Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

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Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Yea, this just fucks everyone.

MD is absolutely useless without unity and will lose users, because I doubt I and many will use MD, when it's missing so much shit, and aggregrators or try to supervise shit on Baka to find where we can read stuff. It's already bad enough as is, with a notable amount of popular series not being hosted on here, but this is real damn annoying, and if it gets worse, MD will be pretty wounded content wise.

And it fucks readers because now readers have to find something cohesive. It also fucks thing up for the scanlators because readers have less incentive / ease to support or find out how to support the scanlators who aren't being total cunts.

It fucks scanlators most of all because now even less people are going to read their shit on their site or support them because aggregrators don't list or support them nearly as much as MD does and everyone gets to see just how petty and greedy the ones making a big stink and working on the big name (wonder fucking why) manga are. It's pretty much the same shit as Developers ruining crowfunding or preorders by taking that EPIC $D$I$C$K.

Frankly, I don't have too much a problem with this, it's a minor, but annoying inconvenience to me, but those that "signed" that list and created this post can get fucked. At least have the nerve to admit this all about money. Don't try and feed us this bullshit about not being supported when literally no other site supports you and you just want money. These cunts basically want to own manga they translate, for MD to favor them, and for easier monetary gains. Get fucked.

Find it weird and absolutely ridiculous how all this shit just happens right after MD beats out KM and another group stabbed Haritgram with a cheeky snipe and moral reprimanding. Also weird how stupid fucking porn bots pop up right as this is happening. MD isn't flawless in all this, but good lord, great job making yourself out to be the total villains by pulling this shit by adding more problems on the plate. You literally hurt everyone, get less than nothing out of it, and make it extremely salient as to what your motivators are, especially when all of your bullshit justifications are single comments cut out of a conversation, out of context and out of the medium they originated. These cunts are the aspiring Yen Presses of tomorrow.

No one is supporting you in this, reddit is trashing you, MD is trashing you, everyone is trashing you. This shit could not be a more perfect parallel to the shit going on with Epic. Except you don't have money, or a monopoly on your product.

I'd say nice summary or explanation, but that was more of a book. You've said everything that could be said and saved the lazy, kinda, in all of us.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Rapeman, yes ... there is enough Leddit and Whumblr as it is with their "slavery is bad" every damn time it appears on some manga.
We dont want to Holo to been Shinji all along, CR also tried to do the same to the manga scene but failed for two reasons ... first the sheer volume that exists compared with Anime that is what? 20 series per season? and second that manga is kinda of a long term investment with series lasting for years, unlike most anime that is just 2-4 months and thats it.


I forgot, @Holo, are you Shinji in disguise?
Nov 11, 2018
It's amazing that when these scanlators are taking a stand, MD goes back attacking the patreon links. Just SAD. Just another example of the kettle calling the pot black.
Group Leader
Mar 29, 2018
:siptea: lul

Man, you can't get bored with scanslation.

If there's anything I learned, it's to not give a f#ck about anything and do you lmao

I do scans cuz I wanna read the manga/hua/hwa faster, mess around with photoshop on my free time and talk to my staffs who have the same interests as me. I honestly can't be bother to give a f#ck about anything else.
Jan 19, 2018
Well every group has the right to do what they want with there translations and work. I can respect that. But as users, as already said, ain't going to go on 10 different scanlator sites to follow work. They just going to go to the "frowned upon" sites Kissmanga and such.

Tinfoil hat time. Maybe this was all an inside job from a Kissmanga Employee, To sow discord.
Nov 12, 2018
@xyzzy so there are people that think alike. With game, anime and manga backlogs as well as due date for final assignment on my to-do list, few manga less updated is pretty fucking fine by me for now.

@Drifter Would throw my wallet this damn second for a site that had a vast collection AND paid everyone involved into creation. I already order physical copies of manga and light novels that I really like.

@arkserion It's technically studying.

@Thoraxe41 10? Not going to 2. Sporting my beefy ad-blocker, anti-adblocker and anti-anti-adblocker combo, no one earns from ads on pages that I visit. I'd rather drop the manga than disable them on anything.
Dec 1, 2018
Childish scanlation groups strike again. It's good that now we have a list of them. At least, we can ignore them totally at once (never go to their sites, if you must, just turn on ad-block).
Nothing is lost today.
Jan 19, 2018
Imagine being one of these chump scan groups reading this thread, sweating profusely and nearly shitting themselves with rage
"But we provide a service to the community! We're the good guys! How dare they not grovel at our feet?! It's MD's fault we're not making money, even though every other aggregate site rips our work without our permission! Why won't they just go to all our different websites and donate to our patreons? Clearly we're the victims here!"
Shoutouts to JB for releasing Jump manga days before the street date and having the gall to ask for money for it. Shoutouts to Hatigarm for getting so butthurt about a page in a (clearly translated better) sniped chapter that you ruined your reputation as a group. Shoutouts to all the other groups who made themselves look so bad that they've actively LOST readership, reputation, and potential income despite """"working"""" in an illegal industry.
I hope it was worth it, throwing this big hissy-fit, you simps.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
This is peak "I'm leabin this gronp!!!" A flounce to end all flounces.

Hey scanlators? This ain't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.
Jun 8, 2019
lmao website prides itself in being pro-scanlator, but when scanlators decide to remove their work, the community gets salty.
May 18, 2018
Scantalators bitching about not being able to make money off another's work is nothing new.

@strat_five A community of pro-manga nerds getting salty when money focused scantalation groups bemoan their threatened unlicensed income. Yeah, pretty much.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@strat_five I think most are just amused that Hatigarm and JB hid behind an anonymous account and lied through their teeth.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
After spending more than an hour reading all the replies and missing lunch because of it, all I can say is

Toasting in an epic bread
Group Leader
Aug 20, 2018
Umm... Perhaps this had been mentioned in discord or previous thread, so what will happen when the site goes legit? Will the unlegit translation will be purged?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@YukkuriOniisan The site would only go legit if they could negotiate so they keep a majority of their existing library. So, it's more like a dream than an achievable goal.
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