Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

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Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
maybe I am, or maybe I'm too used to old-timer scanlation teams where people only ask donations occasionally

To top it off, what do Scanlators gain from uploading to MD? From my own PoV it's only coming down to popularity should they be uploading a series that's popular. Otherwise, they'd be lucky to get anything other then exposure from MD at all.
IMO it just that, exposure
this is what I did for the past few months every time I got bored and nothing to do, go to mangadex homepage, look at the list of newest chapters, read one which catch my eyes, and if it looks interesting I usually look at group pages to search for a new manga to follow
you can't do that on other aggregators, I had to rely on MU before MD came

I do understand if it isn't enough for scanlators, though it's likely I won't even read (or know of) their releases in the first place if they're not uploaded to MD
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

I am not used of using this forum and also, I forgot what I've reply to you and I'm too lazy to back read. But surely if you read message back you'll get what I am trying to say unless you doesn't want to understand it at all.
Feb 9, 2018
Maybe don't rely on an illegal thing for income lmao, also buying raws are people actually saying they're buying raws now?? Tanks of less popular manga I can understand but weekly mag scans??? Fuck yourself JB I'll install the official jump app before I visit your site again you disgusting fucks. It's people like you who ruined a hobby, scannlators used to be in it to share and as a hobby not for the fucking money. Go get a job if you want to make money retards. Imagine giving anyone money but the creator for Chinese cartoons. Godbless the Goddess. Reddit and normies ruin yet another thing.
May 15, 2018
They are all just jelly that their site is so ugly, clunky and unfunctional compared to MD.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018

Welp, the scans groups' defense are just screenshots, and not the whole conversation. MD becoming legit only came from an individual's dream and is also unlikely to happen. In another thread holo even said they were a year ago conversation. Just a bunch of screenshots that create a new story.

Besides, if you want to donate/pay someone, pay the author or the publishing company. Nothing wrong with donations but everyone tend to forget that scans groups became a thing because its a hobby, for passion and discussions, increase manga popularity, not money. If they buy official release to use then use their own money, if they can't then find raws online or not tl at all. We're all just pirating. I remember those days where there are almost no groups, sites (just blogspots or wordpress, and file sharing sites) or patreons. Just a bunch of anons sharing some great translated mangas and discussions.

Welp, I'm just a reader who only discovered and respected (heh, the only reason I use MD is because they acknowledge them, unlike manga-stealing bot sites) scans groups thru MD. I know nothing and I don't want it like Jon Snow.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

You're trying to be right by mocking scanlations just because we do have Patreon and some supporters who want to donate on us for the sake of continue releasing. So be honest, where'd you get your raws?
Nov 6, 2018
Whoo 32 pages!!! Took me almost the entire afternoon going through all that drama. Man of all those beggars I only went to JB's and that too courtesy of MD to read only the popular WSJ stuff. Welp I'm just gonna start using the legal M+ to read them. This publicity stunt has seriously backfired on those groups.
Apr 10, 2018
Well, I just read this whole damn thread, and my take is: wow, there are a lot of people here who are just posting about whatever they think is happening and not taking the time to actually read what's been going on. Business as usual on the internet, I guess.

With that being said, I'm pretty firmly on MD's side, unless some pretty damming evidence of shady behavior comes up - and no, cherry picked context free excerpts do not count as evidence.

Meanwhile, I guess I can use this as a nice way to find out where I left off when I come back to see how things have gone later.
Oct 9, 2018
@madbottler atleast he TL something unlike you who simple critize with no good reason because he has different opinion about this whole MD vs scanlation drama
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
@Dewourer nice, the classic "you don't do what they do" argument. Is this 1521? Who even uses this type of argument in this day and age?

Are you involved with scanlations yourself? 'cause if you don't, by your logic you shouldn't even be posting anything either. At least I doubt you specifically do translation or proofreading though.
Apr 2, 2018
welp... time to change to nhenta* i guess...

jk, i'd never wants to change site, MD is one of the best if not the best in terms of overall quality...

but if MD's going legit and having most of their stuff behind a paywall, sorry bud i'll have to go, cant afford it....
Aggregator gang
Feb 15, 2018
This thread with a misleading title had so many "latest posts" in the frontpage and got me worried.

At first I thought it was about Mangadex shutting down due to some legal issues. ( ̄ε ̄)

After reading through 32 pages of drama, while I understand the opinion of both, the mangadexstaff's and the scanlator's side, all I can say is that this is a lose-lose situation.

Without mangadex, I wouldn't be aware of most of the translating/scanlating groups and their names.
With the chapterdelay function and directlink to the group's sites, I also occasionally went to their site to read for traffic without too much of a hassle.

Mangadex is convenient library to read manga and if all those groups leave now, I'd be just be like the majority with 10+ bookmarks and just read those manga on aggregators with a set of adblock, anti-adblock-block, anti-coin miners and other extensions. I really can't be bothered to go to so many different group sites to check for updates unless it had a similar system like but apparently that isn't possible due to legal troubles.

When two parties quarrel, a third rejoices. In this case, ad/virusinfested aggregators probably get most out of this.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Holy shit that's a lot of drama! Personally as a long-time reader who's seen the rise and fall of many online readers and aggregators, I think this whole affair is hugely blown out of proportion. Ok, some scanlator groups are not satisfied with Mangadex and are pulling their scans out. Their choice, I don't think there's much of a point to it since they're going to be on a gazillion other readers either way, but I respect it. Doesn't affect me much, since I use Mangaupdates to track my manga and then go to a reader to read them (mostly mangadex and mangago for the series that aren't hosted on mangadex). Might visit a group's site every once in a while but I won't go out of my way to do so just because they pulled from one reader when, like I said, there's a gazillion other options. It certainly won't be a motive for donating either - if I decide to support a group I'll do it regardless of where they host their scans. Last but not least, nobody died because a manga was dropped. I have tons of manga that were dropped, and I was really sad when they were dropped, but guess what, I survived and now I don't think I'd bother to read most of them even if some other group picked them up again. It's absurd to think that the existence of an entire platform will be compromised just by a few groups leaving, no matter how popular. That's especially more true in Mangadex' case, where some of the most popular licensed manga were never hosted in the first place. People would not come here to read them because they know they wouldn't find them, so the existing traffic is unlikely to change significantly.
As for the whole 'Mangadex going legal thing', all this uproar is effing ridiculous. We're talking about something that might happen in the far off future, and there are people acting like the site's dead already. But even if it does happen, for most readers it won't be much more than a temporary inconvenience. Another similar site will be created, and even if it isn't the readers will settle for the next best online reader or aggregator. So there's not much point to all this bickering in my opinion...I know I'm not really saying anything that hasn't been said before, just trying to be a voice of reason here.
Oct 9, 2018
@idle_af The point in my post were that there is no need to go bash someone else just because they have different opinions. Would you go tell some random TLer that their TLs are shit just because they dont agree with you on some different matter?
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018

You seriously dunno? Why are you trying to attack a scan teams who can gave you something you want? Really?
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