get herself killed due to recklessness.

MC clearly told her that he killed her the first time, and she was still stupid enough to fight him again and again.
Mar 15, 2018
And now we cut the limbs off at the joint so that we have a nicely butchered Hoo torso. Season, marinade and leave to rest before cooking.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Smug loli appears!

Male MC thinking: "Soon the smug will disappear 😊"
Nov 27, 2020
I'm starting to think that Hoo's grandma put some sort of spell on her so that she acts more adventurer like and less like a child or maybe that's just how she wants to act idk
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
fucking caved her head in, got her the Dio's special, then the tupac amaru, and fina lone was so burtal her armor was pulverized, her fucking mind broke dude....

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