@Shakur se fizerem perto de mim tomam um socão na boca. Triste assistir anime de noite e essas praga grita em tudo que é parte, e falam baixo quando é algo importante, tipo Black Clover..
@thock3d ahahahahahahahah eu quase não assisto anime e os que assisto os momentos que lançam o ehhhhhh são poucos, mas entendo sua irritação ahduahshahsuahauhaahahsush
As an aside, I wish this website had a better comment system, replies only showing under comments and the ability to upvote... I doubt anyone ever reads all the comments because its a hot mess of replies to someone somewhere.
You have personally taken this from a series I read while going "this concept is fun but the translation is SO STILTED" and turned it into one where I'm looking forward to the next update.
You're doing absolutely wonderfully, and thank you